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  1. Mar 19, 2021
    Simplemente hermoso, como la artista transmite tanto a través de las letras y cada melodía. La forma tan sutil y salvaje de contarte su historia y hacer que caigas en su mundo, llevándote a través de escenarios magníficos con cada una de sus canciones. El 2021 empezó con uno de los mejores álbumes de este año.
  2. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing disco es lo mejor quedó a la misma altura que norman **** es puro arte lo que no da mi chiquita lana del rey ❤️❤️❤️ Expand
  3. Mar 19, 2021
    Es algo nuevo, Lana se atrevió a nuevos ritmos y logro hacer una mezcla perfecta, este álbum es espectacular
  4. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album del año, inigualable, nunca antes visto, perfecto, espectacular, perfecto Expand
  5. Mar 19, 2021
    Chemtrails delivers the vulnerable vocals only found in Lana’a early, unreleased tracks and reaffirms her pedestal as a provocateur of Americana/ or anti-Americana poetry. Lana captures the genuine nature of the heartland while creating 10 original songs that feel both timeless and new. Perfect album!
  6. Mar 19, 2021
    perfección en todos los sentidos, sentimientos a flor de piel que te transportan
  7. Mar 19, 2021
    she came thru, nfr's sister did that. yosemite, wild at heart, tulsa jesus freak are one of the best on the album btw BUT LIKE THERE'S NO SKIPS
  8. Mar 19, 2021
    Best album in 2021!!!! Wild at heart and white dress are my favorite songs.
  9. Mar 19, 2021
    Eu estou apaixonado por esse álbum! Incrível a capacidade dessa mulher de escrever sobre sua vida como uma verdadeira poetisa, com poucos instrumentos e uma voz impecável, ela entrega mais um álbum esplêndido.
  10. Mar 19, 2021
    It's a great mix of everything that this woman can do. Songs that make us FEEL and experience different feelings throughout an album. Lightness, power and love. This is Chemtrails.
  11. Mar 19, 2021
    Este sin duda es el mejor álbum del Rey. Cada canción duele más que la anterior. Ella es tan transparente en este álbum, que realmente sería un desperdicio si no tuviera mayor reconocimiento. Obra de arte en toda su expresión. ¿Cómo es posible que estoy en el mismo planeta que ella?
  12. Mar 24, 2021
    A singer who hates other singers achievements couldn't make a soulful and worth listening music. The album didn't give me good vibes.
  13. Mar 20, 2021
    Beautiful, dark and slow at the same time. Lana always do the work! I’m so proud of this album.
  14. Mar 19, 2021
    The lyrics, the rhythms, everything’s perfect!!! The REAL essence of Lana Del Rey, it’s a MASTERPIECE.
  15. Mar 20, 2021
    Perfect!!! Beautiful lyrics, magical voice, amazing atmosphere... I'm thrilled with the album❤
  16. Mar 20, 2021
    She once again outdid herself! Her ‘White Dress’ features a rather whispery and raspy voice, and it you have to listen to it a few times to start loving it.
  17. Mar 21, 2021
    WHAT AN AMAZING ALBUM! I Ordered EVERY Vinyl Copy AND I ordered the album on iTunes JUST to help boost it to #1... This album is STUNNING & I love it so, so, so much! Thank you Lana for the nearly perfect record AND thank you for giving us SO many Vinyl Versions! I cannot wait to see what you do next AND I know the world is NOT ready! 10/10
  18. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. White Dress, Tulsa Jesus Freak, Dark But Just A Game: These are all very different and beautifully produced songs. Lana keeps getting better! Expand
  19. Mar 20, 2021
    Amazing album! Work of art. Everything she touches is art
    Queen mother!!!!!
  20. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana del Rey has once again made a wonderful album, full of good lyrics with feeling and passion. Thank you for your great work!
  21. Mar 20, 2021
    The sound of the nostalgia with a great sounds makes the Lana del Rey album's one of her best record. She's natural and her voice is clear than ever. She's just her in all shapes.
