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  1. Mar 19, 2021
    Гага вернулась!!!!! Очень цельный и концептуальный альбом. Спасибо за прекрасные коллаборации. Кажется это именно тот альбом, который так долго ждали фанаты
  2. Mar 19, 2021
    Love the album it is full of energy and makes you dance
  3. Mar 21, 2021
    This is the most perfect pop comeback I've ever heard. Lady Gaga took back her old EDM sound and turn it into a magical world in where self-love is the key to magnificent. Just perfect
  4. Mar 23, 2021
    when i first heard this album i feels like i wanna go to dance floor, especially when listening to "Alice"..
    this whole album is masterpiece, still feeling the old gaga vibes on this album and that's good.. gaga never lost her colors and her harmony
  5. Mar 30, 2021
    Lady gaga released this perfect album. sonority, music, hits. everything on this album is perfect, delivered the best album of 2020.
  6. Apr 9, 2021
    A non skip album! I like it very much, even tough i ruined my earphones dancing to it... but that's the proof it was good. I'm not the biggest lady gaga fan, only know the singles, but this album made me look for more. Oh, and the transitions... perfect! Especially from Chromatica II to 911.
  7. Apr 12, 2021
    The best album from Mother monster ❤️ I really love all about in this album.
  8. Apr 13, 2021
    What a masterpiece. One of her best albums, cohesive, full of hits. It feels so natural listening to the album as a whole.
  9. Apr 13, 2021
    Chromatica is the new pop bible, i love every song, every lyric, every sound.
    I'm so proud of this album.
  10. Apr 13, 2021
    Um dos melhores álbuns da carreira de Gaga. É coeso, divertido e conta uma história do começo ao fim. Só um little monster se verdade vai entender a alma desse álbum!
  11. Apr 13, 2021
    This album is totally a work of art that you can listen to, it teleports you to another world IT'S MAGIC IT'S A STORY
  12. Sep 25, 2021
    Chromatica es una mezcolanza de sonidos EDM y dance que, por momentos, nos transportan a los 90' sin dejar de tener ese sonido actual que lo caracteriza. Con letras personales que nos permiten involucrarnos de lleno a ese universo que ha creado la madre monstruo.
  13. Apr 14, 2021
    i love this album so much. the fact that it’s mostly about mental health and other serious topics, yet the production is very upbeat. beautiful concept.
  14. Apr 14, 2021
    It's so cohesive and sophisticated, yet another classic timeless album of the world's newest Queen of Pop!
  15. Apr 14, 2021
    de los mejores albumes, es una gran era, tanto en concepto como en musica, tal vez solo 2 flaquean pero en general es muy bueno.
  16. Apr 14, 2021
    O melhor álbum de Lady Gaga. O conceito do planeta aliado à discussão sobre saúde mental trouxe um tema relevante e pouco abordado no pop. As parcerias originais e inesperadas, os arranjos, letras e vocais também são pontos altos do álbum. Criativa como sempre, Lady Gaga mostra que sempre está em evolução.
  17. Apr 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Such a good album because all the tracks can come together and seem like one whole song Expand
  18. Apr 16, 2021
    Talanted, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopper, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before
  19. Apr 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum perfeito, letras incríveis que ajudam a alma. Sons realmente incríveis, que não fazem um álbum (por suas letras) triste, e sim dançante. Expand
  20. Apr 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Expand
  21. May 6, 2021
    Stunning comeback, this was one of the best 2020 albums, love how's Gaga getting cooler in every album.
  22. May 9, 2021
    This is her return to dance music which I missed to hear from her. Amazing vocals. The cover is gorgeous.
