• Record Label: Anti
  • Release Date: Oct 6, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Dead Man's Bones isn't perfect, but it's often fascinating and nearly always charming--and Shields and Gosling wouldn't have it any other way.
  2. Gosling and Shields play all the instruments on the disc and sing along with the kids choir--which sounds like a recipe for disaster but in actuality it's both compelling and surprising well-rendered.
  3. Dead Man’s Bones evokes all the right images of a haunted October, and with such sensitivity and sincerity, it’s rarely kitschy and never inappropriate.
  4. Mojo
    Dead Man's Bones turns out to be a decidedly beautiful thing. [Nov 2009, p.93]
  5. Q Magazine
    Incredibly, it works. [Nov 2009, p.104]
  6. Filter
    The project was, in fact, meant to be set to a stage show that never materialized, but the songs do mostly stand quite well in their own...sort of. [Fall 2009, p.94]
  7. So many ways for it to go wrong, but instead it's a unique, catchy and lovably weird record, with highlights that could hold their own with the best indie singles of the year.
  8. Under The Radar
    Dead Man's Bones is a rickety exemplar of daring amaturism, in step with the duo's ineer-city-music-program pasts. [Fall 2009, p.57]
  9. Dead Man’s Bones is about death, right, and about love, testing where one touches the other, flirting with sensations similar and enduring the inability to confront or frankly deal with that intimacy. Had this record a thicker dramatic arc or something less confining than a spreadsheet of rules, then maybe the songs wouldn’t so inevitably miss their obvious marks.

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