
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Q Magazine
    Apr 23, 2014
    What makes those sounds compelling here are Ingersoll's buttery rhymes and an ability to zero in on your rhythmic G-spots. [May 2014, p.113]
  2. Apr 8, 2014
    nes. Skillfully strung together by ringleader Inglish, these flights of fancy turn into a substantial party album with plenty of fun and flash.
  3. Apr 8, 2014
    It may be a bit malnourished in thematic ingenuity--it's not as honest as Old or Oxymoron, or as celebratory as Acid Rap--but the allure comes from ingenious, inventive production
  4. Apr 23, 2014
    A great feel-good record for the summer months, this one is the perfect soundtrack for the car, park or beach. Just enjoy it.
  5. Apr 8, 2014
    Frankly, it’s a listen that’s pretty enjoyable and well rounded. It could just stand to be a more tightly knit as a body of work.
  6. Apr 16, 2014
    There will be days when even Convertibles’ biggest fans want to hear something with more feeling, or at least tension. But few recent albums are better for drop-topped afternoons, and that’s something.

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