• Record Label: V2 / XL
  • Release Date: May 16, 2006
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 96 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 96
  2. Negative: 4 out of 96

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  1. Nov 30, 2017
    Jack White and Brendan Benson' supergroup first record was dubbed as Detroits answer to Nevermind (granted this was by White himself). It's never the 10 out of 10 classic that Nevermind is but it is a strong record none the less. It's full of classic rock hooks that you'll end up thinking - "Where have I heard that before?", and the thing is you probably have heard most of these riffsJack White and Brendan Benson' supergroup first record was dubbed as Detroits answer to Nevermind (granted this was by White himself). It's never the 10 out of 10 classic that Nevermind is but it is a strong record none the less. It's full of classic rock hooks that you'll end up thinking - "Where have I heard that before?", and the thing is you probably have heard most of these riffs somewhere else before. It's like the band got together, looked through there record collection, decided to pick their favourite rock anthems out and then proceeded to rearrange and reinterpret them. For the most part it works very well - the musicianmanship on here is raw but brilliant for the rock that is being delivered. The majority of the time the songs are very strong. "Steady As She Goes", "Hands" and "Intimate Secretary" all need to be played with the volume turned to 11 :-) Expand
  2. Dec 3, 2015
    It's a top-heavy album. It starts very strong, the first three tracks being some real A+ four-piece old-school rock music, but the album sits on a bit of a downhill incline and gets less interesting as it goes. on. Still worth a listen through though!
  3. Dec 12, 2010
    Broken Boy Soldiers has so little to offer here. some songs seem kinda bland, but other ones seem really good. This album was like a mix for me. The First track "Steady As She Goes" is a great song. Good way to start off the album. "Hands" and Store Bought Bones are also really good. BUt aside from a couple more, the rest of the album feels kike its missing something. There second album isBroken Boy Soldiers has so little to offer here. some songs seem kinda bland, but other ones seem really good. This album was like a mix for me. The First track "Steady As She Goes" is a great song. Good way to start off the album. "Hands" and Store Bought Bones are also really good. BUt aside from a couple more, the rest of the album feels kike its missing something. There second album is much better. C+ Collapse
  4. bobd
    May 27, 2007
    Great album.
  5. NickM
    Mar 20, 2007
    Its very good....in my opinion, it isnt as good as jack white's work with the white stripes, and im very happy that the raconteurs didnt end the white stripes, but still im very happy with this cd
  6. ChrisW
    Dec 29, 2006
    The song "Level" is, by far, the best song of 2006.
  7. NashaC
    Dec 28, 2006
    the assembly of 4 amazing talents into one revivalistic-chic amazing super-band.
  8. ReubenF
    Dec 18, 2006
    Not sure whether Jack White has made a good move, abandoning the White Stripes to form the Raconteurs. While it was perhaps time to retire the White Stripes, as they were beginning to reach the limits of what can be done with a two-piece outfit, and while the Greenhornes' sound in theory complements Jack White, his distinctive voice is largely lost here. I also prefer his work with Not sure whether Jack White has made a good move, abandoning the White Stripes to form the Raconteurs. While it was perhaps time to retire the White Stripes, as they were beginning to reach the limits of what can be done with a two-piece outfit, and while the Greenhornes' sound in theory complements Jack White, his distinctive voice is largely lost here. I also prefer his work with Loretta Lynn on 2004's 'Van Lear Rose', though on that album White was also barely there as a presence. Hopefully next album, White will re-emerge as a strong and original voice and regain the inspiration that hasn't been seen since the White Stripe's 2003 LP 'Elephant'. Expand
  9. JuanL
    Oct 7, 2006
    I loved the Withe Stripes... until I listened to The Raconteurs, I hate to say this... but everybody who was saying "Jack White needs a complete band" were correct. The Raconteurs cannot be compared to The White Stripes musically, as their styles differ enough to fit in different categories, but the comparison point can be made in Jack's performance: he sounds way happier here, every I loved the Withe Stripes... until I listened to The Raconteurs, I hate to say this... but everybody who was saying "Jack White needs a complete band" were correct. The Raconteurs cannot be compared to The White Stripes musically, as their styles differ enough to fit in different categories, but the comparison point can be made in Jack's performance: he sounds way happier here, every single word, every single note shows a delightful love for music. Benson and the Greenhouse boys make it even better, everybody's performance is with the purpose of making the others look good, that's the way music should sound. As long as Jack's as happy as with in this album, we'll be even happier. A must-have for the lovers of rock. Expand
  10. SNair
    Oct 5, 2006
    I am giving this a higher rating since comparisons to the White Stripes are fully useless - this band is not them. Great rythmns, super infectious riffs, totally a fun-in-summer album - and that is sufficient in my book.
