
Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 13
  2. Negative: 3 out of 13
  1. It's Em's show, for sure, and being surrounded by a talented, fast-talking crew has made him even more engaging than he is on his own.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Shock tactics and chest thumping still predominate, but satirical cuts... give this spit session much-needed polish. [30 Apr 2004, p.162]
  3. Vibe
    Legitimizes the D12ers as much more than simply Eminem's funky bunch. [Jun 2004, p.157]
  4. Spin
    But if the rote button-pushing gets bleak, the beats and battle rhymes are state-of-the-art. [Jun 2004, p.103]
  5. A likable ensemble effort, slopping over with infectious choruses and political incorrectness.
  6. Blender
    The male affinity is so intense, it approaches homoeroticism. [#27, p.138]
  7. They have made an art of mediocre rap over above average tracks.
  8. Like Get Rich or Die Tryin', only not as good, D12 World works as a polished dramatization of a lifestyle nobody really lives.
  9. The album feels more slapped together than their debut.
  10. This is mainly just D12's other five anonymous members moaning on about the lack of credit they get by dropping the most underwhelming rhymes this side of the last Dogg Pound album.
  11. To live in their world is like being trapped at an idiot's convention and almost – but only almost - as bad as Limp Bizkit.
  12. The problem with D12 isn’t that all of them are crap, its just that they’re not given enough room to breath and prove themselves to be better than average.
  13. This record is about as bad it is possible for a record to be. It is offensive on every level - the music is bad, the rapping is bad, the sleeve is bad.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 71 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 71
  2. Negative: 13 out of 71
  1. Sep 8, 2021
    This is a very good album tbh. Many great songs like How Come, 6 in the Morning, Good Die Young & others.
  2. May 8, 2015
    Very good album, when Eminem is involved it sure won't be disappointing, the beats are good, Eminem is great as always, but what I enjoyed isVery good album, when Eminem is involved it sure won't be disappointing, the beats are good, Eminem is great as always, but what I enjoyed is that he doesn't take too much place on the album, he lets his buddies rap a lot and they are very good. Bizarre is an odd but very funny and enjoyable rapper. Full Review »
  3. Feb 20, 2012
    This album was ok but ppl like Bizarre & Kuniva didnt deliver. Other rappers like Proof, Eminem, Kon Artist & Swift Were good. But some songsThis album was ok but ppl like Bizarre & Kuniva didnt deliver. Other rappers like Proof, Eminem, Kon Artist & Swift Were good. But some songs were just so bad Full Review »