• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Sep 13, 2019
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Universal acclaim- based on 696 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 57 out of 696
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  1. Sep 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it’s so good i can’t Expand
  2. Sep 16, 2019
    O futuro do pop está a salvo graças a Charli XCX. Álbum espetacular com uma produção incrível!
  3. Sep 16, 2019
    Charli is a very underrated singer, I believe that her 'creativity deserves a lot morez.Hello from Ukraine
  4. Sep 15, 2019
    Her best album since the iconic Vrom Vrom EP! White Mercedes, Gone, Silver Cross and Shake it are the best so far.
  5. Sep 17, 2019
    A.G. Cook's goal for PC Music was to give people who weren't pop stars the hallowed platform reserved exclusively for only the most pristine of celebrities. He wanted to give people like Sophie, Hannah Diamond, GFOTY--yes, even himself--the one thing they'd otherwise never have: a chance. The result was the most exciting, if not wholly fulfilled, promise for pop music this decade.

    A.G. Cook's goal for PC Music was to give people who weren't pop stars the hallowed platform reserved exclusively for only the most pristine of celebrities. He wanted to give people like Sophie, Hannah Diamond, GFOTY--yes, even himself--the one thing they'd otherwise never have: a chance. The result was the most exciting, if not wholly fulfilled, promise for pop music this decade.

    Along came Charlie XCX, a legit star who loved pop so much she took a great chance by letting it know it had gotten kinda fat. Legitimately experimenting with structures so ingrained as pop formulae is tricky business--A.G. Cook and Charli XCX were often rejected by pop heads and critics alike. To this day, even their most beloved albums are gristly, to say the least.

    With the Charli album, however, the promise of PC Music is finally and thrillingly fulfilled. Sure, the future age production and diverse cast of cultural outsiders are all accounted for, but Charli's greatest triumph is how it reveals something completely unexpected: a heart inside the cyborg on its cover.

    It's not a perfect album. Great songs like "Thoughts" and "White Mercedes" have a hard time breaking free from the otherwise standard fare of the middle third. But when was the last time we heard in the pop sphere such bold musical interpretations of our inner turmoil? "Gone," "Thoughts," "I Don't Wanna Know," and "February 2017" turn modern malaise larger than life--as if through a song these emotions could be reclaimed for the greater good.

    After all, Charli XCX is nothing if not a party girl. When she deems it time to get dumb and fun on songs like "Click," "Shake It," and "Next Level Charli," things get boisterous and deeply experimental--leave it to Charli to ensure the bangers are the weirdest part of an already weird record.

    But the album's crown jewel is the breathlessly romantic "Official," where Charli's lyrics--unapologetic in their mushiness--are complemented with unusual restraint by A.G. Cook's glistening instrumental. It's the sound of realizing quite suddenly you have nothing but hope for a relationship--less ecstasy than quiet reserve, that terrifying and real moment when, despite all the pain you know you'll both endure, it's time to say yes.
  6. Sep 13, 2019
    A common stereotype in the pop world is that these artists don’t have creative control over their own music and sometimes this statement is 100% true but then you have artists like Charli XCX who are the real deal.

    Charli is a progressive and experimental collection of tracks that wouldn’t find themselves on a main label authorised album. Thats not commenting on their quality at all
    A common stereotype in the pop world is that these artists don’t have creative control over their own music and sometimes this statement is 100% true but then you have artists like Charli XCX who are the real deal.

    Charli is a progressive and experimental collection of tracks that wouldn’t find themselves on a main label authorised album. Thats not commenting on their quality at all because this album is as catchy and marketable as her latest release, POP2. The songs sit in this fusion of electronic-pop-RNB and push the boundaries of what her sound really is and that’s not even the whole package, the entire album is very reletable and has been written incredibly well. It impresses with all guest apparences and big experimental hooks. After bringing my hopes up with POP2, Charli served an album everything I wanted It to shape out to be and I couldn’t be more satisfised with this record.

    - Cindy!! this is a serve!! track/s: Silver Cross, Shake It, February 2017
    - she is good... for her age track/s: 1999
  7. Sep 13, 2019
    The song "Next Level Charli" and the last sentence in Under The Radar review explain it all: "Charli is another winning release from an artist who won't be stopped in pushing pop music into the 22nd century."