  23. May 15, 2021
    Chromatica es un álbum muy bien hecho y producido, desde las letras, que bien podrían ser una poesía al dolor humano que vive la artista, hasta la composición, que te hace sentir alegría, bailar y celebrar esa pena y dolor como un trofeo de los obstáculos de la vida, una obra de arte sin duda alguna; y si bien podría sonar algo genérico, el hecho de que todas las canciones estén hechasChromatica es un álbum muy bien hecho y producido, desde las letras, que bien podrían ser una poesía al dolor humano que vive la artista, hasta la composición, que te hace sentir alegría, bailar y celebrar esa pena y dolor como un trofeo de los obstáculos de la vida, una obra de arte sin duda alguna; y si bien podría sonar algo genérico, el hecho de que todas las canciones estén hechas diferentes rítmica y melodiosamente, conectandose unas con otras, hace que eso pase a segundo plano. Expand
  24. Apr 8, 2022
    Siento como a crecido como artista, se siente un buen regreso a sus inicios y nos deslumbra con su mejor disco hasta la fecha
  25. May 21, 2021
    Es un álbum genial, tan asombroso que estoy encantado con el álbum sus visuales son lo mejor lo amo ❤️
  26. Aug 27, 2021
    Chromatica is the best album by Lady gaga, _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ← ⚪ GAGA. ⠇ ᴴᵃ ⁵ ᵐⁱⁿᵘᵗᵒˢ Katy Mostra Seu Grammy ↑ ᴿᵉˢᵖᵒⁿᵈᵉʳ ꠲ ▢
  27. Sep 4, 2021
    amazing, incredible, spectacular, never the same, perfect, I love you gaga you're the queen of the pop
  28. Sep 7, 2021
    A new twist in the musical career of a legend. The fact that she has created her own musical world, which is itself infused with personality and style, made the music even more powerful and was a watershed in her career.
  29. Sep 10, 2021
    it’s a cultural reset, a reason to breathe. it’s the reason why I wake up, the reason why I eat, the reason why I live. it’s everything that gives me energy, everything that gives me strength, everything that i’ve ever wanted.
  30. Sep 11, 2021
    queen gaga. chromatica is the best album of 2020. i love you more than #that razzie winner.
  31. Sep 15, 2021
    Es uno de los mejores albumes electro dance que eh escuchado ,por algo todo lo que Gaga haga es ARTE
  32. Sep 19, 2021
    Album incrível, letras fortes e de grande significado que tocam o ouvinte, juntamente com uma batida contagiante, formando um album POP/EDM impecável, o que pode confirmar isso é a faixa “rain on me” vencedora do grammy e eleita pela billboard musica do ano em 2020.
  33. Sep 23, 2021
    Perfección pop, con ritmos que nos recuerdan a los 90´s y 80´s, con referentes house, dance pop, EDM e incluso del mundo de vogue. Tema tras tema el álbum se consolida como un trabajo coherente, increíblemente pegadizo y que mediante sus desgarradoras letras cuenta una historia de dolor y de su sanación gracias a la música y el sonido.
  34. Sep 23, 2021
    Chromatic is absolutely perfect and beautiful. Lady Gaga is able to make sad and depressing themes into an epic dance party capable of uplifting anyone’s mood and also make beautiful empowering songs like Rain on Me and Free Woman into more club bangers.
  35. Oct 1, 2021
    Icónica la reina del pop, demostrando que en cualquier género puede destacar.
  36. Oct 1, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Love gay ggttyyggy eususussvsue susudhdbeid8ss jddududidieejs xiddidudue dudud Expand
  37. Feb 1, 2023
    Gaga went back to her roots and even outdid herself in a good way. A true masterpiece.
  38. Nov 13, 2021
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it

    This literally cured my Depression
  39. Nov 14, 2021
    Chromatica is a work of art. It's beautiful, thoughful and it carries so much pain into the lyrics, but at the same time, it reveals to us that is possible to still dance and enjoy even if we have problems, pain, difficultties or whatever challenge we face.
    The pinacles of this album, for me, are Rain on Me and Babylon... two very poweful songs, not only in the beat but in the lyrics,
    Chromatica is a work of art. It's beautiful, thoughful and it carries so much pain into the lyrics, but at the same time, it reveals to us that is possible to still dance and enjoy even if we have problems, pain, difficultties or whatever challenge we face.
