• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Oct 9, 2007

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Magnet
    The fact that Comicopera is a masterpiece proves it all right nicely. [Fall 2007, p.113]
  2. The Wire
    A superb album, in which Wyatt gathers all of his strengths, with the personal and the political, the aesthetic and the ethical are brought together as only he can. [Nov 2007, p.64]
  3. The songs on Comicopera rate amongst his very best--emotionally complex, politically charged but never short of beautiful.
  4. This is an incredibly well fused and structured album that taps into a wide range of emotions.
  5. The sweetest instrument, however, is Wyatt’s voice, whose fragile, high, quavering tone is honest to the core.
  6. It's a portrait of an English radical at 62, but it's personal and emotional and neither strident nor stodgy.
  7. However, like so many singular artists, Wyatt's presence spans the record and ultimately gives it its necessary gel. His multi-octave voice booms, croons, and cracks across the album with stunning clarity and consistency.
  8. Really, all of Comicopera rolls deliriously over pillowy layers of sound
  9. The quality veers wildly, but every so often he hits upon a great song. 'Just As You Are' in particular sets the smoothest of melodies and a haunting cornet solo from Wyatt against the most world-weary of lyrics.
  10. Comicopera, his 12th solo record since 1970, has indulgences and longueurs, as all his records do. But it also has some burstingly beautiful songwriting.
  11. 80
    Each song works brilliantly in isolation, making this a treasure trove of Wyatt’s finest work ever.
  12. Mojo
    It's hard to imagine a record more original or full of life, from any artist of any age, emerging this year. It's that damn good. [Nov 2007, p.91]
  13. Under The Radar
    It makes perfect sense as a Robert Wyatt album, and few in his catalog are so perfectly paced and comprehensively designed. [Fall 2007, p.77]
  14. Q Magazine
    Comicopera is a cornicopia. [Nov 2007, p.148]
  15. Spin
    The CD is like spending a cloudy afternoon on Jupiter with the old man, his quizzical sonic tricks at arms reach, his singing as ageless and haunting as the ammonia rain. [Dec 2007, p.128]
  16. More immediately accessible and warm than "Cuckooland," more ambitious than "Shleep," Comicopera, in three acts, is the end result of Robert Wyatt looking around and examining the craziness and wild unpredictability in real life in 2007.
  17. There are few who could delve into such weighty issues without succumbing to empty rhetoric, but it's testament to Wyatt's unpretentious approach that he pulls off the trick while retaining a lightness of touch that makes Comicopera such a consistent pleasure to listen to.
  18. It's definitely ambitious, and probably a little pretentious in places, but it works darn near all the time and is a downright joy in many places.
  19. Delineated acts aside, the disc maintains a certain sonic consistency, carefully balancing discord with grace; the structure does pay off, however--particularly the first two-thirds.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. RaelT.
    Nov 5, 2007
    definitely Wyatt's best since Rock Bottom, amazingly fresh, would never guess this comes from a huge, historical guru of rock music... definitely Wyatt's best since Rock Bottom, amazingly fresh, would never guess this comes from a huge, historical guru of rock music... Fiery Furnaces and the likes should listen and learn from this masterpiece Full Review »
  2. JohnV.
    Oct 22, 2007
    the most disturbing, beautiful, awesome, breathtaking album of 2007!
  3. J.K.
    Oct 22, 2007
    Perhaps Wyatt's best work since Rock Bottom, Comicopera is a fun and interesting look into his disillusionment with current western Perhaps Wyatt's best work since Rock Bottom, Comicopera is a fun and interesting look into his disillusionment with current western foreign policy. Act 1 is probably the most personal and evocative of the three. Act 2 is more poppy, jazzy and has a delightful jilt to it. Act 3 combines the two motifs somewhat and dances into more experimental territory with Fragment and the amusing ode to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, "Pastafari." The album is a more focused and targeted work than Wyatt's other more recent works and the sound moves saliently from start to finish, without wilting or overusing its themes. My only real gripe is "Out of the Blue" feels maybe a little too out of the blue. Full Review »