    In terms of lyrics, it is an undisputable fact that she has improved. You can see that in mid-tempo songs such as "White Mercedes", "Silver Cross", and "Official". It will be
    The song "Next Level Charli" and the last sentence in Under The Radar review explain it all: "Charli is another winning release from an artist who won't be stopped in pushing pop music into the 22nd century."

    In terms of lyrics, it is an undisputable fact that she has improved. You can see that in mid-tempo songs such as "White Mercedes", "Silver Cross", and "Official".

    It will be erring to claim that this is one of the best album of the decade, because this is the best album of the next century.
  8. Sep 13, 2019
    Eclectic pop at its finest. Charli XCX isn't doing an anti-pop, but instead she's embracing pop with technology. As an indirect sequel to Pop 2, Charli succeeded again to captivate the harmony.
  9. Sep 13, 2019
    This album is a true masterpiece. Charli again carries the pop on her back.
  10. Sep 14, 2019
    It's everything we shouldn't expect from a pop artist in 2019. So futuristic!
  11. Sep 13, 2019
    A damn masterpiece. If you loved Pop2 you will love this! Charli is officially back with a vengeance!
  12. Sep 13, 2019
    If there’s one thing about Charli XCX she knows the power of a collab, the collaborations on this album are the strongest I’ve heard on an album in a damn good while and that’s not taking away from Charli herself, she shines bright on White Mercedes. Overall it’s faultless future pop and no one else is doing what she is.
  13. Sep 13, 2019
    The best Charli xcx récord yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Sep 14, 2019
    O álbum é ótimo,tem em todas as musicas o conceito futuro,ela é com certeza uma grande influência na música atual,o álbum traz toda sua originalidade
  15. Sep 14, 2019
    "Charli" has been long in the making, but listening to it might give you insight about why is that. The third studio album from british pop-heroine, sounds like what would be playing on the radio if we were in the 22nd century. It is a continuation of the sound she created and chose for herself on her last effort, the "Pop 2" mixtape released back in December 2017. Aitchson not only"Charli" has been long in the making, but listening to it might give you insight about why is that. The third studio album from british pop-heroine, sounds like what would be playing on the radio if we were in the 22nd century. It is a continuation of the sound she created and chose for herself on her last effort, the "Pop 2" mixtape released back in December 2017. Aitchson not only creates magnetic, catchy tunes and hooks for herself, but also employs other small, independent artists (most of them were on "Pop 2" too) to come make appearances and that contributes to how rich the sound of this record is.

    On this album, the listener will find some songs where the productions and the beats sound like a machine gone out of order or a robot in destruction mode. For instance, 'Click', with Kim Petras and Tommy Cash, has a weird production, and a pulsating chorus, until the outro that'll wreck your ear and the speakers of your car alike. 'Shake It' turns out to be a successful try to remake the song 'I Got It' from "Pop 2", featuring CupcakKe, Brook Candy and Pabllo Vitar (who were all on 'I Got It') and Big Freedia. The song has the most interesting chorus, which is very weirdly produced, and helps all its guest stars expose their art and shine through it. Another very futuristic track is the closer, '2099', which features Troye Sivan and a big chorus.

    On the side of the spectrum, you have songs where Charli is singing alone, and it sounds like she was alone at the studio, and she decided to wear her heart of her sleeve making them. 'White Mercedes' is a highlight, which sounds like it could be a Julia Michaels song. 'Official' is a love-letter to her current boyfriend and it's the sweetest thing ever. 'I Don't Wanna Know' has a beautiful vocal production, with Charli's voice echoing over the saddest lyrics on this record.

    Throughout the 15 tracks on this record, it's pretty beautiful how much Charli went around and exprimented to curate the sounds on this album. 'Warm' with HAIM sounds like it could've been on the 1975's album from last year ("A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationship"). 'Cross You Out', with Sky Ferreira, sounds like a mixture of styles between Ferreira's "Night Time, My Time" and XCX's own "True Romance".

