• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jan 12, 2018
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  1. Jan 14, 2018
    The first great release of pop music in 2018 is already between us. Coming from a troubled breakup of their former group "Fifth Harmony", many asked what Camila Cabello would be preparing for her solo debut and the response was not disappointing.
    After a series of promotional singles and a makeover, Cabello finally managed to deliver her debut album, formerly known as "The Hurting, the
    The first great release of pop music in 2018 is already between us. Coming from a troubled breakup of their former group "Fifth Harmony", many asked what Camila Cabello would be preparing for her solo debut and the response was not disappointing.
    After a series of promotional singles and a makeover, Cabello finally managed to deliver her debut album, formerly known as "The Hurting, the Healing, the Loving". The self-titled "Camila" already holds the historic record for debut album with more # 1 on iTunes around the world and owner of the hit "Havana" which is already in the five weeks in second place on American Billboard. The album, released under the Epic label, has its own compositions and one of its main collaborators, Frank Dukes, is one of the big names in the American Hip Hop industry.
    Marked by the sensitivity and the cohesive form in which the work presents itself, the album follows between ballads and songs with great potential of hit. The first track "Never Be The Same", delivered during the pre-sale of the album, is the exact synthesis of what Camila can offer. "All These Years" is light, despite being one of the most personal of the album, does not present an exceptional performance beyond the sweet vocals of Hair. The sequel follows with "She Loves Control", "Havana" and "Inside Out", the most radiophonic part of the album and tempered with Latin rhythms, basically a junction of everything that is currently successful. The album slows down with "Consequences" where a piano solo is enough for Camila and her vocals again are in absolute focus. "Real Friends" repeats the same formula used in "All These Years" and could easily be sung by Selena Gomez. "Something's Gotta Give," another great ballad, must be remembered for the way Camila exposes her fragile side without sounding weak. And finally, "In The Dark" and "Into It" conclude the album in a charismatic and confident way.
    The album has a great commercial appeal and perhaps its biggest defect is the lack of boldness and creativity taking into account the fact that Camila follows the whole time by the easy way and by models already ready, but that does not mean that the work is bad and does not deserve to be heard, for a debut, Camila delivered something satisfactory and certainly deserves praise for it.
  2. Jan 13, 2018
    it's good but I think something is missing, I can not figure out what it is yet, but it does not impress me as I thought it would
  3. Jan 14, 2018
    Look, when I first heard this album, I thought it was great. You have to understand that I had looooow expectations when I went into it - I never liked Camila during her time in 5H. So the fact that I got songs that made me sing along put me on a high.

    Now that I've slept on it and have gotten off that high, I think I can honestly say that this album is...good. I can't say it's
    Look, when I first heard this album, I thought it was great. You have to understand that I had looooow expectations when I went into it - I never liked Camila during her time in 5H. So the fact that I got songs that made me sing along put me on a high.

    Now that I've slept on it and have gotten off that high, I think I can honestly say that this album is...good.

    I can't say it's great. I can't even say it's ambitious. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to forget all these songs by February.

    But I also can't say I didn't enjoy listening to this album. Some of them are bops; the remaining are piano or guitar ballads that I think have some good lyrics. There's no song that I actively hate - but there's no song I actively love, either.

    I've been a little unfair to poor Camilla in the past. I don't like her voice, but that shouldn't be a problem if she had the tunes to back it up. Her voice is unique, and a lot of iconic singers became iconic because of their unique voices. Cyndi Lauper, for example. And some of these songs really compliment her voice. But then there are tracks like Never Be the Same that just...her voice is really grating at times.

    My biggest problem with this album is how every song reminds me of another song from a different Top 100 artist. Inside Out basically reuses lyrics from The Chainsmokers, Into It sounds a lot like Sober by Lorde, and Never Be the Same will blend in perfectly with every other song on the radio. That doesn't bother me enough to hate it, but it does contribute to the whole 'forgettable' thing.