  11. RandyL
    Sep 28, 2006
    With no preconceived expectations, I was sucked in by the creative blues-based pop and catchy song structure. The more I listen the more I like it. The music seems to fit Jack's voice and guitar more than the White Stripes, and I would say he sounds more "in" the music than "of" the music here. My only wishes would be - on "Hands" I'd like more of the first half of the song, and With no preconceived expectations, I was sucked in by the creative blues-based pop and catchy song structure. The more I listen the more I like it. The music seems to fit Jack's voice and guitar more than the White Stripes, and I would say he sounds more "in" the music than "of" the music here. My only wishes would be - on "Hands" I'd like more of the first half of the song, and the whole album seems too short. Expand
  12. SergeantDynamo
    Sep 24, 2006
    The recording
  13. Andy
    Aug 16, 2006
    A couple of great tracks mxed in witha couple of not-so-great tracks. Sounds like 10-tracks you'd hear on your classic rock station.
  14. timm
    Jul 22, 2006
    this is not the stripes. this is musical genious. this is straight up rock and roll like you have not heard in a while, rockin out and still being original. i dont see any cd's topping this for a while. best rock cd in years, and gets even better with repeat. sends me visions of beatles and zep, without being blasphemous.
  15. megw
    Jul 21, 2006
    ho hum
  16. [Anonymous]
    Jul 21, 2006
    Overall, a pretty good listen. It's better after listening a few times. "Broken Boy Soldier" is one of my favorite songs this year. Not as good as any of the White Stripes albums, but there aren't a lot of albums that are.
  17. KevinR
    Jul 7, 2006
    For all of the hype, this album really isn't good at all.
  18. juliet
    Jul 5, 2006
    I guarantee that at least half of the review mags will be putting this album on their lists of top must-haves for the decade. It's got guitar like we haven't heard in far too long, it's fun, it's groovy, and hey, it's rock & roll, dudes!
  19. lilpepito
    Jul 2, 2006
    it's pretty good. not better then any of the white stripes albums, but still, it's pretty amazing.
  20. AlanR
    Jul 1, 2006
    Some people are just too hard to please.
  21. aaronr
    Jun 29, 2006
    Jack White continues to give me chills down my spine with his wit, music, and writting collaboration with Benson. Ten songs is short these days but the quality of the songs involved is supurb. One quick listen to intimate secretary's lyrics and you think "what is the point" but seriosly listen and it is as clever as anything you'll hear recently, they are playing off each others Jack White continues to give me chills down my spine with his wit, music, and writting collaboration with Benson. Ten songs is short these days but the quality of the songs involved is supurb. One quick listen to intimate secretary's lyrics and you think "what is the point" but seriosly listen and it is as clever as anything you'll hear recently, they are playing off each others style with cliches people, and it is fantastic . Every song is a quality listen, my favorite being the much hated on call it a day, it gives such a 60's vibe that i can't get over it, "my haaaandds" Jack sounds brilliant all over along with Benson and the rhythm section. Chilli Peppers, Pearl Jam...please, you can have em. Soul never sounded so good. Expand
  22. Jahar
    Jun 29, 2006
    I must admit this album did not quite live up to my expectations based on the hype. But having said this, I love it. And, already knowing Jack White was a genious, I was taken aback at Benson's contributions which made this a fun album to listen to.
  23. LoganM
    Jun 26, 2006
    this is the best album in the 20th century for sure
  24. ChriR
    Jun 22, 2006
    read "pablo picasso" by gertrude stein and pay attention to the lyrics on store bought bones
  25. TheCritic
    Jun 19, 2006
    I simply agree with Pitchfork's review... just a little better then what is comming out now. Only about 6 out of ten are listenable.
  26. JeremyT
    Jun 13, 2006
    This album is a breath of fresh air in modern rock. These guys aren't just pretenders trying to cash in on a fad -- you can tell from a casual listen that they just dig this kind of rock (most of which sounds like it came from the 60s and 70s), and they're having fun playing it. I wish the album were a bit longer, but it's so good that I can deal with it...until they come This album is a breath of fresh air in modern rock. These guys aren't just pretenders trying to cash in on a fad -- you can tell from a casual listen that they just dig this kind of rock (most of which sounds like it came from the 60s and 70s), and they're having fun playing it. I wish the album were a bit longer, but it's so good that I can deal with it...until they come out with the next one. :) Expand
  27. StephenP
    Jun 9, 2006
    Rough, loud power pop the way it was meant to be played. Great guitar work, tightly arranged music. Don't try to make too much out of it, just kick back and enjoy the sounds.