    "Charli" has been long in the making, and that's probably because Charli travelled into the future and created it there. And it works perfectly fine.
  16. Sep 13, 2019
    The album overall is amazing, it’s an emotional rollercoaster that I’ve needed
  17. Sep 14, 2019
    This is the future of pop music, and everyone needs to get on Charli XCX's train to 2099. "Charli" is an instant pop classic.
  18. Sep 14, 2019
    Amazing, iconic, everything. Shake It is one of the best tracks ever.
  19. Sep 13, 2019
    Such a great álbum, Charli is one of the best album of 2019, she make an excellent job, and we love it
  20. Sep 13, 2019
    The production on the album (helmed by A.G. Cook of PC Music) is both singular, and wide-ranging, allowing a seemingly endless list of collaborators to naturally click into place in Charli’s sound. I’ve never heard anything like what exists on this album, especially not in a pop album that could potentially have radio-play. Truly genius.
  21. Sep 13, 2019
    Solid 9/10, if Charli is the future of pop we’re in good hands. Truly an innovate album.
  22. Sep 13, 2019
    Another great, futuristic album by Charlotte. Great melodies, lyrics, productions!
  23. Sep 13, 2019
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  24. Sep 13, 2019
    Charli is the album of the year, this is how you make pop music, an album full of party bangers and sad personal bops at the same time, zero skips, next level production and brilliant songwriting, I couldn't be more proud of this woman, she never fails to be HERSELF. https://t.co/ZEnBtzEhqL
  25. Sep 13, 2019
    amazing absolutely perfection everyone should listen to this album it’s so good.
  26. Sep 14, 2019
    Perfect album from the perfect artist, one of the best albums of 2019 for sure
  27. Sep 14, 2019
    Charli did it again! She had explored her horizons even wider with this album. Lyrically, this might be her most personal album. Really loving the lyrics. This is like 65% of Pop 2 and 35% of No.1 angel merged to one. This might be her most party-ass album. She’s really putting autotune to good use, unlike other artists. Production is futuristic as f in tier with Pop 2. No Vroom Vroom-likeCharli did it again! She had explored her horizons even wider with this album. Lyrically, this might be her most personal album. Really loving the lyrics. This is like 65% of Pop 2 and 35% of No.1 angel merged to one. This might be her most party-ass album. She’s really putting autotune to good use, unlike other artists. Production is futuristic as f in tier with Pop 2. No Vroom Vroom-like track here, but some of her best songs are here in this album. Best tracks: Thoughts, White Mercedes, Gone, Cross you out, February 2017, Warm, Official
    Worst: Nothing really, but if i had to choose..the first track..it’s not a bad song though!
  28. Sep 13, 2019
    Your greatest album yet Charlotte ! you did it again, girl, you are my favorite pop princess
  29. Sep 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. my life has change (╥﹏╥)┌(・。・)┘♪(@_@)୧(^ 〰 ^)୨♡(> ਊ Expand
  30. Sep 13, 2019
    It’s so hard to listening to an album that is cohesive, personal and high quality but Charli did that. Her album is one of the best album of the year. Her productions were on point. She made it to the “Next Level”!
  31. Sep 13, 2019
    Revolutionary sense of music giving the pop community a sense of what the future is going to be.
  32. Sep 13, 2019
    Charli once again delivers another excellent pop masterpiece and I expected the most from it and it's just so funny to me that she didn't just deliver that but she delivered EVEN MORE.
  33. Sep 13, 2019
    Boundary breaking pop. Truly futuristic. A driving force in the pop scene ATM.
  34. Sep 13, 2019
    Her best project. It's been a very long journey, both for fans and Charli from SUCKER till now. Leaks, delays, unexpected mixtapes and singles but we finally made it and it's totally worth it. Better than I ever could have imagined. We are in the future (charli) baby..
  35. Sep 13, 2019
    such a perfect pop album. i’m so proud of charli for making this amazing album. highlights: “Next Level Charli”, “Gone”, “Cross You Out”, “Silver Cross”, “Offical”, “Shake It” and “February 2017”.
  36. Sep 13, 2019
    One of the greatest, most cohesive pop albums in a long time, balanced with near perfect experimentalism.
  37. Sep 14, 2019
    Get a bottle of champagne, get your car keys and let Charli take the wheel.
    The future is upon us girlies.

