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  1. May 29, 2020
    Wow sonically one of the best produced pop albums in maybe the last decade, Lady Gaga reigns queen of pop
  2. May 29, 2020
    The perfect comeback for the queen of the dance floors! Evaluating the lyrics, I think the biggest message in chromatics is about embracing your pain. The album makes us, at times, feel our pains and at the same time want to dance with them and Lady Gaga seems to encourage us to do both at the same time.
  3. May 29, 2020
    An absolutely stunning album! Not a single bad track here- Alice, 911, Plastic Doll, and Sine from Above were personal favorites. She really outdid herself, this is the album we’ve all been waiting for!
  4. May 31, 2020
    Chromatica soa como uma verdadeira sessão de terapia rolando no meio das pistas de dança nos anos 80. Gaga pega na sua mão e te leva pro universo de Chromatica onde você pode ser livre, ter seus medos, suas frustrações e mesmo diante disso ser grato e deixar sua mente livre pra dançar
  5. May 30, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  6. May 29, 2020
    it grows on you like fine wine. amazing, u cant stop dancing to it and u also cry. what an experience. 10/10. im so happy she's back. cant wait this nightmare is over so we could see what she offers us to the tour.
  7. Jul 25, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lady Gaga really did an excellent job on this album, it's something we've needed from her for a long time and she finally gave it to us, thank you Gaga for so much ❤️ Expand
  8. Aug 29, 2020
    swiftie,katycat and little monster .Please stop rating 0 to each other album because this 3 women had put so much effort and hard work to create their own masterpiece. rate 10/10 to all 3 woman instead to appreciate their work and hard work because they all are queen
  9. Aug 28, 2020
    This is Lady Gaga's most personal, introspective and more mature album.
    Her best album, without a doubt.
  10. May 31, 2020
    Track by track we are conducted to a never ending party. Gaga served it. She made POP music happen in 2020.
  11. May 30, 2020
    Back and with a lot of nostalgia ... Lady Gaga has the best possible return to Pop, her collaborations and her solo songs on this album are really incredible, this is very contagious and vibrant.

    This album saved my life!❤️
  12. May 29, 2020
    Perfecto,perfecto,perfecto,perfecto,OMG el álbum que más me encantó este 2020
  13. May 29, 2020
    MY MOTHER MONSTER IS BACK IN TOWN! The little monsters are crazy about Chromatica. ALBUM OF THE YEAR
  14. May 30, 2020
    12 years into her career, and she can STILL put some awesome album. BURNS was so good on the album. Keep going LG, because you just dropped the album of the year. We’ll know with time if it’s her best album so far.
  15. May 30, 2020
    Absolutely amazing, stunning pop record with amazing lyrics and out of this world vocals!
    Chromatica is number 1.
  16. Aug 28, 2020
    I’m not rating this as a Lady Gaga stan, I’m rating this as a music producer. Chromatica is a record that reaches people in so many ways. Each song on this album hits me in different ways and I relate to each one. This is my favorite album by Lady Gaga because it’s the first of hers that I truly connect to. Each song is so unique and creative, and really dives into the 80s dance/pop.I’m not rating this as a Lady Gaga stan, I’m rating this as a music producer. Chromatica is a record that reaches people in so many ways. Each song on this album hits me in different ways and I relate to each one. This is my favorite album by Lady Gaga because it’s the first of hers that I truly connect to. Each song is so unique and creative, and really dives into the 80s dance/pop. Chromatica modernizes the 80s, and with the main producers BloodPop, BURNS, and Tchami bringing their own flare to this beautifully crafted piece which adds to its complexity. On the surface it may give off a simplistic vibe, but after a few listens to each song you can really envelop yourself into the meaning. However the songs don’t just have one meaning. Everyone finds so many different meanings in each song based on their own personal experiences. My personal favorite on Chromatica and her discography, “Replay,” really explains the deep pain and struggle of PTSD which is something I too struggle with. It’s trancy, psychedelic, and hypnotic. It really grabs you and pulls you in. However one of my more favorite moments of the album is the transition from “Chromatica II” into “911.” On my first listen of the album in full my jaw dropped. Her vocals on this song give off a GLaDOS (From “Portal” and “Portal 2”) vibe and it’s cute. Though the song is about taking anti-psychotics, it’s highly catchy. This whole record is an emotional journey that you can dance to. Each song is so independent of each other, but plays an important role and adds to the cohesion of the story. Frankly this is, in my opinion, Lady Gaga’s best record in her whole discography. She really let's go of her pain and she shows us her truth. Every single song off of this piece of art is brilliant. Even though many fans and stans may not be happy we aren’t getting certain songs right now, or may never, it’s still a wonderful collection of dance music. This record has been used to compare works such as “Future Nostalgia” by Dua Lipa, and “folklore” by Taylor Swift. None of these albums compares to it or to each other because they are great in their own right. Chromatica truly embodies emotion, healing, bravery, and self-discovery. The more you listen, the better it gets. I haven’t stopped listening to this record, I can’t stop listening. I’ve tried going back to previous albums of hers, but it’s so hard because of my connection to these songs. This work of art doesn’t need to break insane boundaries to be magnificent, but it does. It breaks personal boundaries, and frankly I think that’s better than anything. There’s nothing about this that I don’t love, and I will never stop suggesting this album to anyone. It’s perfect. Expand
  17. May 29, 2020
    Amazing! Best pop album of the year. Congrats Lady Gaga you're incredible!!!