  22. Mar 20, 2021
    Amazing work, she never disappointed. After nfr, she came with another material which is worth its weight in gold aka album of the year. lots of love for her ❤️.
  23. Mar 20, 2021
    incredibly beautiful, it has the potential to outrank NFR! For me! White dress might just be her best album opener to date
  24. Mar 20, 2021
    Just a beautiful record, very personnal, I like this one and the rest of Lana Del Rey. She prooves, again, that her music is beyond the rest. The best song writter with Taylor Swift. I love the music and her voice, congrat Lana !
  25. Mar 20, 2021
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, sh!t on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  26. Mar 21, 2021
    Absolutely stunning vocals and production. This album is immensely well written and cohesive.
  27. Mar 20, 2021
    Truly a magnificent album Amazing vocals , Lana never fails to disappoint WORK OF AN ART ❤️
  28. Mar 20, 2021
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it
  29. Mar 20, 2021
    she’s done it again. beautiful album. sonically it’s dreamy. lyrically it’s poetic. aesthetically it’s kind and beautiful. I love how happy lana seems to be. she is surrounded by people she loves and who love her. love looks wonderful on her. and it is reflected in this incredible record. second listen really solidified each song for me and now not a single one is a skip. I am so gratefulshe’s done it again. beautiful album. sonically it’s dreamy. lyrically it’s poetic. aesthetically it’s kind and beautiful. I love how happy lana seems to be. she is surrounded by people she loves and who love her. love looks wonderful on her. and it is reflected in this incredible record. second listen really solidified each song for me and now not a single one is a skip. I am so grateful for her for giving us this album :) Expand
  30. Mar 20, 2021
    She never disappoints, the album overall is great, it had a messy rollout but ,its great, its not as good as nfr but i love the folky kinda influence fleur that it has, dance till we die-its very reminiscent of her Lizzy Grant era, overall a great album
  31. Mar 20, 2021
    A true masterpiece. This album embodies so much that I like about Lana Del Rey. Every album Lana has ever put out has a different taste. This one is no exception. Excellent in every way. With a great vocal range and absolutely beautiful instrumentals, Lana is at her peak.
    It's truly unexpected and sublime.
  32. Mar 20, 2021
    Es hermoso, completamente una obra de arte lana sabe hacer un buen álbum y como ser exitosa con el sin necesidad de promocionar demasido
  33. Mar 20, 2021
    This is literally the best album from Lana Del Rey! Jack and Lana did such a great job! 10/10
  34. Mar 20, 2021
    she is insane. Maybe the music could be different but her writer skills keep improving
  35. Mar 20, 2021
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  36. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is absolutely incredible. She is not only a beautiful singer, but a lyrical genius and a poet. Absolutely amazing, nothing can compare Expand
  37. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This Album definetly Lift up to NFR . One of the best Albums of 2021 ! Highly recommended Expand
  38. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana is such a good writer. Everything she says comes from the heart. She’s a poet. I feel like she’s becoming more independent in her music, which you can see from her happiness being more stabilized. Overall I love all the songs. The songs released before the album had more meaning when they were included with the album.
  39. Mar 20, 2021
    The release of Chemtrails Over the Country Club just saved 2021. This album cleared my skin and solved all world issues
  40. Mar 20, 2021
    i think this is a really good album! it has lana's usual sound of an alternative/pop mix, but with folky undertones. as always, the lyricism is exceptional.
  41. Mar 20, 2021
    This album is perfect in so many ways. The songs fit perfectly on the album, the beats are so soothing and Lana's singing is top tier. This definitely tops NFR!