    So while I wouldn't recommend this album simply because I don't find it interesting enough to recommend to anyone, I wouldn't say no if someone asked me if they should listen to it. I'd probably say maybe.
  4. Jan 13, 2018
    Stand outs are Havana, Never Be The Same, and Inside Out. Otherwise, there is nothing special on this album. Meh.
  5. Jan 14, 2018
    This is a pretty much safe album, running on the mark of only 37 min with a song unnecessarily appearing 2 times. After the huge success of "Havana", kind of everyone expected something bigger and the stakes maybe got higher than the quality and she can deliver. There's nothing much to get from the songs lyrically. Melodies are fine and the Latin touches can point to the direction sheThis is a pretty much safe album, running on the mark of only 37 min with a song unnecessarily appearing 2 times. After the huge success of "Havana", kind of everyone expected something bigger and the stakes maybe got higher than the quality and she can deliver. There's nothing much to get from the songs lyrically. Melodies are fine and the Latin touches can point to the direction she should be following. Only plain safe songs and that's it. I know great safe(ish) albums, but Camila is a boring one. Expand
  6. Jan 12, 2018
    From an unbiased point of view, this album promises more than it gives. Out of 10 songs, 6 sound the same and have that "wannabe pop-EDM" vibe we have been hearing for the past 3 years. There are a few songs that are good, but not the best. Cabello promises more than she gives, and the obvious use of autotune, excessive vocal runs and same old recycled lyrics all lead to it being soFrom an unbiased point of view, this album promises more than it gives. Out of 10 songs, 6 sound the same and have that "wannabe pop-EDM" vibe we have been hearing for the past 3 years. There are a few songs that are good, but not the best. Cabello promises more than she gives, and the obvious use of autotune, excessive vocal runs and same old recycled lyrics all lead to it being so monotone. In other words, the album is boring and repetitive. She may have success now, but this album shows that she is an artist that is living for what is trending NOW and not thinking of the future, which just proves that she is not prepared for a long-lasting career because her music does not have a distinguish sound that will transcend time. Expand
  7. Jul 23, 2018
    She's talented, but I wish this album could be more original. "Never be the Same" is really good tho.
  8. Jan 12, 2018
    Not that great. You know... there are like 5 or 6 songs that really worth it, but the rest is just... meh. I was expecting something bigger, but I'm very disappointed. Hope she improves herself on her next album.
  9. Sep 5, 2018
    I felt like this album didn't really stick with me past a few weeks after its release. It's cute, sure, and there are definitely highlights (havana, She Loves Control), but on the whole it can be a bit bland and Camila's voice can sometimes be aggravating (especially on Never be The Same)
  10. Jan 13, 2018
    eu gostei bastante das músicas tirando umas três que não ficaram tão bacanas. Mas o cd e bom
  11. Feb 4, 2018
    Such an overrated record, but it's still pretty enjoyable pop music. Songs like Havana, Real Friends, In the Dark are playing pretty good to Camila's strengths, even if his voice sounds a little over-produced and she doesn't have a phenomenal or super recognizable voice. This album, to be an solo debut, it's even than Fifth Harmony has made in the past, with sometimes interesting lyrics,Such an overrated record, but it's still pretty enjoyable pop music. Songs like Havana, Real Friends, In the Dark are playing pretty good to Camila's strengths, even if his voice sounds a little over-produced and she doesn't have a phenomenal or super recognizable voice. This album, to be an solo debut, it's even than Fifth Harmony has made in the past, with sometimes interesting lyrics, catchy hooks and a great production bringed by Frank Dukes. 6.5/10, nice album, with some flaws and playing very safe all the way through but I'll be interested what route gonna have Camila Cabello to the next album.

    FAV TRACKS: All These Years, She Loves Control, Consequences, Real Friends, Inside Out, Never Be the Same

  12. Feb 4, 2018
    "Camila" is a beautiful album, but it's assessed way too highly. It's just a regular pop album to me. I think people just like Cabello.
  13. Mar 6, 2018
    Algo decepcionado la verdad. Los tres adelantos indicaban y marcaban una decente dirección para el album. Me esperaba algo mas de latineo al estilo Havana.