  18. May 29, 2020
    I cannot believe that this album exists. It was like I was hearing a c lassie timeless album. Even though the production was fantastic, what changed from BTW or TFM was she used her vocals so powerfully that you can feel the emotions. She basically at times incorporated a a star is born elements along with her classic pop style. Epic album to show unlike her peers, she tries to andI cannot believe that this album exists. It was like I was hearing a c lassie timeless album. Even though the production was fantastic, what changed from BTW or TFM was she used her vocals so powerfully that you can feel the emotions. She basically at times incorporated a a star is born elements along with her classic pop style. Epic album to show unlike her peers, she tries to and continues to excel. Expand
  19. May 29, 2020
    She's back. This album really takes you to Chromatica with 13 dance bops and 3 breathtaking interludes.
  20. May 29, 2020
    this album it’s perfection, lyrically, song, aesthetic, everything in Chromatica world is amazing
  21. May 30, 2020
    This is a masterpiece, chromatica/Joanne/Born this way are her best albums so far, in this order
  22. May 29, 2020
    First things first: #ALBUMOFTHEYEAR⚔
    The album is outstanding, memorable, emotional and enjoyable.
    The transitions in the Chromatica acts are mesmerising and they run smoothly into the songs, also the lyrics make sense and they are a healing therapeutic for Gaga. All 3 collabs are enjoyable and entertaining and they all mean something in their own way. For me this is Gagas best album and
    First things first: #ALBUMOFTHEYEAR⚔
    The album is outstanding, memorable, emotional and enjoyable.
    The transitions in the Chromatica acts are mesmerising and they run smoothly into the songs, also the lyrics make sense and they are a healing therapeutic for Gaga.
    All 3 collabs are enjoyable and entertaining and they all mean something in their own way.
    For me this is Gagas best album and work to date, truly proud of her ⚔
  23. May 29, 2020
    This is her best album yet, lyrically superb, vulnerable but with uplifting beats to dance through the pain
  24. May 30, 2020
    "Chromatica" is a masterpiece. Truly, Lady Gaga's best album. Cohesive and lyrically perfect, her sixth album brings you to another world.
  25. May 29, 2020
    Thank you Gaga and Dua Lipa for save the pop in 2020. A wonderful album with wonderful tracks. Alice, Replay, Rain On Me with Ariana and Enigma are the best tracks.
  26. May 30, 2020
    I loved it! Gaga gave us the best of her, a cohesive and profound lyric album. It all makes sense, when heard in order, this album tells a dramatic story and the production makes that clear, it was all we needed.
  27. May 30, 2020
    A complete, pure, holy dance pop record. A record that will be cherished by the dance world. Every song Gaga sounds nothing but confident. All the beats are well curated. Banger album. Definitely one of her best works till today.
  28. Jun 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. certamente gaga se superou, esse album ta incrível, nenhuma musica é ruim, todas sao boas Expand
  29. May 30, 2020
    One of her best albums and the most cohesive. Sine from Above is definitely a banger. But love most of the songs on this project!