    p.s. don't drive if you drink
  38. Sep 14, 2019
    A pop masterpiece. A journey to the future. Charli XCX really is the queen of pop.
  39. Sep 14, 2019
    Сборник хитов. Чарли уничтожила всю никчемную карьеру трешлор сгнифт, у которой никогда не было хитов и слушательных песен
  40. Sep 14, 2019
    The best album in the world i hope every person in this universe listen this masterpiece, kuin charli
  41. Sep 13, 2019
    Charli is charismatic, funny, confident and honest and raw on her self-titled album. This album is really a gift to the fans. She explores many genres and music styles with a help from A-list collaborators like Troye Sivan, HAIM, Lizzo, Kim Petras and others.
    On fan-favourite haunting track "Warm" she sings "You are the reason why we can't fall in love" softly over synth beats, her voice
    Charli is charismatic, funny, confident and honest and raw on her self-titled album. This album is really a gift to the fans. She explores many genres and music styles with a help from A-list collaborators like Troye Sivan, HAIM, Lizzo, Kim Petras and others.
    On fan-favourite haunting track "Warm" she sings "You are the reason why we can't fall in love" softly over synth beats, her voice is so delicate and pleasing and takes you to another world. But what's so great about this record is it doesn't feel like it's made for everybody. It's Charli in her true shape.
  42. Sep 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Colabs awesome, lyrics deep feelings and fully of details on every music that make u wanted listen over and over until discovery every secret Expand
  43. Sep 14, 2019
    f those russian bots. IT’S CHARLI BABY. 10/10 absolute masterpiece. “SHAKE IT” will revolutionize pop music as we know it.
  44. Sep 14, 2019
    Шла Трешлор по шоссе
    И лизала член в горле
    Дело было в августе Было ей не скушно Члена сосала целый день, Очень торопилась. Но глотать было нельзя, Трешлор очень злилась. Он был жёсткий шо пиздец, Чуть солёненький хуец. Вот бы был еще один, Только нет, ребята. Вот уже родимый дом, Скутер, клетка, член большой А налево за углом Детский сад Крыстины
    Шла Трешлор по шоссе
    И лизала член в горле
    Дело было в августе
    Было ей не скушно

    Члена сосала целый день,
    Очень торопилась.
    Но глотать было нельзя,
    Трешлор очень злилась.

    Он был жёсткий шо пиздец,
    Чуть солёненький хуец.
    Вот бы был еще один,
    Только нет, ребята.

