• Record Label: Software
  • Release Date: Jun 7, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Jun 17, 2011
    It's an album that gets better with every play, with every peeling back of its more obvious, glossy layers. It especially repays headphone use, where each stutter, bend, warp, and pitchshift can be discovered and new subtleties can become apparent.
  2. Uncut
    Jun 17, 2011
    Channel Pressure asks some complex questions about pop's obsession with nostalgia, although the likes of "Joey Rogers" and "The Voices"--with hints of Daft Punk's "Digital Love"--also functions as irresistible pop tunes on a more basic level. [Jul 2011, p.82]
  3. Jun 8, 2011
    Deeply rewarding and slyly addictive, Channel Pressure is an uncommon gem, a difficult record that really isn't difficult at all.
  4. Jun 8, 2011
    At times, F&L rival Ariel Pink for eccentric sonic pastiche, while there's enough elasticity in "Too Much Midi (Please Forgive Me)" to hold up an entire generation's leg warmers.
  5. Jun 8, 2011
    What one rarely finds, however, is the synthesis of the sounds brought by such a group's various components into a new form that nonetheless retains their recognizable trademarks. But Channel Pressure is such a beast.
  6. Jun 8, 2011
    Channel Pressure is equally enjoyable as a painstaking period re-creation drenched in neon nostalgia and nylon nausea, and as a piece of sterling (if decidedly warped) electronic pop music in its own right.
  7. 80
    Ford and Lopatin's first full album, contains their best work. It's got songs, not just suggestions or studies.
  8. Jun 16, 2011
    More than anything else, Channel Pressure is a triumph of studio craft and evidence that the group has as much potential as producers as they do as composers.
  9. Jun 8, 2011
    The album would be tiring if were nothing but a sincere homage to the cheesy pop of yesteryear, but F&L temper Channel Pressure with abstract vocal exercises and overcast instrumentals to keep the balance right.
  10. Jun 8, 2011
    This album is like candy; it's not great for you, but it tastes delicious and goes down easy. Plus, it's only 37 minutes long, so it's not like listening to it requires a huge time investment.
  11. Under The Radar
    Aug 4, 2011
    If you didn't live through this particular era ['80s], it probably won't appeal to you. If it did, you might just embrace this nostalgia bomb. [Jul 2011, p.89]
  12. Jun 30, 2011
    It's not one of the year's best records, but it's churned out a couple of its best songs. At the very least, they've managed to create an atmosphere that's intriguing as it is entertaining.
  13. Jun 8, 2011
    Something happened in the shift from Games' That People Play EP to Channel Pressure. That welcome looseness was lost in lieu of Ford & Lopatin's more focused and (dare we say) over-thought songwriting and production, and it's as if there are too many cultural cues being thrown our way this time around.
  14. The Wire
    Aug 12, 2011
    As a pop album, Channel Pressure falls short, primarily because the songs simply aren't as good as their impeccable references demand. [Jun 20111, p.46]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. Oct 3, 2011
    If you know Daniel Lopatin only from his ambient/drone project called Oneohtrix Point Never, youâ
  2. Jun 16, 2011
    Nope. LIstened to it a couple of times but nothing. I even played it by mistake once and was saying to myself what was this. Goes nowhere.Nope. LIstened to it a couple of times but nothing. I even played it by mistake once and was saying to myself what was this. Goes nowhere. Delete.......Delete.........Delete Full Review »