  30. May 29, 2020
  31. May 29, 2020
    This album is perfect, pop experimental, pop perfection, future AOTY, Lady Gaga is art
  32. May 29, 2020
    One of the best album of the year. Brava. Brava. Brava. Brava Brava. Brava. Thanks
  33. May 29, 2020
    ¡Lo volviste a hacer! Constantemente elevando la barra para todos en la industria musical de una manera perfecta. Cada canción es una obra maestra que sigue el hilo de este viaje increíble que es Chromatica. No esperaba menos de ti Lady Gaga, nunca nos decepcionas.
  34. Jun 4, 2020
    “Consequence Of Sound” said: “Lady Gaga doesn’t need pop, pop needs Lady Gaga”.
    This album proves it.
  35. Jun 3, 2020
    If Born This Way and ARTPOP would have had a baby it’d definitely be Chromatica, and this is exactly what her fans were expecting from her since late 2014, when her ARTPOP era concluded. This album is a fun journey through pain and traumatic experiences from Gaga.

    Shout out to the transition from Chromatica II interlude to 911. Just epic.
  36. J01
    May 29, 2020
    Chromatica feels otherworldly, yet grounded. This album takes you behind the velvet rope of the artist, but takes you away and makes you forget about what you’ve left behind you. Each song flows so amazingly together and all feels part of something greater. The only thing I will say is that I personally wish a lot of the songs could have been longer but otherwise what is that when theChromatica feels otherworldly, yet grounded. This album takes you behind the velvet rope of the artist, but takes you away and makes you forget about what you’ve left behind you. Each song flows so amazingly together and all feels part of something greater. The only thing I will say is that I personally wish a lot of the songs could have been longer but otherwise what is that when the production is insane, the lyrics are cutthroat and her vocals are godly. It’s an amazing addition to Lady Gaga’s repertoire and it is definitely worth listening to. Expand
  37. May 29, 2020
    É simplesmente fantástico a pegada retrô, com batidas de hause e letras melancólicas que nos faz abraçar a tristeza e encontrar a alegria na dor.
  38. May 29, 2020
    This is not one of the best. This is the BEST LADY GAGA'S ALBUM. She is back with her Pop music. She is the music. I love her and I love chromatica.
  39. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum do triênio, extremamente coeso e com referências perfeitas. As transições são perfeitas e provam que Lady Gaga é perfeita em tudo. Expand
  40. May 29, 2020
    A beautiful euphoric album from start to finish. Gaga has truly outdone herself and she wasn't kidding when she said you'll be dancing through the pain. Which is relatable in so many ways.
  41. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Maravilhoso a GaGa como sempre entregando tudo rainha faz assim né amores Expand
  42. May 29, 2020
    Gaga talks about trauma, hurt, pain and tears, all wrapped in 100% dance-pop perfection. A once in a lifetime talent, she is not just a pop star, she's an artist, she's an icon and she will never be over!
  43. May 29, 2020
    Las transiciones de las canciones lo hace perfecto, pero sin duda alguna el regreso de los ritmos en Gaga es lo que estábamos esperando.
  44. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Chromatica is an epic 6th Chapter of Lady Gaga's musical evolution, combining her most personal lyrics with a cohesive, contagious back-drop of the dance beats that launched her into fame. Broken into three Acts separated by beautiful string orchestral interludes that segway into the proceeding track(s), you won't know whether you want to cry, sing, dance, or all three. The album begins by declaring "my name isn't Alice but I'll keep searching for Wonderland." And, through each Act, Gaga uses her pain as inspiration to both escape and heal. Standout tracks include Alice, 911, Plastic Doll, Sour Candy featuring K-pop band BLACKPINK, Replay, and Sine From Above featuring Elton John in an epic, long-awaited collaboration. Stupid Love and Rain On Me, both Top 10 hits in the US, provide a more commercial and lighter sonic experience. Her best work yet, perfectly defining where ARTPOP and Joanne meet on the dance floor, reassuring fans that Lady Gaga is here to stay. Expand
  45. May 29, 2020
    Gaga created a beautiful world. Her album is a masterpiece, from the first interlude to Babylon, she takes us on an unique and incredible journey!
