
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Mar 6, 2013
    Chain Letters is an evolutionary step. Idiosyncratic, revelatory, raucous, it's a nasty, beautiful rock & roll baptism in pleasure, both carnal and spiritual.
  2. Mar 6, 2013
    Chain Letters is a solid album and Big Harp brilliantly adds to the growing plethora of artists crafting stark, raw music that strikes the core.
  3. Alternative Press
    Mar 6, 2013
    The result is a collection of gutsy, grizzled blues that pirouettes with broken-hearted defiance. [Feb 2013, p.88]
  4. Mar 6, 2013
    For all the progress and deliberate diversification made over the past two years, one lingering vexation remains: Big Harp isn’t doing anything new or outside the norm.
  5. Under The Radar
    Dec 12, 2013
    Much of the record just feels too low-key and even-keeled in comparison. [Mar-Apr 2013, p.98]

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