• Record Label: ADA
  • Release Date: Oct 7, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Oct 3, 2014
    Cosmic Logic contains probably some of the most accessible material they've released to date, material that'll hopefully attract a whole new slew of fans.
  2. Tighter than anything they've recorded previously, it’s a great return and a slick change of direction.
  3. Oct 6, 2014
    There must have been temptation to settle into a groove--gorgeous grooves, too--but by rebelling against themselves, Coyes and Dunis have been handed the ultimate lease of life.
  4. Oct 3, 2014
    Peaking Lights simply push for greater clarity and articulation on Cosmic Logic, refining their approach but keeping the blurry balance of rhythm and sun-dazed psychedelia.
  5. Q Magazine
    Oct 3, 2014
    Peaking Lights have sacrificed some of their uniqueness for added lovability. But their hypno-pop still sways to a rhythm entirely of its own. [Nov 2014, p.116]
  6. Oct 2, 2014
    Everyone else can celebrate Peaking Lights’ decision to target the feet, rather than the minds, of the listeners this time round. Their reward is one of the year’s most intuitively entertaining releases.
  7. Dec 2, 2014
    Cosmic Logic is an astonishingly focused album given the pedigree, and the fact that Dunis and Coyes somehow succeed in making their dreamy, messy psychedelic electronica so listenable makes it one of the keenest artist reinventions of the year.
  8. Oct 6, 2014
    This is a good album, sure, but a better collection of songs.
  9. Uncut
    Oct 2, 2014
    It strips out their usual psychedelic sprawl, leaving something leaner and more insistent, if no less Technicolor and joyously hypnotic. [Nov 2014, p.80]
  10. Oct 9, 2014
    While Lucifer (and its remix album, Lucifer in Dub) held more nuance in its synthpop drift, Cosmic Logic‘s heavy steps only lose their foothold a few times. These grooves are transparent, but they sure have power.
  11. Magnet
    Nov 12, 2014
    This fourth full-length goes somewhere stranger: the 1980s. [No. 115, p.61]
  12. Oct 6, 2014
    This album’s equilibrium-upsetting aural eclecticism comes into sharp focus: even if you’re not a working mom trying to function on four hours of sleep per night, the buzzing busyness and hallucinatory disorientation of Cosmic Logic are liable to make you feel like one.
  13. Under The Radar
    Dec 19, 2014
    It's an interesting trip, but at times Peaking Lights seem close to phoning it in. [Dec 2014, p.66]
  14. Mojo
    Nov 6, 2014
    The gauzy hypnotism of opener Infinite Trips sounds as if was beamed in from a far more enticing album altogether. [Nov 2014, p.89]
  15. Oct 30, 2014
    It's not all bad when we don't understand what's beyond us, Cosmic Logic seems to suggest. Just being moved can be enough.
  16. Oct 13, 2014
    The ’80s sci-fi pastiche meets early-’00s girl power wears thin over 11 tracks, but there are still moments for the dancefloor.
  17. 60
    There are plenty of great ideas here, and if you really listen, they’re not particularly hard to find. But it would be nice to be able to let an album like this simply wash over you, rather than be forced to pan for gold in its still, murky waters.

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