    Fun Tonight, Sine From, Above, 911, Alice are my tops tracks! Even though every songs are god tier
  46. May 29, 2020
    This is the best album I’ve ever heard I’m shocked this truly has embraced the meaning of pop each song transitions into each other perfectly chromatia isn’t just an album it’s a story
  47. May 29, 2020
    It Gets better with Each listen, its lyrics are dark but the production are really catchy, overall I think its her best album since The Fame Monster
  48. May 29, 2020
    Extremamente viciante... Incrível, majestoso! Não há palavras para definir! A única sensação é de que realmente você será transportado a outro planeta, a Chromatica! Gaga eleva seus vocais, com uma modulação incrível, fazendo o que todos estavam pedindo e indo além, nós surpreendendo com a vibe disco punk, futurista e pop, techno. O mundo precisava desse retorno! Nenhum defeito! É, a GagaExtremamente viciante... Incrível, majestoso! Não há palavras para definir! A única sensação é de que realmente você será transportado a outro planeta, a Chromatica! Gaga eleva seus vocais, com uma modulação incrível, fazendo o que todos estavam pedindo e indo além, nós surpreendendo com a vibe disco punk, futurista e pop, techno. O mundo precisava desse retorno! Nenhum defeito! É, a Gaga de Born This Way está de volta! Expand
  49. May 29, 2020
    talented brilliant incredible amazing show stopping spectacular never the same totally unique THIS IS THE ALBUM OF THE MILLENNIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  50. May 29, 2020
    One of the best albums ever. She out did herself, every song is unique and different and the album is a true adventure
  51. May 29, 2020
    Amazing album it's so good album the lyrics is really sad but the itself is happy
  52. May 29, 2020
    Brilliant, lo mejor que he escuchado en mucho tiempo. Arte. Lady Gaga se ha superado a sí misma
  53. May 29, 2020
    OMG! The album of the decade! Lady Gaga saved pop music once again. It’s all (and more) we ever wanted. Amen!
  54. May 29, 2020
    Best album ever, She’s been waiting a long time to release another master pièce like this one
  55. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Absolutely amazing. This might be one of Gaga’s best albums. It has no skips, the collabs are so good, the transitions from Chromatica I to Alice, Chromatica II to 911 (the absolute best transition) and Chromatica III to Sine From Above are great! Expand
  56. May 29, 2020
    Things Chromatica does:
    1) Present an artistic and developed concept narrative
    2) Transport me back to the 90’s dance albums I was obsessed with: Real Mccoy, LaBouche, Ace of Base, Aqua
    3) Gives me something to smile and dance about after a **** 3 months
  57. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. É um retorno com R maiusculo ao universo da música Pop. Lady Gaga prova, mais uma vez, que a música pop precisa dela. Chromatica é o abraço da dor, compreender que a tristeza é uma benção e celebra-la como forma de superar seus próprios demônios. As pistas de danças hoje estão fechadas, mas Gaga fez questão de abrir uma em nosss corações. Expand
  58. May 29, 2020
    It's so polished and intricate that it will make you want to listen to any of it's songs multiple times.
  59. May 29, 2020
    Dark sad lyrics with light uplifting beats. Truly a consistent consummation of dancing through the pain and the realization that it will never really stop so might as well have fun while we're at it.
  60. May 29, 2020
    my album of the year, gaga did THAT. she's back to reclaim her throne as the POP QUEEN. amazing body of work.
  61. May 29, 2020
    EPIC GREATEST ESPECTACULAR AMAZING INCREDIBLE ALBUM. Es espectacular ver cómo ha hecho un trabajo tan Perfecto y sublime!!!!
  62. May 29, 2020
    Es un álbum majestuoso, es hermoso de principio a fin, escucha las canciones en orden y te cuentan una historia hermosa, toda canción aquí es bailable, pero varías te hacen llorar con la letra, es LADY GAGA de nuevo en este género no podría pasarle algo mejor al pop en estos momentos de crisis, hace demasiado no había buena música.
  63. May 29, 2020
    Just Amazing, incredible, álbum of the year.
    Great sounds and Lyrics, I cant describe how I feel listening this.