    Вот уже родимый дом,
    Скутер, клетка, член большой
    А налево за углом
    Детский сад Крыстины
  45. Sep 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Insane album we stan for life the queen who is revolutionizing pop music charli xcx / twitter @nextlevelxcx Expand
  46. Sep 13, 2019
    My favorite since "True Romance", combining all the good that her debut had in terms of composition with what we could hear on "Vroom Vroom" and the last two mixtapes. "Gone" is one of the best songs released in 2019.
  47. Sep 14, 2019
    testing the pop limits once again, showing the mass what pop can and should be.
  48. Sep 13, 2019
    "Charli" sums up the proposal for this new work by Charli XCX, a beautifully done mix that joins great performers. Charli is not just one more to come dazzled, she came to show off her talent and brilliance. Next Level Charli!
  49. Sep 13, 2019
    An masterpeice!! An album contains the influence of true romence, sucker , number 1 angel pop2.
  50. Sep 14, 2019
    Poooorra muito bom, só faltou uma melhor escolha da ordem da Tracklist, de resto perfeito.
  51. Sep 14, 2019
    Perfection! Charli is at the top of her game and it shows. What an exciting ride it's been watching her grow as an artist but I have a feeling this is only the beginning.
  52. Sep 14, 2019
    I love it! One of the best if not the best experience with pc music this year. This is a pop masterpiece. This album from start to finish is absolutely amazing... I have connected with Charli's music emotionally a lot for the past few months.
  53. Sep 14, 2019
    Me encanto este álbum, esta muy bueno merece tener más éxito. Charli XCX es una gran artista!
    Mis canciones favoritas del álbum son Cross You Out, Shake It, Thoughts, Click, Gone y 2099.
  54. Sep 13, 2019
    Look at her being so **** iconic omggggggg
  55. Sep 14, 2019
    She's so unique: she manages to give us experimental pop but at the same time it's somewhat commercial. Some songs are very personal and you can see that she and her crew poured their hearts into this. I'm so in love with this project and her.
  56. Sep 13, 2019
    Charli XCX proves once again that she is SAVING POP MUSIC & is desperately needed as pop is in a crisis. With tracks like Gone, Shake It, or Click, Charli reinstates herself as the QUEEN OF FUTURE POP MUSIC.
  57. Sep 13, 2019
    Charli never gets bored of stepping herself up, she just took the best elementa from her previous works and mixed them up in a cohesive and amazing album
  58. Sep 13, 2019
    The future of pop is bright! Charli know how to balance pop and experimental music.
  59. Sep 14, 2019
    There are hints of older chart pop Charli sound on the album with 1999, which is fine as it's a super catchy bop. I feel like it was poorly placed on the album and maybe should have been a bonus song. This is a solid follow up to the future sound of Pop 2, with the only outlier aside from 1999 being Warm, which is the only reason I hesitate to give a 10. Standouts are: Click, Shake It, andThere are hints of older chart pop Charli sound on the album with 1999, which is fine as it's a super catchy bop. I feel like it was poorly placed on the album and maybe should have been a bonus song. This is a solid follow up to the future sound of Pop 2, with the only outlier aside from 1999 being Warm, which is the only reason I hesitate to give a 10. Standouts are: Click, Shake It, and 2099, those three tracks should definitely please all the PC Charli fans. Overall though, it's a great record that has been on repeat for me. Expand
  60. Sep 14, 2019
    Honestly a masterpiece. This album further solidifies Charli’s place as one of the most innovative artists on the pop music scene
  61. Sep 13, 2019
    Uno de los mejores álbumes de Charli XCX de inicio al fin todo es perfecto Mi canciones favoritas son
    White Mercedes
    Silver Cross
    Cross You Out
  62. Sep 13, 2019
    Essa mulher é considerada pelo que vos fala, um temido e subestimado GÊNIO do PC Music, ela consegue juntar elementos únicos que só Charli XCX consegue fazer. As faixas são dançantes e grudam na cabeça dando um gostinho de quero mais, fazendo assim dar repeat no álbum a cada hora. Simplesmente FANTÁSTICO.
  63. Sep 14, 2019
    Futristic and beautiful. This is just so creative and so underrated for now.
  64. Sep 14, 2019
    esse álbum é incrível, um dos melhores do ano e shake it sendo um dos hits desse álbum.
  65. Sep 13, 2019
    A wonder third album from Charli XCX, which, as she said, pushes pop music to its limits.
  66. Sep 13, 2019
    Okay so the album is insane. This is the future of pop right here. Pop has never been in a better place than it is right now.
  67. dia
    Sep 13, 2019
    this has definitely been the best year for pop music and this futuristic piece takes the cake!
  68. Sep 13, 2019
    Perfeito, destrói a linearidade do tempo, dissolve a música pop e entrega algo completamente novo e fora da zona de conforto.
  69. Sep 13, 2019
    Charli XCX comes through with a fresh new album after years of waiting since her last full-length LP. Songs like "Shake It", "Click", "Silver Cross", and "2099" will have anyone listening to 'Charli' non-stop.
  70. Sep 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love this album more than i love myself it's sooooo beautiful, she's my queen, and everyone should love her Expand
  71. Sep 14, 2019
    the most unique and original pop album of the year. It’s breaking boundaries.
  72. Sep 14, 2019
    A really solid and metallic body of work, crafted by the partially robot artist that is changing the perception towards pop music, bringing back what we love the most about it and mixing that up to elements that would never be conceived as belonging to mainstream. Only Charli could pull that off.
  73. Sep 14, 2019
    Pop music at its most exciting & forward-thinking. Charli delivers bangers while also showing vulnerability & it’s just bliss. ♥️
  74. Sep 14, 2019
    she really snapped with this album, shes truely the Future of pop. stream for good grades and clear skin
  75. Sep 14, 2019
    STUNNING ALBUM!! emotional, futuristic and unique all at the same time... charli is truly one of a kind!!!
  76. Sep 14, 2019
    I was sitting in my room bored because Im a boring person. I've heard of Charli XCX because Vroom Vroom was a huge hit but I've never really paid attention to it. After seeing the trending tag on twitter I decided to give it a listen.

