• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Dec 3, 2002

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 13
  2. Negative: 3 out of 13
  1. An inspired and diverse 15-song opus.
  2. While fans of her early-'90s material will find much to embrace here, those that rallied 'round the singer during her hip-hop days may feel lost and abandoned.
  3. Vibe
    Classic Mariah--for better or worse. [Feb 2003, p.137]
  4. Q Magazine
    She has a fine technical voice but the emotional resonance of a car park. [Feb 2003, p.98]
  5. Blender
    For most of Charmbracelet, she sticks to a gauzy, breathy, phone-sex coo, muzzling her inner diva until the final verse or a few ultrasonic high notes in the fade-out. [#13, p.92]
  6. A step ahead of the J-Los of the world; a step behind what may prove to be a career pinnacle.
  7. Thankfully, there are a few genuinely affecting moments.
  8. Carey's once glorious voice is all over the place, her rainbow-and-stars lyrics come off like the notebook doodles of a 12-year-old girl, and her song selection is shocking.
  9. Her voice is damaged, and there's not a moment where it sounds strong or inviting. That alone would be disturbing, but since the songs are formless and the production bland -- another reason why the hip-hop announces itself, even though it's nowhere near as pronounced as it has been since Butterfly -- her tired voice becomes the only thing to concentrate on, and it's a sad, ugly thing, making an album that would merely have been her worst into something tragic.
  10. A plodding collection of ballads carefully designed to show-off her jaw-dropping vocal range to the fullest.
  11. Who needs anti-depressants when you have Jesus and schmaltz?
  12. What's particularly, notably bad here is its production.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 353 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Nov 4, 2022
    The few good tracks "(Boy) I Need You" "You Got Me" "Irresistible" "You Had Your Chance" are buried in an album that's poorly sequenced evenThe few good tracks "(Boy) I Need You" "You Got Me" "Irresistible" "You Had Your Chance" are buried in an album that's poorly sequenced even more poorly produced and devoid of any real personality, its easy to see why Christina Aguilera's "Stripped" and JLo's "This Is Me... Then" outperformed this mixed bag of a record. Full Review »
  2. Jan 24, 2016
    Mariah Carey's album charmbraclet is one of her best albums yet. Through the rain is the best song on the album and will always be one of myMariah Carey's album charmbraclet is one of her best albums yet. Through the rain is the best song on the album and will always be one of my favorite songs ever. All the other songs are great too. Full Review »
  3. May 10, 2015
    Sadly, the only great tracks on the album are "Bringin' On The Hearbreak" and "Through the Rain". After her breakdown/erratic behavior,Sadly, the only great tracks on the album are "Bringin' On The Hearbreak" and "Through the Rain". After her breakdown/erratic behavior, Glitter's performance, and the events on September 11, 2001, I feel that Mariah should of taken a longer break and recover musically. Her voice on this album just tells me that she lost it. I kind of regret listening to the album. If she wanted more sleep (as she said during her breakdown in 2001, she should've relaxed more instead of rushing to release a album the next year). Full Review »