  42. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Que melancolia perfeita. Lana se superou de todas as formas possíveis e agora ela é uma das maiores da indústria musical. Expand
  43. Mar 20, 2021
    Love you, Lana. You never disappoint. Best musician, literally cultural reset ❤️
  44. Mar 20, 2021
    'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' is a once more masterpiece brought by Lana Del Rey. This time she is more personal on the lyrics, the vibes has changed compared to NFR! and you can hear a guitar all long this beautiful produced album. Nikki Lane, Weyes Blood and Zella Day also contributes harmonically, Congratulations, Lana and Antonoff for offering us good music in such a chaotic time'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' is a once more masterpiece brought by Lana Del Rey. This time she is more personal on the lyrics, the vibes has changed compared to NFR! and you can hear a guitar all long this beautiful produced album. Nikki Lane, Weyes Blood and Zella Day also contributes harmonically, Congratulations, Lana and Antonoff for offering us good music in such a chaotic time we're living. Expand
  45. Mar 20, 2021
    Her most intimate and personal body of work yet. Lana has managed to raise the bar once again. Her storytelling is as a strong as ever and her vocal performance top notch. She has managed to sustain the quality of her music for almost 10 years and should be applauded for such an accomplishment.
  46. Mar 23, 2021
    Lana has an Angelical voice i love her this is so good and Amazing in love with this album
  47. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. love it!! this is so good wow. i’m in love love it!! this is so good wow. i’m in love Expand
  48. Mar 20, 2021
    What a masterpiece, I can´t help feel touched and blue Lana is a really good songwritter, she shows us her most deep thoughs every single time and she doesn´t really mind if we like or not but...we always like!
  49. Mar 20, 2021
    Uma verdadeira Poetisa! Tudo que essa mulher faz é perfeito. Um dos melhores álbuns dela.
  50. Mar 20, 2021
    A masterpiece! I just can recommend this album to everyone, I love it and enjoy it
  51. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana Del Rey never fails to deliver another great body of work. Chemtrails Under The Country Club is Lana showing that she is Lizzy Grant and Lana Del Rey at the same time. Great record!
  52. Mar 20, 2021
    This is a good album :
    ++ Chemtrails over the country club, Tulsa Jesus freak and Breaking up Slowly.
  53. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. COCC is incredible and beautiful Expand
  54. Mar 20, 2021
    It's much slower than her last albums, and it's not what her the most succesfull album Dark Paradise was/is at all, but it's great! And Jack really deserved grammy! This is another proof that he is special in what he does for all these extremely talented singers, such as Lana, Taylor and Lorde! I believe that he is very important part of their music.
  55. Mar 20, 2021
    AMAZING AS ALWAYS , HER VOICE IS HEAVENLY , breaking up slowly is my favorite
  56. Mar 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is amazing, i thought lana couldn’t make a better album that NFR but this is her best album. Love lana Expand
  57. Mar 20, 2021
    Fabulous album. The changes in tempo and melody make this one of the best of 2021. Highly recommend. Love Lana.
  58. Mar 20, 2021
    Probably her most personal and intimate album... I found it beautiful and lovely.
  59. Mar 20, 2021
    Beautiful experimental project by Lana Del Rey. Although all her work is astounding, Chemtrails Over The Country Club captures her development and vibrant maturity as an artist.
  60. Mar 20, 2021
    With this brilliant album, Del Rey shows us that even after the acclaimed "Norman **** Rockwell!" her art continues to evolve constantly, with her newest and most beautiful work.
  61. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana again brought an album totally different from her previous ones and again with a lot of quality.
  62. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana never fails to amaze us with her music style. Her songwriting and vocals is amazing on this album. So proud of her and excited for new album.
  63. Mar 20, 2021
    There is no denying that Lana Del Rey is one of the best songwriters of our generation and she constantly proves it. This album is a folky masterpiece that mentions more themes of happiness and overcoming her struggles.
  64. Mar 20, 2021
    the lyrics are poems, the sounds transport you to distant places where you find peace
  65. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana del Rey is amazing. The whole album is so good. Literally a masterpiece. Congrats Lana.
  66. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. **** fantastic , literally so ethereal, her vocals, the instrumentals are just beautiful Expand
  67. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana can't make bad music period. After NFR I didn't think she could top it, But with Chemtrails Over The Country Club she just may have. The standout tracks for me are White Dress, Dark but just a game, and not all who wander are lost.
  68. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best album of March.