  64. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Chromatica is the era that we have waiting for since her last pop album, ARTPOP. You can feel the passion through this record as she goes track by track with lyrics and well-developed production. This record will take you in an adventure if you let yourself be free . Good job, Mother Monster! You made your fans proud! Expand
  65. May 29, 2020
    ALBUM DO MILENIO!!!!!!!!!!!
    ALBUM DO MILENIO!!!!!!!!!!!
    ALBUM DO MILENIO!!!!!!!!!!!

    lady gaga eu te amo
  66. May 29, 2020
  67. May 29, 2020
    É uma viagem de força e coragem que leva a cura das feridas internas causadas pela sociedade, através da dance e arte. Muito obrigado Lady Gaga!!
  68. May 29, 2020
  69. May 29, 2020
    Es una pieza bailable y ejecutada tan hermosamente de principio a fin, me hizo volar la peluca y no se convertirá en un clásico
  70. May 29, 2020
    one of the best albums released this year. It's just brilliant and out of the box. And it deserves a lot of recognition from everyone.
  71. May 29, 2020
    Her best album yet! Cannot stop listening to this on repeat, every song is sooo good and you can tell she really worked hard on this album!
  72. May 29, 2020
    Best album yet! She killed it. The preview tracks weren’t even the best. She’s truly hit god level now.
  73. May 29, 2020
    Es uno de los mejores discos de Lady Gaga, por no decir que el mejor. Está a la altura de Born This Way y todas las canciones te incitan a bailar a pesar de que algunas letras son tristes. Las colaboraciones encajan perfecto y Gaga suena mejor que nunca.
  74. May 29, 2020
    A partir do primeiro interlude do álbum o ouvinte passa direto pelo portal a Chromatica, e usa sua imaginação para se ambientalizar nesse universo a partir de Chromatica I,II e III, onde todas as músicas se encaixam umas com as outras em um disco extremamente coeso, com uma forte inspiração em discotecas 80's, a verdadeira identidade da música pop, um dos melhores álbuns da carreira deA partir do primeiro interlude do álbum o ouvinte passa direto pelo portal a Chromatica, e usa sua imaginação para se ambientalizar nesse universo a partir de Chromatica I,II e III, onde todas as músicas se encaixam umas com as outras em um disco extremamente coeso, com uma forte inspiração em discotecas 80's, a verdadeira identidade da música pop, um dos melhores álbuns da carreira de Lady GaGa. Expand
  75. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. THIS IS THE ALBUM OF THE MILLENNIUM!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Todas as músicas incrivelmente contagiante, letras incríveis, batidas futuristas e ao mesmo tempo nostálgicas. Expand
  76. May 29, 2020
    Lady Gaga se superou, as melodias, as conexões das músicas. Um álbum coeso do início ao film, e o dueto com Elton me surpreendeu. Quem diria!! NOTA 10! Estou viciada no álbum.
  77. May 29, 2020
    Definitely best Gaga album, most cohesive one and probably the album of the year.
  78. May 29, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
  79. May 29, 2020
    Álbum perfeito, orgulhoso da Lady Gaga por essa obra prima ❤️
  80. May 29, 2020
    Her most cohesive work yet. The album itself is an experience like no other. A fully realized concept with divine execution.
  81. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  82. May 29, 2020
    What an incredible album, deep but fluid songs, amazing instrumentals with a hint of classical music in the three interludes, every single one of this cd is my favorite, couldn’t choose one, always the next track was even great than the other one. Please listen to it, in order, since all the songs are connected, great concept, amazing visuals, what a powerful album, thanks Gaga for a newWhat an incredible album, deep but fluid songs, amazing instrumentals with a hint of classical music in the three interludes, every single one of this cd is my favorite, couldn’t choose one, always the next track was even great than the other one. Please listen to it, in order, since all the songs are connected, great concept, amazing visuals, what a powerful album, thanks Gaga for a new pop bible Expand
  83. May 29, 2020
    É certamente o álbum mais coeso da carreira de lady gaga, com ótimas faixas do começo ao fim, sem falar das perfeitas transições. Simplesmente espetacular.