    *The first track immediately had me QUAKING. I've never felt an earthquake ever in my life (and hope to never experience one) but I was literally
    I was sitting in my room bored because Im a boring person. I've heard of Charli XCX because Vroom Vroom was a huge hit but I've never really paid attention to it. After seeing the trending tag on twitter I decided to give it a listen.

    *The first track immediately had me QUAKING. I've never felt an earthquake ever in my life (and hope to never experience one) but I was literally quaking in an outer body experience. Not just my body, but I immediately felt struck by this lightning bolt that never ended. I saw multiple streams of electricity strike around me as the deep synth and vocals led me into a storm of purple euphoria and it was not stopping soon. Needless to say i started to blast this at full volume in my headphones and found myself transported inside a pink ferrari riding in a futuristic thunder storm completely transcending a plane I've never been to. Is this transcending??
    * The next track was Gone. Now, Im a simple guy. I go to work 9-5 and have a boring routine. I actually HATE my job. I've never said anything because I feel like I don't have room to complain...but I've never felt my feelings clearly heard in a song as I did in GONE. Hearing Charli cry out that she feels unstable and hate the people around her made a grown man cry. I sat there thinking about wallowing in my hate when I was led into the tracks bridge and I immediately started to get up and dance. The track described exactly how I felt, the anxiety I feel, and my feelings towards my co workers but it didn't make me hate them. It made me rise above it and just recognize that I can rise above and focus on myself.

    Now I can sit here and write a in detail experience about how this whole album has changed my perspective on Charli as an artist but it would take me days and more than 50000 characters. Charli XCX you are my hero. You are a true artist who is not outshined in any of your collaborations with other artists and consistently throw your soul into these songs and you work favorably with all your collaborators. I love this album, its changed my mood from this boring person to someone that can actually have a life and rise above the monotonous drone of pop music and everyday mud fights. With that said I cannot wait to see you twice this year because I just bought tickets for me and my friends to see you on my birthday.