    The pinacles of this album, for me, are Rain on Me and Babylon... two very poweful songs, not only in the beat but in the lyrics, mixing with words and its meanings.
    It's a great album, hands down!
  40. Nov 19, 2021
    Lady Gaga Chromatica Album Review 1.Chromatica I 10/10
    2. Alice 10/10
    3.Stupid Love 10/10
    4.Rain On Me ft. Ariana Grande 10/10
    5.Free Woman 10/10
    6.Fun Tonight 10/10
    7.Chromatica II 10/10
    8.911 10/10
    9.Plastic Doll 10/10
    10.Sour Candy ft. Blackpink 10/10
    11.Enigma 10/10
    12.Replay 10/10
    13.Chromatica III 10/10
    14.Sine From Above ft. Elton John 10/10
    15.1000 Doves 10/10
    16.Babylon 10/10
  41. Nov 18, 2021
    Iconic album, love Gaga so much she is a icon in music industry. Battle for your like Babylon. STREAM CHROMATICA, DAWN OF CHROMATICA, AND LOVE FOR SALE. HOUSE OF GUCCI NOV. 24 TICKET SALE NOW!!!
  42. Nov 19, 2021
    After listening to Chromatica for well over a year now, it's clear to see that this record is one of Lady Gaga's strongest releases to date. Chromatica is a very strong return to form for the American pop superstar, one which was highly anticipated and dubbed 'a return to her roots'. Incredible.
  43. Jan 26, 2022
    This album was definitely a grower. At first listen, some of the songs can sound very similar to each other. However, after a few listens that goes away. I do think some songs are very repetitive. Overall, not my favorite Gaga album, but definitely not my least favorite either.
  44. Nov 23, 2021
    It's just another incredible album that this woman gave us!!! With all the deep lyrics and the huge production of it we couldn't love it more!!!
  45. Nov 25, 2021
    Gaga Queen of pop! Chromatica is her best set since 2009's TFM, just great!!!
  46. Nov 25, 2021
    Lady Gaga has finally come back. Chromatica is her best set since TFM or maybe BTW.
  47. Nov 25, 2021
    Lady Gaga’s best album since her early days!!! It’s so earworm, I just love it!
  48. Dec 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. All the songs flow smoothly from one to another! One of my favorite parts of the album is each chromatica song and the fallowing track flow perfectly. There are a couple production things I would personally have not made but I still one each song as a individual and as a whole! Expand
  49. Nov 26, 2021
    Gaga at her best, I'm sad that the pandemic has destroyed the plans she had for this legendary and timeless album.
  50. Nov 26, 2021
    rain on me ended bts lmaooo
    also loved sour candy and every other song on here
  51. Nov 26, 2021
    Lady Gaga rainha do pop, comandante do pop atual desde 2008, e Chromatica vem apenas coroar esse título!
  52. Jul 31, 2022
    best dance house pop album without a doubt gaga rocked every lyric, arrangements and transcription, all very perfect but I couldn't expect less from queen gaga
  53. Nov 27, 2021
    definitely her most cohesive album to date which at first I didn't like because i wanted a slow song but know i get that this was the whole point of the album. To dance through tears, so of course it didn't have a slow song. Really interesting production, kinda 90's , I guess never been there, but with a modern twist. The lyrics were really personal and I loved the storytelling in them.definitely her most cohesive album to date which at first I didn't like because i wanted a slow song but know i get that this was the whole point of the album. To dance through tears, so of course it didn't have a slow song. Really interesting production, kinda 90's , I guess never been there, but with a modern twist. The lyrics were really personal and I loved the storytelling in them. The collabs were on point, it didn't feel like she put them on the least interesting songs which i appreciate.I would say my second favorite of hers, after born this way. Expand
  54. Nov 27, 2021
    Melhor album da Gaga desde Born This Way (2011), ela volta para as pistas de dança com fogo no olhar!
