• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Jun 24, 2003
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 564 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 82 out of 564

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  1. MelissaL
    Jul 1, 2003
    To me the CD isn't good. She needs to stay in a group. There are only 4 songs that are good. The two with Jay-z,the one with Missy, and Dangerously in love it self and that came from Survivor. She can sing but when she was with the group it was better.
  2. BlakelyH
    Jul 2, 2003
    NOT WORTH THE HYPE! All the songs are slow, not fun. I feel like the colaborative efforts by Big Boi, Sean Paul, and Missy are wasted. They could have done a lot more. The only good song is the star track with Jay-Z.
  3. MrsShawnC
    Aug 11, 2003
    I gave it a 2 because of the 2 talents on the CD - Jay Z and Sean Paul. C'mon Beyonce you look like a hoocie-fied video Hoe prancing around Jigga. Get back with your group - they help you with class. Kelly is the sweetest, and Michelle is following her lord to the end, GOOD GIRL - heard she was in Guyana recently - Big Up Gt Massive.
  4. EddieP
    Feb 4, 2004
    This cd is like listening to 5 different artist, Nothing but REMAKES!!! Its just new lyrics with the same old beat. "B" come on now be original!! Nice try but NOO! Go call your girls back and leave the solos to mary, ashanti and alicia.
  5. kaykay
    Aug 23, 2004
    i give it a two because of only two songs. 'Me, myslef and I" and dangerously in love. i'm glad that i listen to this album from a friend first before buying it.
  6. jjay
    Jul 9, 2003
    this CD is nothing but pure commercial crap, only reason people like it is because it has club hits this is as bad as Ashanti's it gets so boring when all she does is talk about Jay-Z , its to reptative a lot of the people who featured on this CD wasted there talent. this is a horrible attempt to be J-lo and trying to be J-Lo is just lame
  7. RebeccaR
    Jan 4, 2004
    Aaaaargh!! It hurts my ears! It hurts my ears! TURN IT OFF NOW!
  8. PradR
    Jul 18, 2004
    1 great song, 2 good songs - not really down to her. Nice voice, pretty girl God awful, boring, drivel of an album - dull, dull, dull. all collaborations wasted
  9. MarcusB
    May 2, 2005
    Ugh. Boring, repetitive, and trite. Good vocal range and good looks do not a good singer make. I also love how Metacritic allows posters like Vicky g. below to insult people (maybe all the misspellings made it go through the profanity filter, eh?) if they disagree with her narrow point of view. You know what Vicky G? I CAN hate if I want to.
  10. Roe
    Oct 26, 2006
    It's friggin crap!!
  11. DappaD
    Feb 11, 2004
    I give it two because of the appearance of two SUPERSTARS - Sean Paul and Jay Z...don't mean to hate on Missy, but I can't honestly put three in the rating, it'll hurt my heart. Beyonce you absolutely, positively need your group or some banging collab.s. You are horrible by yourself - this is ridiculous. You need to stop acting diva-like - U ain't. And the press need I give it two because of the appearance of two SUPERSTARS - Sean Paul and Jay Z...don't mean to hate on Missy, but I can't honestly put three in the rating, it'll hurt my heart. Beyonce you absolutely, positively need your group or some banging collab.s. You are horrible by yourself - this is ridiculous. You need to stop acting diva-like - U ain't. And the press need to stop swelling her head, this cd can't hold its own, if honest people would admit it. I am so perturbed at the Grammy's for that travesty - Beyonce beat out R. Kelly and Ashanti - SHAME ON THE GRAMMYS, they should apologise to the music-loving public. Like JayZ said - ur sh&t is garbage... I know someone out there is listening with good ears though, and they (Bless their soul) put a stop to Beyonce releasing a second single, and pushed for a Destiny's Child album, Lord know I need to hear that blessed voice of Michelle, and the true lead singer Kelly shine. The saying goes PRIDE goeth before a FALL...so I encourage you Beyonce - PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE, GO GO GO!!! Expand
  12. kennyd
    Jul 21, 2006
    beyonce had only 2 good songs if that, she is a marketing joke, she will never be mariah aor janet the bitch dosent even have a GREATEST HITS CD and everyone is giving her the credit of an artist who has been int he industry for years!!!! she has no talent is is all marketing.
  13. Mar 7, 2013
    Beyonce sings in a way that is so good but what she doesn't realize the way she sings is so clumped together that I and many others can't understand and don't want to understand what she is actually saying.
  14. Dec 15, 2013
    This here can be considered an album? too bad, the only merit of this cd is the song ''Crazy In Love'' which became a huge hit for ''pocs'' in Complexo do Alemão.
  15. Sep 7, 2015
    worst R&b i ever see in my life, sleeply, and the songs, is horrible, only crazy in love and naughty girl, can be save, please take this album of the discography
  16. Nov 11, 2015
    A job that is just a copy of what she did with her old group, the passr the years we see that keeps doing the same thing, without influence or bring an inspiration for music.
  17. Sep 16, 2020
    Para ser su primer album tiene criticas muy sobre valoradas que no es así no entiendo las criticas, es un álbum normal carente de melodías y letras y mensajes poco claros y sin sentido
  18. Jun 24, 2020
    Today is this album's 17th anniversary. I saw everyone praising this album so I decided to revisit it but my opinion on it hasn’t changed at all unfortunately. The singles "Crazy in Love", "Naughty Girl" and "Baby Boy" are three incredible bops. "Crazy in Love" is just super energetic and danceable, while "Naughty Girl" is one of the sexiest songs ever and I love the Donna Summer sample.Today is this album's 17th anniversary. I saw everyone praising this album so I decided to revisit it but my opinion on it hasn’t changed at all unfortunately. The singles "Crazy in Love", "Naughty Girl" and "Baby Boy" are three incredible bops. "Crazy in Love" is just super energetic and danceable, while "Naughty Girl" is one of the sexiest songs ever and I love the Donna Summer sample. However, the only track I like besides those three is "Hip Hop Star". It’s a great mixture of hip-hop, R&B and some slight rock influences. The rest of the album is a borefest for me unfortunately. I feel like I'm listening to the same slow R&B song over and over again. There’s nothing exciting or different happening after track 4 and this album has 15 songs overall. I have to clarify though that I'm not the biggest fan of 2000s R&B anyway. It's Beyoncé's worst album for me but an artist's debut is rarely their best album. It started a legendary career, her vocals are outstanding on this album of course and I love the iconic album cover.

    Favorites: Crazy in Love, Naughty Girl, Baby Boy & Hip Hop Star
  19. Mar 19, 2021
    Before descending without hope of return into the treacle swamp of R&B ballad hell that beckons at the halfway point, 'Dangerously In Love' offers a few passable moments.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Nov 20, 2018
    Perhaps inevitably, the desperate urge to cover every musical base from dancefloor to soul-ballad means that there is barely a track here with any distinctive identity or even a tune.
  2. One of the most refreshing modern R&B records from a diva-ascendant in a long time.
  3. Uncut
    Things degenerate into a dreary stream of self-pitying/self-mythologising ballads. [Sep 2003, p.106]