  28. TyeN.
    Jun 6, 2006
    This album actually surprised me by it's diversity and range. I love the songs that feature both Jack White and Brendan Benson, like the brilliant "Together". Besides the lead single "Steady As She Goes", other stand-outs include "Store Bought Bones", "Broken Boy Soldier", "Intimate Secretary", and "Yellow Sun". This album just further proves how talented White is, and makes the wait This album actually surprised me by it's diversity and range. I love the songs that feature both Jack White and Brendan Benson, like the brilliant "Together". Besides the lead single "Steady As She Goes", other stand-outs include "Store Bought Bones", "Broken Boy Soldier", "Intimate Secretary", and "Yellow Sun". This album just further proves how talented White is, and makes the wait for the next White Stripes album a very pleasant one. Buy this if you are a White Stripes fan or a fan of classic rock music. Expand
  29. klassv
    Jun 4, 2006
    it's real fun! and one boring song (call it a day)...
  30. ElliottR
    Jun 1, 2006
    "Store Bought Bones" is a terrific song. The rest is decent, but definitely lacking what one would expect would be the result of Jack White finding a real band.
  31. curtiss
    May 27, 2006
    if you don't like this album, rip yours ears off and slap your mom for giving birth.
  32. PieroD
    May 26, 2006
  33. JohnB
    May 25, 2006
    I had high hopes for this album, but I am disappointed. While I don't think anything on this album is really bad, it reeks of mediocrity, more like a half made effort for a side project from Jack and Brendan. There are a few decent songs on the album but most I find very bland. I've pretty much become bored with with album.
  34. StevenM
    May 23, 2006
    Jack White and company fall just short of perfection. Every single song brings a catchy riff, and a undertone that great minds are behind it.
  35. AliM
    May 22, 2006
    I'm a big fan of the White Stripes and of Jack White's rawer sounding, blues-influenced stuff, so I wasn't too sure about his decision to go for a more conventional four-piece. I shouldn't have doubted the guy. This is a solid, seventies influenced album with crunchy riffs, chugging organs and heavy drumbeats. I think he benefits from a richer sound than the stripped I'm a big fan of the White Stripes and of Jack White's rawer sounding, blues-influenced stuff, so I wasn't too sure about his decision to go for a more conventional four-piece. I shouldn't have doubted the guy. This is a solid, seventies influenced album with crunchy riffs, chugging organs and heavy drumbeats. I think he benefits from a richer sound than the stripped down White Stripes aesthetic, but I still think he's holding back - the crazy organ and vocals in 'Store Bought Bones' gives us some idea of what this band could do, while most of the album is maybe a little too middle of the road. Expand
  36. EthanS
    May 21, 2006
    This album has been given too much credit by some because of the members, and too little credit by some for the same reason. This album is good, but not great. If White or Benson were no-namers, the album would probably reviewed as a solid album.
  37. TimM
    May 19, 2006
    i've only heard 3 songs, and they're pretty freakin sweet. a modified sound for jack, but his impressive raw talent still shines through.
  38. kk
    May 19, 2006
    a solid album. its been slammed a bit from some area's of the media for being to backwards but they seemed to have ignored the splender of some of the tracks on this album. steady as she goes is a pop hook filled radio freindly hit whilst 'hands' & 'broken boy soldiers' explore a much darker and epic sound (the latter of the two is one of the finest tracks any of a solid album. its been slammed a bit from some area's of the media for being to backwards but they seemed to have ignored the splender of some of the tracks on this album. steady as she goes is a pop hook filled radio freindly hit whilst 'hands' & 'broken boy soldiers' explore a much darker and epic sound (the latter of the two is one of the finest tracks any of the members have laid thier names too). thier is the led zep/black sabath like riff lead 'level' and the dusty acoustic lead sing alongs (yellow sun & call it a day). not the most expansive & progressive album you will hear this year but certainly one of the best. Expand
  39. MarioJ
    May 18, 2006
    Expectations were stellar. Not deceived nor extremely impressed. Just very happy with the great bunch of songs in there. No new classic here though. But worth the wait by far. Refreshing.
  40. DavidB
    May 17, 2006
    A very nice suprise from this "supergroup." There's not a bad song on the record and since I downloaded it, I can't stop playing it. It has a classic rock feel as many reviews have noted, but it does not feel dated. It's great to know that some people still love to make good rock music.