  84. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Perfeito, um dos melhores álbuns da Gaga e atualmente o melhor álbum lançado ❤️ Expand
  85. May 29, 2020
    Her best album since Born This Way, and definitely her best vocal album! The production is fantastic and the interludes bring you to a magic world, the world of Chromatica... GENIUS
  86. May 29, 2020
    El mejor álbum que he oído en mucho tiempo, el ritmo, la voz, la interpretación, todo dentro de chromatica es increíble. Es una historia de dolor que te hace bailar.
  87. May 29, 2020
    El mejor álbum del año. Gaga regresa con todo a la pista de baile después de casi 7 años. Sour Candy merece videoclip
  88. May 29, 2020
    Gaga's return to her pop-dance roots has been amazing till now with the release of "Stupid Love" and "Rain On Me", but with the release of the full album, it's completely understandable the years of wait we've all been through.
    Chromatica is an amazing pop record that deserves already the title of Album Of The Year. Having electro-pop at its finest, 90s-house inspired tracks, and being
    Gaga's return to her pop-dance roots has been amazing till now with the release of "Stupid Love" and "Rain On Me", but with the release of the full album, it's completely understandable the years of wait we've all been through.
    Chromatica is an amazing pop record that deserves already the title of Album Of The Year. Having electro-pop at its finest, 90s-house inspired tracks, and being full of dancefloor anthems, Gaga establishes herself as one of the legends of music. It marks a step in the career of the academy award and 11x grammy winner where she doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. Because obviously, we're talking about the woman who first debuted as one the 2008's new pop singers, peaked for the first time in her career from 2009/2011 becoming one of the most talked and famous artists, reinvented herself making a duet album with the legend Tony Bennett, in 2014, proved herself being the voice of her generation with the performances of that album, the 2015's Academy Awards tribute to Julie Andrews and her stunning National Anthem performance at the 2016's Super Bowl (one of the best yet), succeeded with a pop country record in 2016, "Joanne", and a successful Super Bowl halftime show, in 2017, and became an academy award winner in the 2018 movie "A Star Is Born", where she reached a new peak in her career.
    Now it's obvious we're seeing history happens as Gaga reinvents herself again and reachs a new peak in her career.
  89. May 29, 2020
    El mejor trabajo discográfico de lady gaga, se c4go en tayput4 URGE QUE SE LOVER
  90. May 29, 2020
    the album is perfect, gaga delivered one of the best albums of her career !!!
  91. May 29, 2020
    This is the greatest album since Born This Ways, every song makes you feel chills, it’s pure art, we have the new pop bible. Congratulations mother monster.
  92. May 29, 2020
    Muito bom, muito coeso e músicas bem construídas. A Lady Gaga explorou seus vocais de uma forma antes não muito vista.
  93. May 29, 2020
    Chromatica is a universe from start to finish, perfect❣️ the best that has come out this 2020.
  94. May 29, 2020
    i love it. its really great and every song fits and uhhhhhh i just love it so much
  95. May 29, 2020
    Muy buen álbum, lleno de fuerza y y sentimientos bellos. Sine From Above es ARTE PURO
  96. May 29, 2020
    Without a doubt the return of "Mother Monster" was brutal and magnificent, the album is in its entirety is definitely a gem, it's ART! He deserves everything! Gaga returned with a spectacular album, no doubt wants to see the world go crazy with such tremendous ART ❤️
  97. May 29, 2020
    This is the best album I’ve ever heard!! Gaga can put all the tracks on the Tour setlist!
  98. May 29, 2020
  99. May 29, 2020
    Coesão, um álbum maduro e seguro de si, pega o experimento que foi Artpop, aprimora com housedance e lembranças do passado nos contando uma história.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 27, 2020
    The nostalgia in the production — a blend of crisp digital synth textures and ringing grooves drawn directly from '90s house music — further bolsters the shadowed euphoria of a song like "Sour Candy," in which Gaga is joined by the K-pop girl group Blackpink; "Sine from Above," featuring Elton John, gets a similar friction from the interplay between their voices.
  2. Jun 8, 2020
    Infectious, exciting and even a little hedonistic during some of the most confusing of modern times, now’s never been a better time to get lost in this new destination.
  3. 80
    Chromatica’s frank grappling with the vagaries of Gaga’s brain – and the way fame exacerbates them – ends up feeling much more real than touring dive bars with a guitar and a Stetson ever did.