    Para nosotros es el mejor álbum que ha sacado Lana del Rey, pues se dice que es uno de los mas melancólicos en lo que lleva de su carrera.
  69. Mar 20, 2021
    Easily enjoyable with a few highlights (White dress, Dark but just a game, Not all who wander are lost). The title track is both a self assurance reached through introspection and a response to some critics she's been facing all along - it's a rare moment in Lana's music when she's temporarily out of her self-built utopia.
  70. Mar 20, 2021
    This album is literally a masterpiece it’s the serve of the year it’s one of lana’s best albums go stream it
  71. Mar 20, 2021
    O álbum está impecável, mesmo não conseguindo entregar o que queria ela fez um trabalho perfeito (o que já era de se esperar depois do Norman). Ele tem uma vibe mais calma e suave, podendo dizer que é um dos melhores álbuns da cantora
  72. Mar 20, 2021
    Neste album Lana Del Rey mostra mais uma vez todo o seu talento, tanto na composição quanto nos vocais, e traz um album simples e coeso, mas com um forte apelo pessoal em suas letras, fazendo suas músicas soarem reconfortantes. Mesmo este album sendo lançado logo após o aclamado Normam F****** Rockwell!, Lana Del Rey consegue fazer com que este não fique a sombra do outro, e sim que tenhaNeste album Lana Del Rey mostra mais uma vez todo o seu talento, tanto na composição quanto nos vocais, e traz um album simples e coeso, mas com um forte apelo pessoal em suas letras, fazendo suas músicas soarem reconfortantes. Mesmo este album sendo lançado logo após o aclamado Normam F****** Rockwell!, Lana Del Rey consegue fazer com que este não fique a sombra do outro, e sim que tenha seu caminho própria rumo a aclamação. Expand
  73. Mar 20, 2021
    at first i thought i didn’t like the music but i listened two three four five six times and i’m still listening!! i’m addicted and COCC is a masterpiece. love from portugal
  74. Mar 20, 2021
    this album is just perfect. every song was amazing. her voice was brilliant and the lyrics were amazing. her best album for sure
  75. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this album is wonderful, oh my god, all the songs are glorious, they take you to another world, art, definitely that album is art, Lana del rey is an excellent singer and writer, this album is the best. Expand
  76. Mar 20, 2021
    All songs are soooo nostalgic sad and perfect for summertime sadness
    Love Lana. She carries the entire music evolution on her shoulders
  77. Mar 20, 2021
    Obra magnífica como sempre a lana nos dando o que ela tem de melhor sua arte, os arranjos e vocais perfeitos, mais uma vez ela entregou tudo.
  78. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana del Rey's voice on this album is one of the most beautiful and incredible things ever heard before Excellent lyrics, the best of 2021
  79. Mar 20, 2021
    From Born to Die to Norman F Rockwell, Del Rey has been faithful to her artistic self. Her new album, Chemtrails, is no exception.
    With lyrics pointing towards a more vibrant and optimistic reality, melodies setting the mood for each song, Lana and Jack outdo themselves every time to prove progression through artistic firmness.
  80. Mar 20, 2021
    Álbum completamente novo, Lana se supera cada vez mais e entrega sempre um bom trabalho, voz, instrumental e letras maravilhosas.
  81. Mar 20, 2021
    I can’t describe how perfect is this album! Lana Del Rey worked hard and it was worth it
  82. Mar 20, 2021
    Amazing album kanjwjsjejnejdjdjdjsjjdjdbdbjxioskwjbdhxydbvfjdosirnbfjdjdikj
  83. Mar 22, 2021
    This is just art, thank you Lana for giving us these beautiful and unique melodies. This album is amazing. At last the new COCC era has arrived!!
  84. Mar 20, 2021
    Álbum perfeito e coeso. Lana sempre entregando preciosidades para o mundo da música praticamente todos os anos. Não há um álbum dessa mulher que seje ruim.
  85. Mar 20, 2021
    Excellent melodies, personal lyrics combine with the instruments in the background. One of Lana’s finest albums.
