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Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 2 out of 21
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  1. Jun 16, 2018
    Good songwriting. Sonically speaking it might be Johnny's most interesting solo record. Heavy emphasis on atmosphere but there are still hooks left and right. My only complaint is that the production sounds a bit flat at times. Still, this should go down as one of the better guitar albums of the year.
  2. Jun 15, 2018
    Marr goes beyond the realm of his admittedly excellent last solo albums here, obviously more concerned with craft and atmosphere than radio airplay, with longer, more intricate songs that grab you from first listen and reward with repeated airings. Previously unheard tangents like the tribal throb of "New Dominions" are most welcome, and the tracks that build on past triumphs (the gorgeousMarr goes beyond the realm of his admittedly excellent last solo albums here, obviously more concerned with craft and atmosphere than radio airplay, with longer, more intricate songs that grab you from first listen and reward with repeated airings. Previously unheard tangents like the tribal throb of "New Dominions" are most welcome, and the tracks that build on past triumphs (the gorgeous "Hi Hello" is cut from the same sumptuous cloth as his previous song "New Town Velocity" and also pays tribute to Patti Smith's "Dancing Barefoot") go that extra mile with lacy layers of guitar that lesser talents wouldn't have thought of. The result is a rich, layered heaven with the smarts of previous outings merged with a sense of new adventure. As always, Mr. Marr is not resting on his laurels, and we the listeners are better for it. Expand
  3. a69
    Jul 4, 2018
    Marr's third album is undoubtedly his best. It's more diverse than his first two offerings and reaches the heights of earlier tracks on previous albums such as New Town Velocity and Candidate on a consistent basis; with exceptionally strong tunes such as Hi Hello, Bug, Walk Into The Sea and Day in Day out. I can't stop playing this album, reminds me of Joy Division in places, which canMarr's third album is undoubtedly his best. It's more diverse than his first two offerings and reaches the heights of earlier tracks on previous albums such as New Town Velocity and Candidate on a consistent basis; with exceptionally strong tunes such as Hi Hello, Bug, Walk Into The Sea and Day in Day out. I can't stop playing this album, reminds me of Joy Division in places, which can only be a good thing. The Indie Master delivers the goods. Expand
  4. Feb 23, 2019
    On the 3rd studio album under his name, the former Smiths guitarist delivers another batch of well-written & immaculately produced, soaring indie pop/rock tunes. Marr doesn’t have Morrissey’s voice, but his vocals are more than adequate, and his guitar—while never the only focus—shines through with a refined brilliance. His real strength may simply be that he uses his natural talent toOn the 3rd studio album under his name, the former Smiths guitarist delivers another batch of well-written & immaculately produced, soaring indie pop/rock tunes. Marr doesn’t have Morrissey’s voice, but his vocals are more than adequate, and his guitar—while never the only focus—shines through with a refined brilliance. His real strength may simply be that he uses his natural talent to full effect: presentation, arrangement and quality of songwriting all sound like the work of a consummate professional. His songs tend to grow on you slowly; their genius is subtle, becoming more obvious with repeated listening. The music is expansive; full of edgy atmospheres, synthesizers that complement the guitars, and more than a hint of classic rock song structure. The songs on “Call The Comet” ring with an underlying majesty and depth of feeling. You’ll want to hear them more than once. Recommended. Expand
  5. Jan 18, 2019
    Johnny Marr's best album so far, the atmosphere in this album is outstanding and very powerful with tunes like Walk Into The Sea, Hi Hello and Day In Day Out. In this album Marr shows that he is still the guitar genius he was with his former band.
  6. Mar 2, 2019
    I've lived with Call the Comet for 6 months and in this time, it has leapt into my all-time top 20 albums.Johnny Marr's songwriting showcases his enduring melodic creativity, his stellar guitar playing and cool, husky vocals. I love the opener "Rise" with its moving lyrics and stirring music. Throughout, the rhythm section is solid and muscular, yet has finesse and precision, particularlyI've lived with Call the Comet for 6 months and in this time, it has leapt into my all-time top 20 albums.Johnny Marr's songwriting showcases his enduring melodic creativity, his stellar guitar playing and cool, husky vocals. I love the opener "Rise" with its moving lyrics and stirring music. Throughout, the rhythm section is solid and muscular, yet has finesse and precision, particularly noticeable on goth/post punk songs like "The Tracers" and "Actor Attractor". The single "Hi Hello" is a chiming and emotive track full of wonderful layered guitars with a yearning vocal line. "Walk into the Sea" is a cinematic wonder, just when you think it can't get any better, it does and then again - this track still gives me goosebumps after dozens of listens. My two favorite songs are the glam-rocker "Hey Angel" and the closing track, the haunting "A Different Gun". Call the Comet is an amazing achievement for Johnny Marr, after 35 years of high-profile projects, he's still at the peak of his game. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Aug 3, 2018
    Call the Comet is more accomplished than compelling, but there is pleasure in hearing how all the parts fit together so tidily.
  2. Jul 17, 2018
    There is nothing pretentious about Call the Comet, just gobs of alluring, guitar-based rock, tipping the scale in favor of Marr over Morrissey.
  3. Q Magazine
    Jul 3, 2018
    Call The Comet firmly underlines Johnny Marr's commitment to his solo career. [Aug 2018, p.110]