    Thank you :) idk what else to say.
  77. Sep 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Альбом Чарли - хороший эксперимент, сочетавший современный поп и атмосферу Pc Music, создавая абсолютно новое звучание. А Пользователи, которые ставят плохие отметки такому шедевру, ради своих коммерческих хуuчеk, пусть идут в pizzzdy. Expand
  78. Sep 14, 2019
    OK, there's some **** going on about bad ratings and Russian comments. In fact, the album is a masterpiece and has a really strong energy. I love the fact that Charli is still himself and gives us this gorgeous longplay.
  79. Sep 14, 2019
    Charli saw me at Tesco one day in July, I didn’t have a wig on so she gave me her iconic wig with the red tips I was like sis what is dis. she told me since vroom vroom stole your wig I’m going to give you this one too keep, I was so happy as winter is just around the corner. and in a flash, she ran to the paracetamol, took a rack of it and sprinted out the door alarms ringing. when I wentCharli saw me at Tesco one day in July, I didn’t have a wig on so she gave me her iconic wig with the red tips I was like sis what is dis. she told me since vroom vroom stole your wig I’m going to give you this one too keep, I was so happy as winter is just around the corner. and in a flash, she ran to the paracetamol, took a rack of it and sprinted out the door alarms ringing. when I went home, I was settling into my new wig. not a day went by that I didn’t think of that encounter but on the morning of the 13th of September I woke up BALD. I scrambled to y phone with the notification “ha-ha **** with a picture of Charli with my wig. Expand
  80. Sep 14, 2019
    ссыки хуйняж найдена дохлой с хуем во рту. По сообщению ее ебаря зека у нее лопнула и загноилась ее синиконовая срака. Из-за тотального и унизительного провала мегафлопа, лейбл не смог покрыть похороны паскуды и просто сбросил ее в канаву.ссыки хуйняж найдена дохлой с хуем во рту. По сообщению ее ебаря зека у нее лопнула и загноилась ее синиконовая срака. Из-за тотального и унизительного провала мегафлопа, лейбл не смог покрыть похороны паскуды и просто сбросил ее в канаву.
  81. Sep 14, 2019
    Shake It is the best song!!! Is a crazy album!! All the collabs, and the singles are amazing!!
  82. Sep 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Очень хороший альбом достойный уважения. Она хорошо постаралась песни не обычные Expand
  83. Sep 14, 2019
    Подписчики старс говнофактс говноеды. Опущенные уроды, которым не.уй делать кроме того, как срать исполнителей. Займитесь делом, бездельники. А Чарли не заслужила такого :)
  84. Sep 15, 2019
    Perfect blend of experimental Pop 2 type songs and mainstream songs. If some songs were cut, maybe Blame it on Your Love or Official, and if Miss U from the 13RW season 2 soundtrack was included on here, this album would be even better. Really proud of Charli!
    My top 5:
    Shake It - what stands out to me the most is how this song manages to sound futuristic while simultaneously sounding
    Perfect blend of experimental Pop 2 type songs and mainstream songs. If some songs were cut, maybe Blame it on Your Love or Official, and if Miss U from the 13RW season 2 soundtrack was included on here, this album would be even better. Really proud of Charli!
    My top 5:
    Shake It - what stands out to me the most is how this song manages to sound futuristic while simultaneously sounding like a 2003 crunk song.
    Click - the outro is SOMETHING ELSE
    White Mercedes - the melody on the chorus is pure pop. i can see this song doing well
    Next Level Charli - great way to open up the album, very positive
    Gone - another track that sounds like a hit.
  85. Sep 14, 2019
    The album its so amazing, Charli gave me life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  86. Sep 14, 2019
    Ela desconstrói o pop e avança direto no futuro criando uma nova sonoridade
  87. Sep 14, 2019
    One of the best albums of the year
    Best tracks on the album: Gone, Warm, Silver Cross, I Don't Wanna Know, 1999
  88. Sep 14, 2019
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  89. Sep 14, 2019
    just posting because i don't want to deal with these r*ssian b*ts taking over the ratings for this amazing album.
  90. Sep 14, 2019
    The album is ahead of its time, and people will look back on this album for its modern, 80’s, futuristic touch, and how personal the album is. The album talks about heartbreak, drugs, and partying.
  91. Sep 14, 2019
    Charli Charli! OMG! This is so good! love this so much, the singles need more attention from people, like a whole album! listen NOW!
    gift from a future of pop!!!!
  92. Sep 13, 2019
    masterpiece, show stopping, legendary, jaw dropping, experimental, iconic, album of the year
  93. Sep 14, 2019
    Sheer talent and fantastic sound are for sure making this album one of the best releases in 2019 just like Happiness Begins by Jonas Brothers and Lover by Taylor Swift. Three legendary pop albums that certainly got us back to nostalgic sweet pop. Thank you!
  94. Sep 14, 2019
    Adore this future-pop princess. Every song is brilliant, my favs are Cross You Out, Click, 1999, SHAKE IT and 2099
  95. Sep 15, 2019
    charli xcx just released the pop record of the decade. she’s the blueprint. pop prodigy
  96. Sep 15, 2019
    Best **** album of decade . deserves #1 bb200 . every song is a literally masterpiece
  97. Sep 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. a chaotic blast into the realm of ethereal pop, Charli feeling her inner galactic self is a mood. Stream for clear skin! Expand
  98. Sep 13, 2019
    Future never felt so close! The production os this os somenthing out of this World.
  99. Sep 13, 2019
    in a present where the media is constantly reminding us that 'the end is near', charli did it: she can listen the future, and she is taking us all there.
  100. Sep 13, 2019
    Look at how she ate that! the wait for this album was so worth it and Charli should be proud. every song was strong and contains that distinct new Charli style which her fans love and I can guarantee new listeners will too. BUY/STREAM CHARLI NOW! F**K MARINA LIVES

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Oct 3, 2019
    It’s a party album, which means it’s utopian. It’s a solo album, which means it’s rebooting. “Next Level Charli” doesn’t sound like a version we’ve never heard before; it sounds like the very same, not even accelerated but integrated, at 100% synchronization rate.
  2. Q Magazine
    Sep 24, 2019
    It often feels as if Aitchison's nasal croon and counter-intuitive toplines are the least interesting bits of her own project. [Nov 2019, p.116]
  3. Sep 18, 2019
    The good news is that her songwriting is stronger than ever. Along with co-executive producer A.G. Cook, Charli XCX has put together a delightful album of high-end pop confections. Charli packs in plenty of wow and proves to be more than worth the wait.