  86. Mar 20, 2021
    nsnsjskxjxjskakzjxjskjaja all bops dndkkdkdwkndjdnsjsjsjsjs queen lana skxkxkskskakandjxjs
  87. Mar 20, 2021
    hermoso divino perfecto NADA Q AGREGAR. para celebrar pinto la letra de una de las mejores canciones period When I was a waitress wearing a tight dress handling the heat
    I wasn't famous, just listening to Kings of Leon to the beat
    Like look at how I got this, look how I got this Just singing in the street Down at the Men in Music Business Conference I felt free 'cause I was only
    hermoso divino perfecto NADA Q AGREGAR. para celebrar pinto la letra de una de las mejores canciones period When I was a waitress wearing a tight dress handling the heat
    I wasn't famous, just listening to Kings of Leon to the beat
    Like look at how I got this, look how I got this
    Just singing in the street
    Down at the Men in Music Business Conference
    I felt free 'cause I was only nineteen
    Such a scene
  88. Mar 20, 2021
    She never ceases to amaze me. This album felt fresh and different while staying true to her well established sound. Loved it so much, no skips!
  89. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best albums I've ever heard, sounds can lead you to remember all your discography, but this album tells a different story and like the others gives you different sensations that can't be explained in words, for example, "Dance till we die", is a clear example of versatility in terms of melody,since in the 2:40th minute it takes you to a whole new world of the same song Expand
  90. Mar 20, 2021
    magical. it’s art. it’s unique. magical. queen Lana came to save us. period.
  91. Mar 20, 2021
    waiting for this album was the only thing that kept me going. i wasn’t disappointed when it came out in fact i started crying because of how heavenly it sounds.
  92. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It leaves me with a good taste in my mouth of Lana's best albums the best album of the world!!!!!!!! Expand
  93. Mar 20, 2021
    Asombroso álbum, lana logra cautivar al oyente, es un álbum que merece ser reconocido a gran escala.
  94. Mar 20, 2021
    El mejor álbum, esto es solo para personas con buen gusto, si no tienes abstente de escuchar y menos comentar, no por tu crítica dejara de ser bueno!
  95. Mar 20, 2021
    Me gustó mucho, lana calma a cualquiera al escuchar sus canciones, los instrumentales y su voz son angelicales, no es mejor que el anterior, pero aun así no es un mal disco, es perfecto
  96. Mar 20, 2021
    Amazing album it’s so good with great lyrics, amazing beat, her voice is so beautiful really good album
  97. Mar 20, 2021
    El mejor álbum de todos los tiempos, lana del rey nuevamente nos cautiva, con su melodíosa voz, nos inspira y nos deja con ganas de seguir escuchandola, la reina de la melancólia nuevamente es un éxito total.
  98. Mar 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es increíble su nuevo álbum, ha demostrado ser una de las mejores artistas de su generación, éste álbum ha demostrado que cada era tiene algo muy especial Éste álbum es de mis favoritos ahora Gracias Lana Expand
  99. Mar 20, 2021
    Es una álbum maravilloso,este es el mejor álbum que ha salido este año,tardas las pistas que nos presenta en dicho álbum es poesía,es arte,sigue así lana
  100. Mar 20, 2021
    truly mesmerizing just as her previous work, she always takes my breath away

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Uncut
    Apr 20, 2021
    It’s hard to resist the sensory impact of these songs. Chemtrails picks up the nostalgic thread of 2019’s Norman Fucking Rockwell!, though here she’s mostly Midwest and more melodic. [Jun 2021, p.25]
  2. Mar 23, 2021
    “Tulsa Jesus Freak” is arguably closest to the Lana Del Rey longtime fans know and love, and it’s no surprise that it was written in 2019, around the time NFR! came out. “Yosemite” is another highlight, a stunning number with Del Rey’s vocals at their best. But most songs on Chemtrails don’t stand out. They blend together in their delicateness.
  3. Mar 22, 2021
    [Closing track] aside, most of the 11 songs on Chemtrails are melodically and vocally substantive, replete with sensual hooks and evocative images.