• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Sep 13, 2019
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Universal acclaim- based on 696 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 57 out of 696
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  1. Sep 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it’s so good i can’t Expand
  2. Sep 16, 2019
    O futuro do pop está a salvo graças a Charli XCX. Álbum espetacular com uma produção incrível!
  3. Sep 16, 2019
    Charli is a very underrated singer, I believe that her 'creativity deserves a lot morez.Hello from Ukraine
  4. Sep 15, 2019
    Her best album since the iconic Vrom Vrom EP! White Mercedes, Gone, Silver Cross and Shake it are the best so far.
  5. Sep 17, 2019
    A.G. Cook's goal for PC Music was to give people who weren't pop stars the hallowed platform reserved exclusively for only the most pristine of celebrities. He wanted to give people like Sophie, Hannah Diamond, GFOTY--yes, even himself--the one thing they'd otherwise never have: a chance. The result was the most exciting, if not wholly fulfilled, promise for pop music this decade.

    A.G. Cook's goal for PC Music was to give people who weren't pop stars the hallowed platform reserved exclusively for only the most pristine of celebrities. He wanted to give people like Sophie, Hannah Diamond, GFOTY--yes, even himself--the one thing they'd otherwise never have: a chance. The result was the most exciting, if not wholly fulfilled, promise for pop music this decade.

    Along came Charlie XCX, a legit star who loved pop so much she took a great chance by letting it know it had gotten kinda fat. Legitimately experimenting with structures so ingrained as pop formulae is tricky business--A.G. Cook and Charli XCX were often rejected by pop heads and critics alike. To this day, even their most beloved albums are gristly, to say the least.

    With the Charli album, however, the promise of PC Music is finally and thrillingly fulfilled. Sure, the future age production and diverse cast of cultural outsiders are all accounted for, but Charli's greatest triumph is how it reveals something completely unexpected: a heart inside the cyborg on its cover.

    It's not a perfect album. Great songs like "Thoughts" and "White Mercedes" have a hard time breaking free from the otherwise standard fare of the middle third. But when was the last time we heard in the pop sphere such bold musical interpretations of our inner turmoil? "Gone," "Thoughts," "I Don't Wanna Know," and "February 2017" turn modern malaise larger than life--as if through a song these emotions could be reclaimed for the greater good.

    After all, Charli XCX is nothing if not a party girl. When she deems it time to get dumb and fun on songs like "Click," "Shake It," and "Next Level Charli," things get boisterous and deeply experimental--leave it to Charli to ensure the bangers are the weirdest part of an already weird record.

    But the album's crown jewel is the breathlessly romantic "Official," where Charli's lyrics--unapologetic in their mushiness--are complemented with unusual restraint by A.G. Cook's glistening instrumental. It's the sound of realizing quite suddenly you have nothing but hope for a relationship--less ecstasy than quiet reserve, that terrifying and real moment when, despite all the pain you know you'll both endure, it's time to say yes.
  6. Sep 13, 2019
    A common stereotype in the pop world is that these artists don’t have creative control over their own music and sometimes this statement is 100% true but then you have artists like Charli XCX who are the real deal.

    Charli is a progressive and experimental collection of tracks that wouldn’t find themselves on a main label authorised album. Thats not commenting on their quality at all
    A common stereotype in the pop world is that these artists don’t have creative control over their own music and sometimes this statement is 100% true but then you have artists like Charli XCX who are the real deal.

    Charli is a progressive and experimental collection of tracks that wouldn’t find themselves on a main label authorised album. Thats not commenting on their quality at all because this album is as catchy and marketable as her latest release, POP2. The songs sit in this fusion of electronic-pop-RNB and push the boundaries of what her sound really is and that’s not even the whole package, the entire album is very reletable and has been written incredibly well. It impresses with all guest apparences and big experimental hooks. After bringing my hopes up with POP2, Charli served an album everything I wanted It to shape out to be and I couldn’t be more satisfised with this record.

