
Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Chase This Light is what emo should sound like: big emotions, sure, but also big hooks, big stakes. And big rewards. [19 Oct 2007, p.126]
  2. Thanks to singer Jim Adkins's bottomless well of high-flying choruses (not to mention the general shittiness of current affairs), the formula still delivers.
  3. Chase This Light is not a genre-defying album for the history books–-it just gives the impression that Jimmy Eat World are still capable of producing one.
  4. Chase This Light is packed with huge pop moments, galloping off with the exhilarating 'Big Casino' and swiftly following it with the towering 'Carry You,' songs seemingly custom made for action-packed pick-up truck commercials.
  5. With Butch Vig producing, there is an extra coat of studio sheen on anthemic rockers ('Big Casino'), finger-snapping dance-y numbers ('Always Be') and such borderline Fall Out Boy-sounding political shout-outs as 'Electable (Give It Up).'
  6. Overall, Chase This Light takes the pop rock sound of their latest albums and perfects the style, complemented with Butch Vig’s flawless production skills. Again, the choruses sound bigger and catchier than ever.
  7. Chase This Light's would-be killer singles make for enjoyable listening, but taken as a whole it feels uninspired for a band known for its ambition.
  8. Jimmy Eat World’s decidedly more adult Chase This Light finds the Mesa, Ariz., foursome bartering their former angst and fitful ennui for sophisticated, toothsome power pop.
  9. Chase This Light is also a return to form for the band in terms of their ingratiating power-pop.
  10. Blender
    Their sixth album sticks close to what they know best. [Nov 2007, p.153]
  11. Having distanced themselves from the E-word long before it became fashionable to do so, Chase This Light sees them outgrow it.
  12. Spin
    The record is crisply produced, with jittery, epic songs that just happen to be about getting older and maybe a little more cynical. [Nov 2007, p.125]
  13. Nothing on Chase This Light is bad, relatively speaking; Jimmy Eat World has always sprinkled cheese on its albums, just never this generously.
  14. Jimmy Eat World go to great lengths to recapture the anthemic thrills of "Clarity"--and give or take a few bouts of brooding cynicism, they’ve succeeded.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 41
  2. Negative: 5 out of 41
  1. AaronW
    Jan 12, 2008
    People need to get off the Clarity kick. Good album but would you ever like a band that just kept coming out with music that sounds the same People need to get off the Clarity kick. Good album but would you ever like a band that just kept coming out with music that sounds the same as all thier other albums. No. It's called growing as an artist. Playing it safe and bankable is something sellouts do, not actual artists. This is the first cd I've been hooked on in a while and it is far and away better than some give it credit for. Full Review »
  2. RickB
    Jan 7, 2008
    this is an album loaded with the kind of infectious and energetic pop songs i have come to expect from one of my favorite bands. i found this is an album loaded with the kind of infectious and energetic pop songs i have come to expect from one of my favorite bands. i found myself singing along with big casino the very first time i heard it! my chief complaint about this record is the production. unfortunately, jimmy eat world's last couple albums have been engineered to sound like the rest of the steroidal mainstream pop landscape. sure, it's punchy. but many dynamics are lost in the the digitally compressed, over-produced result. in the process, jim's vocals are layered and effected to the point of sounding a touch robotic. a friend of mine sent me some of the demos from this record (obviously lacking the final production touches) and they sound more alive to me than the finished product. however, this shouldn't detract from what is otherwise a very good offering from the band. it's just a shame they had to, once again, get wrung through the studio-"perfect" pop-mill along the way. Full Review »
  3. ChrisG.
    Dec 6, 2007
    It's pretty good but kind of disappointing at the same time. I have been hoping for them to come out with an amazing happened but it It's pretty good but kind of disappointing at the same time. I have been hoping for them to come out with an amazing happened but it just doesn't seem in the cards anymore. Regardless of what people say, "Clarity" is their best album and I compare everything they do to that. That may be unfair of me. Full Review »