
Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. The Wire
    Apr 5, 2018
    The epic slog of Culture II offers up more than 20 courses of candyfloss, toffee apple and burnt syrup in lieu of any real variety. [Apr 2018, p.68]
  2. Q Magazine
    Feb 13, 2018
    A grand vision is hard to discern, but when it comes to bringing the party, Culture II delivers with a scale and swagger that's hard to resist. [Apr 2018, p.117]
  3. Feb 12, 2018
    There's too much material here to sit and listen to straight through in one sitting. Give it time though and Culture II will grow on you.
  4. Feb 6, 2018
    Culture II is very long, yes, and vulnerable to momentum-killing duds like “Beast,” but to assess the album as an irreducible work is to cling to an entirely outmoded conception of how music is consumed.
  5. Feb 5, 2018
    While the bulk of the songs can’t disguise their rush-job origins, tinges of Trap Boy Magic do spring up from time to time.
  6. Feb 2, 2018
    While not all of these 24 songs are equally impressive, nothing about Culture II feels like they're going through the motions.
  7. Feb 2, 2018
    The trio gave a double album their best, with plenty of head-turning lines, hilarious stray shouts (“dinner rolls!” on “CC” is a fave), and productions that further dilate the luxury trap spectrum, but not wildly so.
  8. Feb 1, 2018
    Although the creative achievements aren’t revolutionary, they are thorough and consistent.
  9. Feb 1, 2018
    Culture II ultimately feels less like a celebratory howl from the mountaintop than a transitional inventory dump. With its easily-trimmable 24 tracks, Culture II appears to be tailored to finesse chart rules, which count 1,500 individual song streams toward one full album sale.
  10. Jan 31, 2018
    It may well be overwhelming in the moment, but Migos have provided us with a lot to unpack as we await whatever comes next. Chances are, you'll like this album far more after the glut of material becomes a tad less staggering over some months.
  11. Jan 31, 2018
    Having more songs available to stream results in more royalties, though it doesn't equate to a flawless full-length.
  12. Jan 31, 2018
    With Culture II they've given us just enough to keep us on the hook.
  13. Jan 30, 2018
    Culture II sounds like a satire of every other rap album released by a major label these days, catering to the lowest common denominator of casual music listener. As a business decision, it’s genius; as a piece of music, it’s little more than an elaborate consumer scam.
  14. Jan 30, 2018
    It’s still a joy to hear the Migos rap, which is why it’s especially depressing that Culture II ultimately feels like a drag--a formless grab bag compiled without much care.
  15. 80
    Migos are firing on all cylinders here, their new record a lush, chaotic patchwork that pops with primary colours. The fab three have done it again.
  16. Jan 29, 2018
    For such a gargantuan album, it’s surprisingly light on its feet, skipping nimbly between musical styles.
  17. Jan 29, 2018
    Culture II was never going to be a modest affair, in which three self-effacing twentysomethings quietly enumerated their blessings. Apart from some anxiety (“Tryna be like the Carters/Gotta be like the Carters” – Too Playa) and exhaustion (Work Hard), Culture II is wall-to-wall diamonds, watches, cars, chains, brands, fashion houses and exotic fauna.
  18. Jan 29, 2018
    With enough highlights to form a single digestible effort, Migos could have delivered another culture-defining classic with just a little trimming. Instead, they've taken what should have been a potent, big league statement and diluted it.
  19. 75
    Migos have mastered their craft, but they spend too much time delivering what we expect instead of exploring their more interesting caprices.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 173 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 173
  2. Negative: 63 out of 173
  1. Jan 30, 2018
    Last year's "Culture" was the perfect encapsulation of the moody, nocturnal trap rap coming out of Atlanta at the time. It's follow-up,Last year's "Culture" was the perfect encapsulation of the moody, nocturnal trap rap coming out of Atlanta at the time. It's follow-up, "Culture II", instead encapsulates everything wrong with artists trying to increase profits through streaming. On "Culture II", Migos' signature sound is stripped of almost all it's energy and enthusiasm. The performances are generally forgettable, along with the production, as top-tier producers like Metro Boomin and Zaytoven give us some of their worst beats. Yet, digging deep into "Culture II" bears some highlights. "Stir Fry" is one of their best songs, with a colorful beat and catchy hook, "BBO" contains a (surprisingly) good 21 Savage chorus complimented by a nice sax sample, while the closing song sees Migos go a bit introspective over some beautifully arranged instrumentation. These are few and far apart, though, and as most Migos fans aren't looking to spend 105 minutes on one album, "Culture II" is an unfortunately sub-par album.
    Favorites: "Narcos", "BBO", "Stir Fry", "Gang Gang", "Made Men", "Culture National Anthem"
    Least Favorites: "Emoji A Chain", "White Sand", "Flooded", "Beast", "Open It Up", "Movin' Too Fast", "Work Hard"
    Full Review »
  2. Jan 29, 2018
    I like Migos, i really do, but i like them is small doses. They aren't versatile enough to release a 24 song
    I like Migos, i really do, but i like them is small doses. They aren't versatile enough to release a 24 song album.
    There are definitely some good songs in there, but you have to go through a whole pile of crap to find them, it took me 3 days to listen to the whole album once, because after 7 songs i was already so tired of listening them.
    I liked Motorsport, Emoji a chain, Too playa and Mad Men. But the rest is just sooooo annoying to listen to. Seriously, Migos should have cut it down to at least 10 songs, because the rest was simply unnecessary crap
    Full Review »
  3. Feb 1, 2018
    Everyone points to the length of the album, (24 tracks, 1:45:18) and while it is an issue, the lack in quality/effort is my what I have theEveryone points to the length of the album, (24 tracks, 1:45:18) and while it is an issue, the lack in quality/effort is my what I have the biggest problem with. There are plenty of lengthy rap albums that are all time great projects but the way Migos threw in a bunch of tracks that felt half assed just drags the album down. I found myself really struggling to get through the album in one sitting. There are a handfull of redeemable tracks but they are buried by a majority of the album. My personal favorite track was "Made Men" which came off smooth as hell imo. Full Review »