    - Cindy!! this is a serve!! track/s: Silver Cross, Shake It, February 2017
    - she is good... for her age track/s: 1999
  7. Sep 13, 2019
    The song "Next Level Charli" and the last sentence in Under The Radar review explain it all: "Charli is another winning release from an artist who won't be stopped in pushing pop music into the 22nd century."

    In terms of lyrics, it is an undisputable fact that she has improved. You can see that in mid-tempo songs such as "White Mercedes", "Silver Cross", and "Official". It will be
    The song "Next Level Charli" and the last sentence in Under The Radar review explain it all: "Charli is another winning release from an artist who won't be stopped in pushing pop music into the 22nd century."

    In terms of lyrics, it is an undisputable fact that she has improved. You can see that in mid-tempo songs such as "White Mercedes", "Silver Cross", and "Official".

    It will be erring to claim that this is one of the best album of the decade, because this is the best album of the next century.
  8. Sep 13, 2019
    Eclectic pop at its finest. Charli XCX isn't doing an anti-pop, but instead she's embracing pop with technology. As an indirect sequel to Pop 2, Charli succeeded again to captivate the harmony.
  9. Sep 13, 2019
    This album is a true masterpiece. Charli again carries the pop on her back.
  10. Sep 14, 2019
    It's everything we shouldn't expect from a pop artist in 2019. So futuristic!
  11. Sep 13, 2019
    A damn masterpiece. If you loved Pop2 you will love this! Charli is officially back with a vengeance!
  12. Sep 13, 2019
    If there’s one thing about Charli XCX she knows the power of a collab, the collaborations on this album are the strongest I’ve heard on an album in a damn good while and that’s not taking away from Charli herself, she shines bright on White Mercedes. Overall it’s faultless future pop and no one else is doing what she is.
  13. Sep 13, 2019
    The best Charli xcx récord yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Sep 14, 2019
    O álbum é ótimo,tem em todas as musicas o conceito futuro,ela é com certeza uma grande influência na música atual,o álbum traz toda sua originalidade
  15. Sep 14, 2019
    "Charli" has been long in the making, but listening to it might give you insight about why is that. The third studio album from british pop-heroine, sounds like what would be playing on the radio if we were in the 22nd century. It is a continuation of the sound she created and chose for herself on her last effort, the "Pop 2" mixtape released back in December 2017. Aitchson not only"Charli" has been long in the making, but listening to it might give you insight about why is that. The third studio album from british pop-heroine, sounds like what would be playing on the radio if we were in the 22nd century. It is a continuation of the sound she created and chose for herself on her last effort, the "Pop 2" mixtape released back in December 2017. Aitchson not only creates magnetic, catchy tunes and hooks for herself, but also employs other small, independent artists (most of them were on "Pop 2" too) to come make appearances and that contributes to how rich the sound of this record is.

    On this album, the listener will find some songs where the productions and the beats sound like a machine gone out of order or a robot in destruction mode. For instance, 'Click', with Kim Petras and Tommy Cash, has a weird production, and a pulsating chorus, until the outro that'll wreck your ear and the speakers of your car alike. 'Shake It' turns out to be a successful try to remake the song 'I Got It' from "Pop 2", featuring CupcakKe, Brook Candy and Pabllo Vitar (who were all on 'I Got It') and Big Freedia. The song has the most interesting chorus, which is very weirdly produced, and helps all its guest stars expose their art and shine through it. Another very futuristic track is the closer, '2099', which features Troye Sivan and a big chorus.

    On the side of the spectrum, you have songs where Charli is singing alone, and it sounds like she was alone at the studio, and she decided to wear her heart of her sleeve making them. 'White Mercedes' is a highlight, which sounds like it could be a Julia Michaels song. 'Official' is a love-letter to her current boyfriend and it's the sweetest thing ever. 'I Don't Wanna Know' has a beautiful vocal production, with Charli's voice echoing over the saddest lyrics on this record.