  55. Nov 27, 2021
    Such a good and relatable album that is for everyone who goes through tough times, amazing sound and fresh sound and was very different from the huge disco/retro/80's wave that dominated 2020 paws up
  56. Jun 24, 2022
    Albumun en iyi sarkisinin Plastic Doll oldugu konusunda umarim herkes hemfikirdir...
  57. Mar 28, 2022
    WOW! eso es lo que es Chromatica, es un álbum que te enseña de lo que es capaz Gaga, sus bocales, sus letras y los beats te enseñan ese lado emocional y como es ella realmente, y es que ya hemos visto todo en Lady Gaga, y nos sigue sorprendiendo.

    espero esto sea solo el inicio para re encaminar a una nueva Gaga, Paws up.
  58. Jul 29, 2022
    Chromatica é um álbum simplesmente maravilhoso, Gaga conseguiu colocar toda a emoção, a dor, e o que ela estava sentindo no momento que o produziu, sem sombra de dúvidas o melhor álbum do ano e da década
  59. Aug 21, 2022
    I think this is Lady Gaga’s best album. Lyrically, conceptually, vocally, and visually. She did not disappoint with this album. This album is the definition of dancing through your pain and feeling healed at the end of it.
  60. Jul 15, 2022
    Álbum maravilhoso, um dos melhores de 2020, não acredito que lady gaga abandonou essa era
  61. Jul 17, 2022
    9/10 - A genius concept album with a sound that isn’t for everyone. Holds radio hits (Rain On Me, Stupid Love) but the highlights of the album can be found in the lesser-known niche experimental tracks (911, Plastic Doll, Babylon). Gaga also knows how to blend her signature “weird pop” sound into more commercially friendly tracks, as seen in the success of “Sour Candy” and “911”, my9/10 - A genius concept album with a sound that isn’t for everyone. Holds radio hits (Rain On Me, Stupid Love) but the highlights of the album can be found in the lesser-known niche experimental tracks (911, Plastic Doll, Babylon). Gaga also knows how to blend her signature “weird pop” sound into more commercially friendly tracks, as seen in the success of “Sour Candy” and “911”, my personal favorites. This album is the perfect proof that Gaga can do it all; not to forget the impressive and beautiful interludes that section out the album and provide impressive transitions that are beyond ear candy. The only thing inching Chromatica away from a 10/10 is the way that certain tracks simply didn’t stick with me after a few listens. While I am able to note that a song is of high quality when listening, I struggled to recall certain songs that simply didn’t leave a massive impact in my mind (1000 Doves, Fun Tonight, Enigma). In sum, Gaga has done something that has not been done before with Chromatica, taking the highs out of each of her previous works and blending them into a near-flawless amalgamation. Expand
  62. Jul 29, 2022
    A maior de todos os tempos volta para mostrar que é a maior artista viva, simplesmente ninguém acima da coroa da rainha do pop, aqui ela mostra sua vulnerabilidade e lança um hinário
  63. Jul 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Yes,is Art,omg is perfect álbum!!!
    Lady Gaga omg,album is beatiful,divine.
  64. Aug 2, 2022
    Ritmo contagioso! Canciones con letras preciosas! Estética gótica con toques de color me encanta!
  65. Aug 20, 2022
    Dance through the pain. Chromatica is by far one of Lady Gaga’s most comercial albums with catchy lyrics and sick dance beats. What a way to tell us a story.
  66. Aug 20, 2022
    literally the best album of 2022, like no joke, i’m being serious… trying to get to over 75 words
  67. Aug 21, 2022
    Chromatica is so special and i just can’t say anything about it
  68. Aug 22, 2022
    Álbum que trouxe esperança em plena pandemia, Lady Gaga soube trazer alegria para todos quando tudo estava em escuridão!
  69. Aug 22, 2022
    With this one Gaga made dance and pop music fashionable again. This album was "coming back" to her roots. And she did what she wanted. This is not pop music, this is Chromatica.
