
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Uncut
    So wild and stripped-down it makes The White Stripes sound like Yes. [Jan 2004, p.102]
  2. Westerberg's not making sensitive statements or trying to write a pop song as good as "Alex Chilton" here. As such, it's the best music he's made in years.
  3. More fun than Come Feel Me Tremble.
  4. Garage rock at its finest, messiest and most welcomingly insignificant.
  5. Dead Man Shake is a kick in the pants that shouldn't be missed.
  6. For simple gut-level satisfaction it's more engaging than the bulk of his post-Replacements catalog, though anyone expecting a masterpiece will be in for an unpleasant awakening.
  7. Mojo
    An engaging genre exercise. [Dec 2003, p.112]
  8. I can't imagine a single Westerberg fan being displeased with Dead Man Shake.
  9. A shambolic, blues-based record that will repel purists of the 12-bar form but delight anyone who brings a six-pack and a cockeyed sense of humor to the party.
  10. Ramshackle, jumpy and curiously charming, Dead Man Shake is full of Westerberg's trademark spastic vocals and nimble guitar work, only now determinably fuzzed up and shrouded in Sun Records spunk.
User Score

No user score yet- Awaiting 1 more rating

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. scottb
    Nov 21, 2003
    i got this album as a pre sell from fat possum, not really knowing paul westerberg, just knowing of him. right off the bat it hooked me. i got this album as a pre sell from fat possum, not really knowing paul westerberg, just knowing of him. right off the bat it hooked me. originals were fantastic but his slow burn on im so lonesome i could cry sounds like it is sung by a man on tripping his brains out and having to stay calm while a cop searches his car. uncomfortable in his speech and about to freak out . lastly, i think at times he sounds like the closest thing to mike bloomfield i have heard in forever Full Review »
  2. BrianM
    Oct 30, 2003
    Dead Man Shake is not as fulfilling as Grandpaboy's last album, Mono. Paul Westerberg has wrote better material recently and this album Dead Man Shake is not as fulfilling as Grandpaboy's last album, Mono. Paul Westerberg has wrote better material recently and this album seems a little disappointing because he has wrote some fine Rock and Roll. Yet the album does have it's moments from time to time and the good outweighs the bad. Full Review »