    Throughout the 15 tracks on this record, it's pretty beautiful how much Charli went around and exprimented to curate the sounds on this album. 'Warm' with HAIM sounds like it could've been on the 1975's album from last year ("A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationship"). 'Cross You Out', with Sky Ferreira, sounds like a mixture of styles between Ferreira's "Night Time, My Time" and XCX's own "True Romance".

    "Charli" has been long in the making, and that's probably because Charli travelled into the future and created it there. And it works perfectly fine.
  16. Sep 13, 2019
    The album overall is amazing, it’s an emotional rollercoaster that I’ve needed
  17. Sep 14, 2019
    This is the future of pop music, and everyone needs to get on Charli XCX's train to 2099. "Charli" is an instant pop classic.
  18. Sep 14, 2019
    Amazing, iconic, everything. Shake It is one of the best tracks ever.
  19. Sep 13, 2019
    Such a great álbum, Charli is one of the best album of 2019, she make an excellent job, and we love it
  20. Sep 13, 2019
    The production on the album (helmed by A.G. Cook of PC Music) is both singular, and wide-ranging, allowing a seemingly endless list of collaborators to naturally click into place in Charli’s sound. I’ve never heard anything like what exists on this album, especially not in a pop album that could potentially have radio-play. Truly genius.
  21. Sep 13, 2019
    Solid 9/10, if Charli is the future of pop we’re in good hands. Truly an innovate album.
  22. Sep 13, 2019
    Another great, futuristic album by Charlotte. Great melodies, lyrics, productions!
  23. Sep 13, 2019
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  24. Sep 13, 2019
    Charli is the album of the year, this is how you make pop music, an album full of party bangers and sad personal bops at the same time, zero skips, next level production and brilliant songwriting, I couldn't be more proud of this woman, she never fails to be HERSELF. https://t.co/ZEnBtzEhqL
  25. Sep 13, 2019
    amazing absolutely perfection everyone should listen to this album it’s so good.
  26. Sep 14, 2019
    Perfect album from the perfect artist, one of the best albums of 2019 for sure
  27. Sep 14, 2019
    Charli did it again! She had explored her horizons even wider with this album. Lyrically, this might be her most personal album. Really loving the lyrics. This is like 65% of Pop 2 and 35% of No.1 angel merged to one. This might be her most party-ass album. She’s really putting autotune to good use, unlike other artists. Production is futuristic as f in tier with Pop 2. No Vroom Vroom-likeCharli did it again! She had explored her horizons even wider with this album. Lyrically, this might be her most personal album. Really loving the lyrics. This is like 65% of Pop 2 and 35% of No.1 angel merged to one. This might be her most party-ass album. She’s really putting autotune to good use, unlike other artists. Production is futuristic as f in tier with Pop 2. No Vroom Vroom-like track here, but some of her best songs are here in this album. Best tracks: Thoughts, White Mercedes, Gone, Cross you out, February 2017, Warm, Official
    Worst: Nothing really, but if i had to choose..the first track..it’s not a bad song though!
  28. Sep 13, 2019
    Your greatest album yet Charlotte ! you did it again, girl, you are my favorite pop princess
  29. Sep 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. my life has change (╥﹏╥)┌(・。・)┘♪(@_@)୧(^ 〰 ^)୨♡(> ਊ Expand
  30. Sep 13, 2019
    It’s so hard to listening to an album that is cohesive, personal and high quality but Charli did that. Her album is one of the best album of the year. Her productions were on point. She made it to the “Next Level”!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Oct 3, 2019
    It’s a party album, which means it’s utopian. It’s a solo album, which means it’s rebooting. “Next Level Charli” doesn’t sound like a version we’ve never heard before; it sounds like the very same, not even accelerated but integrated, at 100% synchronization rate.
  2. Q Magazine
    Sep 24, 2019
    It often feels as if Aitchison's nasal croon and counter-intuitive toplines are the least interesting bits of her own project. [Nov 2019, p.116]
  3. Sep 18, 2019
    The good news is that her songwriting is stronger than ever. Along with co-executive producer A.G. Cook, Charli XCX has put together a delightful album of high-end pop confections. Charli packs in plenty of wow and proves to be more than worth the wait.