  70. Aug 22, 2022
    This is literally the best album of 2020. Gaga once again proved that there is no one better than her now and no one to compete with her but herself. Alice, Sour Candy, Babylon, Plastic Doll, Chromatica II + 911..... can't tell you how beautiful this album is
  71. Aug 23, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. one of the best albums released this decade is simply a journey through pain and trauma, the interludes are beautiful and the lyrics have a lot of background, my top 5 is: fun tonight, 1000 doves, sour candy ft blackpink, 911 and sine from above ft elton john Expand
  72. Aug 25, 2022
    Un disco que con valentía pretende ser un festejo del dance más bailable del que la mother monster nos ha nutrido esta última década. Con letras personales que se funden con ese sonido retro que te invita a darlo todo en la pista de baile.
  73. Sep 10, 2022
    I didn’t think I would have enjoy this album but it’s safe to say it blew my expectations out of the window
  74. Sep 18, 2022
    Lady Gaga fez esse álbum para seus fãs antigos que queriam a estética conceitual e bizarra dela de volta, o álbum investe bastante no eletrônico que traz algumas músicas boas como Rain On Me com a vocalista Ariana Grande, Alice, 911 e Sour Candy mas o resto é esquecível e até cansativo mas num gera Gaga conseguiu agradar o fãs antigos e deixar o público em geral bem dividido sobre o geralLady Gaga fez esse álbum para seus fãs antigos que queriam a estética conceitual e bizarra dela de volta, o álbum investe bastante no eletrônico que traz algumas músicas boas como Rain On Me com a vocalista Ariana Grande, Alice, 911 e Sour Candy mas o resto é esquecível e até cansativo mas num gera Gaga conseguiu agradar o fãs antigos e deixar o público em geral bem dividido sobre o geral do álbum Expand
  75. Sep 28, 2022
    Lady Gaga logra crear su propio mundo fantástico y colorido en su sexto trabajo discográfico. Un álbum conceptual que en palabras de la propia Gaga la sanó y sirvió como terapia para afrontar algunos traumas personales y problemas de salud mental.

    "Chromatica" fue concebido como un álbum digno de ser escuchado de principio a fin. Una obra fuertemente influenciada por el haus, disco y
    Lady Gaga logra crear su propio mundo fantástico y colorido en su sexto trabajo discográfico. Un álbum conceptual que en palabras de la propia Gaga la sanó y sirvió como terapia para afrontar algunos traumas personales y problemas de salud mental.

    "Chromatica" fue concebido como un álbum digno de ser escuchado de principio a fin. Una obra fuertemente influenciada por el haus, disco y EDM de los años 90's que se encuentra dividida en tres actos perfectamente diferenciados, cada uno precedido por un interludio que brinda una atmósfera de drama teatral y éxtasis colosal.

    Definitivamente la mezcla de sonidos es el gran acierto de este álbum, la transición entre canciones sucede de una forma muy cohesiva y armónica, "Chromatica II" a "911", y los inesperados cambios de ritmos resultan algo extraños al principio pero logran funcionar bastante bien, "Sine From Above" por mencionar un ejemplo. Por otro lado, la interpretación que Gaga hace de cada una de las canciones es apoteósica, claramente se nota una evolución en el control de su voz que se ve reflejada en el juego de tonos y armonías musicales que emplea, "Enigma" y "1000 Doves".

    En fin, Chromatica es un himno de fiesta, un sueño bailable, una fantasía electrónica-pop que nos recuerda y hace homenaje a la Gaga de sus inicios con trabajos como "The Fame" y "Born This Way".

    Tracks favoritos:
    1. Enigma
    2. 911
    3. Free Woman
    4. Babylon
    5. Sine From Above (feat. Elton John)
  76. Oct 21, 2022
    Chromatica knows what it’s doing. It is a journey through trauma, and an experience of healing in itself. Hearing the many nuances of storytelling within the production of this album - the way Replay sounds like musical trauma itself - this album is a perfect 10.
