
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Apr 4, 2016
    It all makes for a heartfelt, satisfying whole that reaffirms Lust for Youth as one of the few bands reinterpreting the '80s that can rival and surpass its influences as well as its contemporaries.
  2. Mar 23, 2016
    Even with the cop-out dream pop closer of “In Return” tarnishing what could be a great record, Lust for Youth’s Compassion treats its influences with the care that realizes the importance of going beyond such a sound rather than completely imitating it.
  3. 80
    Packing too much tunefulness and pop sensibility to ever feel crushingly miserable, Compassion is nevertheless ripe for wallowing in.
  4. Mar 17, 2016
    Compassion is such an easy listen. The melodies are so cheerful, so simple and memorable, they require absolutely no effort to enjoy.
  5. Mar 24, 2016
    Compassion is Lust For Youth's most compact album, with only 8 tracks, and benefits from its trim nature.
  6. 75
    As a whole, Compassion is very impressive. It’s a largely fat-free collection of club-ready Danish synth-pop.
  7. Mar 18, 2016
    The darkness is more fully embraced on Easy Window, which smoulders elegantly and possesses a distinct undertow full of sorrow and a sense of detachment. When it’s done this well, it’s hard not to get swept up in it, but there are moments when it doesn’t quite come off.
  8. Mar 16, 2016
    For a prolific set of musicians, Compassion feels like the work of a group taking time to flesh out their ideas. With this headier approach comes a loss of some of the engaging, energetic moments of International, but also a renewed confidence.
  9. Mar 18, 2016
    Many of the songs here sound not just derivative but generic. Compassion still feels like the album that Lust For Youth have been working toward this whole time--it just turns out that the journey may have been more rewarding than the destination.
  10. Apr 22, 2016
    Compassion is the trio’s second album, and its eight songs straddle the line between the past and the present, between melancholy gloom and euphoric dance music.
  11. Q Magazine
    Apr 8, 2016
    Here honing the bright and distinctively Nordic sound that enlivened 2014's International, they even flirt with becoming a pop group, albeit one wearing its '80s fixation with pride. [Jun 2016, p.113]
  12. Mar 18, 2016
    With room for refinement this isn’t LFY’s crowning glory by any stretch, but it’s a purposeful record that shows a trio holding on to the makings of something quite special.
  13. Mar 17, 2016
    That lack of restraint, of wanting to offer moments of merriment through straightforward movements, is not as revealing as it is expected, though Compassion is at its most gripping when it decides to go against the grain.
  14. Mar 16, 2016
    Compassion’s best moments share this kineticism: the chirpy cowbell entry in Sudden Ambition; Tokyo’s driving bass. When the pace slows however, the group’s very affected 80s-evoking style becomes a bit overbearing, so committed to its trendy celestial shtick that it runs the risk of rebounding past retro-chic back into tacky territory again.
  15. Mar 16, 2016
    While the second half of the album almost makes up for its flaws, it doesn't quite manage to make Compassion a memorable whole.

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