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Generally favorable reviews- based on 76 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 76
  2. Negative: 9 out of 76
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  1. Dec 5, 2018
    Pretty solid effort from meek. Definitely sounds like Meek is playing to his strengths here. Some of the features are a little weak and some of tracks are weak as stand alone songs but its a pretty enjoyable effort from meek, especially compared to his last album being weaker.
  2. Dec 5, 2018
    Throughout the album I noticed that Meek was definitely playing to his strengths, but he easily pulled it off. The instrumentals were really enjoyable and I loved the beats as well. Where it gets interesting is when we look at his lyrics. He always has something important to say, and he expresses it well. This guy can flow to say the least and that is something that I love. The albumsThroughout the album I noticed that Meek was definitely playing to his strengths, but he easily pulled it off. The instrumentals were really enjoyable and I loved the beats as well. Where it gets interesting is when we look at his lyrics. He always has something important to say, and he expresses it well. This guy can flow to say the least and that is something that I love. The albums length was justified by the constant flow of bangers, and the features were great. He was even able to achieve the impossible, to coax a descent feature out of Cardi B. I have enjoyed Meek's previous works and this is no different. Keep it up bro. Expand
  3. Jun 14, 2019
    Very good album, the best Album of Meek, some Beats has reminded me of the blues of the 80.

    the song i liked: - trauma, whats free, respect the game, championships, 24/7, pay your back, dangerous, colhearted 2. good/Mediocre songs: - intro, uptown vibes, on me, going bad, 100 summers, stuck in my ways. bad/Songs I didn't like: - splash warning, almost slipped, tic tac toe, oodles o
    Very good album, the best Album of Meek, some Beats has reminded me of the blues of the 80.

    the song i liked:
    - trauma, whats free, respect the game, championships, 24/7, pay your back, dangerous, colhearted 2.
    good/Mediocre songs:
    - intro, uptown vibes, on me, going bad, 100 summers, stuck in my ways.
    bad/Songs I didn't like:
    - splash warning, almost slipped, tic tac toe, oodles o noodles babies,wit the ****
  4. Jan 4, 2020
    One of the best rap albums of the decade top to bottom with good collaborations, good flows and excellent lyrics.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. The Wire
    Jan 25, 2019
    There’s a brace of humble attempts to get his head round his situation, tracks like “Trauma” and “Oodles O’ Noodles Babies”, brilliantly nuanced performances where Meek wavers on the edge between uncommon restraint and a violent simmer. Jay-Z showing up on “What’s Free” to boast about tax avoidance brings everything back into perspective.
  2. Dec 7, 2018
    The album has some filler--the mumble rap of Splash Warning and Uptown Vibes’ reggaeton--but mostly it is a cinematic tale of a man freed, though still carrying the burden of representation.
  3. Dec 6, 2018
    While the Audemars-Piguet and Rolls-Royce Wraith have not disappeared from the equation and Meek Mill’s affinity for the finer things is still intact, his conscience is the crown jewel of Championships.