  77. May 11, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O albúm perfeito, cheio de referências à sua vida pessoal, uma boa base, bem sólida, futuristico, e dançante. Muito difícil transformar letras pesadas em músicas dançantes!!! Expand
  78. Oct 28, 2022
    Great dance pop album with the great vocals, lyrics and visuals. Peak of creativity
  79. Oct 28, 2022
    Love it so much. This album really helped me during the lockdown period and can thank her enough for making us dance through the pain.
  80. Oct 28, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. AGING like the FINEST WHISKEY

  81. Oct 28, 2022
    Album que salió hace 2 años y en 2022 todavía se siente muy fresco para todo.
  82. Oct 28, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. slayed i love her so much y'all should listen to this album otherwise ur a flop Expand
  83. May 14, 2023
    This album was so much fun, by far the best song is replay to me but its bop after bop after bop
  84. Dec 24, 2022
    I love this album, one of my life savers in COVID lock down and those tough yeas.
  85. Mar 12, 2023
    Gaga returns to her roots on Chromatica. A total 180 from her days of Joanne, Chromatica gives us timeless pop anthems. Staying true to herself, Gaga gives a lot of insight into her personal life, as well as carries themes of feminism. A truly cohesive project, Chromatica never repeats itself as every track gives a familiar, yet new flavor. While it doesn't quite outdo projects like BornGaga returns to her roots on Chromatica. A total 180 from her days of Joanne, Chromatica gives us timeless pop anthems. Staying true to herself, Gaga gives a lot of insight into her personal life, as well as carries themes of feminism. A truly cohesive project, Chromatica never repeats itself as every track gives a familiar, yet new flavor. While it doesn't quite outdo projects like Born This Way or The Fame, it certainly adds to her impressive discography. Expand
  86. Mar 4, 2023
    Grandioso e igênuo. Potente e vulnerável. Altruísta e doloroso. Difícil julgar os sentimentos de alguém, esses são mais do que o tema central aqui. Me perco um pouco na organização das faixas, não entendo bem o storytelling, mas, a mensagem é clara e evidente. 8.9 - ganha pontos pela execução e conceito - produção de ponta!
  87. Jul 10, 2023
    I love Lady Gaga. (Alice, Plastic Doll, Free Woman, 1000 Doves, Sine From Above, 911 were all bops) I think Plastic doll is the song I've listened to most out of all her albums. I am an avid fan. I've been there since "Just Dance" debuted on the radio. Stupid Love was an okay song, I listen to it from time to time. I really didn't like the songs that made it on the radio. I disliked SourI love Lady Gaga. (Alice, Plastic Doll, Free Woman, 1000 Doves, Sine From Above, 911 were all bops) I think Plastic doll is the song I've listened to most out of all her albums. I am an avid fan. I've been there since "Just Dance" debuted on the radio. Stupid Love was an okay song, I listen to it from time to time. I really didn't like the songs that made it on the radio. I disliked Sour Candy and Rain on me, which the latter seems to be the most played on the radio for some reason. I was disappointed because I thought the collabs could've made better songs. I was hoping for more dance pop hits. But I guess Gaga was doing something experimental. Can't wait until the next album! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 27, 2020
    The nostalgia in the production — a blend of crisp digital synth textures and ringing grooves drawn directly from '90s house music — further bolsters the shadowed euphoria of a song like "Sour Candy," in which Gaga is joined by the K-pop girl group Blackpink; "Sine from Above," featuring Elton John, gets a similar friction from the interplay between their voices.
  2. Jun 8, 2020
    Infectious, exciting and even a little hedonistic during some of the most confusing of modern times, now’s never been a better time to get lost in this new destination.
  3. 80
    Chromatica’s frank grappling with the vagaries of Gaga’s brain – and the way fame exacerbates them – ends up feeling much more real than touring dive bars with a guitar and a Stetson ever did.