    -Never be the same: De lo mejor del disco. Un sencillo tema pop con aires melancólicos y hasta depresivos. -All these years: Nada mal. Una simpática balada con guitarra donde la voz de Camila suena amena y preciosa. -She loves
    Algo decepcionado la verdad. Los tres adelantos indicaban y marcaban una decente dirección para el album. Me esperaba algo mas de latineo al estilo Havana.

    -Never be the same: De lo mejor del disco. Un sencillo tema pop con aires melancólicos y hasta depresivos.
    -All these years: Nada mal. Una simpática balada con guitarra donde la voz de Camila suena amena y preciosa.
    -She loves control: Primer batacazo del disco. Una especie de reggaeton popero sobre producido.
    -Havana: Primer adelanto del disco. Temazo que va creciendo con escuchas. El tema mejora después del rap de Young thug donde entran unas trompetas que dan encanto a la canción.
    -Inside Out: Mantiene un poco el nivel de sus predecesores. Samples tropicales bastante usado y que nos llevan atosigando desde hace casi 2 años.
    -Consequences: Balada simple e intrascendente. Parece un descarte de Lana del rey.
    -Real friends: me gustaría decir que eleva un poco el disco, pero ahí anda. Después de All these years pues como que el tema se queda corto.
    -Somethings gotta give: Nada, mas de lo mismo. Balada pop con una base electrónica exagerada. Peor aún que consequences.
    -In the dark: Se soporta. Como este hay mil iguales y mejores. No empeora el disco pero tampoco lo mejora
    -Into it: De lo pero ya no solo del disco, si no de lo que llevamos del año en general. Una auténtica tontería.
  14. Jun 26, 2018
    Not really my taste in music, but I'm just one person and there are still songs on this album I love. The album as a whole seemed like generic pop, and each song had little to no variety in sound. But the album still definitely has gems and was the perfect debut album for Camila.
  15. Jun 21, 2019
    Without appreciating what seems to be the best, Camilla releases her first album with a melancholy and melodramatic tone, except the most dance-ful track "She Loves Control."
  16. Aug 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Camila Cabello possui um bom alcance vocal, é uma ótima cantora. Isso é um fato. Porém, o seu álbum Camila é um compilado de músicas completamente sem inovações se botarmos em geral. É um álbum apenas OK e recomendo ouvir quando você não tem outros para ouvir mesmo. Músicas repetitivas e algumas chegam a dar ânsia de tanta repetição que é o caso de Inside out. Porém, obviamente, possui seus prós: Into it. Into it, considerada por mim a melhor do álbum, é a melhor na batida (que lembra muito Sober da Lorde... Que inclusive ela autorizou a utilizar o instrumental e por isso a música se destaca das outras) e na letra. É a que diferencia do álbum, pois não tem toda aquela melação de idealização de um amor ou um amor partido. É a mais MADURA no álbum. É nessa música que ela se torna MULHER. Nas outras porém, dá impressão de apenas uma menina sonhadora... Dá uma impressão nada diferencial em seu álbum, pois vários álbuns possuem essa característica. Expand
  17. Sep 9, 2019
    Un gran álbum que va perdiendo poder canción tras canción, dejando mucho que desear , poniendo una canción 2 veces solo para hacer un radio edit Fue el gran error del álbum
  18. Apr 26, 2022
    It's cute for a first effort. Filled with mostly radio ready singles I'm not impressed.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Oct 5, 2018
    Living between two cultures can be alienating, but Camila Cabello packages her experience as a Cuban-American seamlessly into pure pop perfection.
  2. Apr 5, 2018
    “Never Be the Same” proves that Cabello doesn’t need a mammoth voice. The love-is-a-drug lyric she’s singing is dumb, but she sells it so joyfully that you don’t even notice, and its wonderfully breathy, high-register hook ensures “Havana” won’t be her last solo hit.
  3. 80
    While Cabello stands out on the more fiery tracks, she also shines in subtlety.