  41. Al
    May 17, 2006
    Wow, really disappointing. The creativity and quality of Jack's writing with the Stripes is nowhere to be found here (perhaps aside from the track Store Bought Bones). I read a raving review of a Brendan Benson solo album that compared it to Rubber Soul/Revolver era Beatles. The thing is, that's not gonna work unless you've got some good melodies. There's nothing Wow, really disappointing. The creativity and quality of Jack's writing with the Stripes is nowhere to be found here (perhaps aside from the track Store Bought Bones). I read a raving review of a Brendan Benson solo album that compared it to Rubber Soul/Revolver era Beatles. The thing is, that's not gonna work unless you've got some good melodies. There's nothing memorable here. I spared it a point or so because I've only listened to the whole thing once so far, but I really don't expect it to be a grower. Expand
  42. CJL
    May 17, 2006
    After hearing "Steady, As She Goes," I figured that this would no tbe a very good album. I am a devoted WS and Jack White fan, so I decided to buy the album. Even as I bought it, I thought that I was just wasting $15. When I listened to it in my car, I was stunned. It turned out to be much better than imagined, and it is a very good album overall....Nothing close to anything the Stripes After hearing "Steady, As She Goes," I figured that this would no tbe a very good album. I am a devoted WS and Jack White fan, so I decided to buy the album. Even as I bought it, I thought that I was just wasting $15. When I listened to it in my car, I was stunned. It turned out to be much better than imagined, and it is a very good album overall....Nothing close to anything the Stripes have done though! Expand
  43. pm
    May 16, 2006
    To: Julius Hemisphere that is the point exactly. it isn't supposed to be anything like the WS have done, or anything that Brenden Benson has done, or anything the Greenhornes have done. It is a SIDE PROJECT meant for creating new sounds that arn't acceptable within the boundaries of their respected groups. But thanks for coming out. Jack White does nothing but impress here and To: Julius Hemisphere that is the point exactly. it isn't supposed to be anything like the WS have done, or anything that Brenden Benson has done, or anything the Greenhornes have done. It is a SIDE PROJECT meant for creating new sounds that arn't acceptable within the boundaries of their respected groups. But thanks for coming out. Jack White does nothing but impress here and shows us that he is capable of more than just overshadowing and drowning out meg white. The band keeps it fresh and new, instead of boring us with remade White Stripes tunes. Expand
  44. TomB
    May 16, 2006
    Firstly, Rob Fitzpatrick should try reviewing the music instead of the man. What an *** you've made of yourself with this sorry excuse for a review. You honestly believe your own bull****? In your "review", spend four out of the six paragraphs spewing your misgivings about Jack White and all that he has (or has not) accomplished in the last 3-4 years (which includes two very Firstly, Rob Fitzpatrick should try reviewing the music instead of the man. What an *** you've made of yourself with this sorry excuse for a review. You honestly believe your own bull****? In your "review", spend four out of the six paragraphs spewing your misgivings about Jack White and all that he has (or has not) accomplished in the last 3-4 years (which includes two very critically acclaimed records I might add), and then totally half-*** a critical breakdown of the record for one friggin' paragraph. Prior to picking up The Raconteurs album, I decided to do my homework and treat myself to Brendan Benson and The Greenhornes. Benson's 'Alternative to Love' and The Greenhornes 'Sewed Soles' both proved to be exciting preludes as to what I could expect from an amalgamation of these artists that would form The Racontuers. I wonder if you've even bothered to listen to any albums from any of the three solo acts to lead up to the release of 'Broken Boy Soldiers'. If you had, you most likely would've known to pay more close attention to what was being played on the record than what Jack White's wardrobe consists of as of late. What a waste of a review. If you wanted to attack the integrity of Jack White instead of reviewing the record, you should've placed a phonecall to him yourself and expressed your feelings there (most likely ending up like the Von Bondies frontman in the near future). This way, people would get an ACCURATE review of the record instead of whatever personal vendetta you felt the need to vent. However, this is simply one man's opinion, which will prove to be rather small and insignificant in time. I'm sure if you're out there reading this, and you have a genuine appreciation for what Jack White, Brendan Benson and The Greenhornes are trying to accomplish with their music, you'll fully understand why The Raconteurs debut album is nothing short of stellar. I'd also like to challenge you to read a much more informative review of the album in the latest issue of Rolling Stone magazine. At least with that review, you get a much more respectable and unbiased opinion of the album. The album opens with "Steady as she goes" which hits hard and fast and allows you to soak in the albums most radio-friendly vibes. Its a great track, but nothing compared to the treat you're in for with the rest of the album. "Broken Boy Soldiers", the title track, is very much a Led Zep homage track, but White's vocals handle it with such ferocity and confidence that all you can do is rock out to it. It's a really great track. "Blue Veins" is all of what is mentioned above in the "review", but what Rob Fitzpatrick fails to mention is that its probably one of the best songs you're likely to hear all year. Its the standout track on the album, sporting a truly incredible and authentic sounding blues vibe. The thing that makes this album work as well as it does is the bands ability to shift from one idea to the next, everything sounding like it belongs to a Benson, Stripes, or Greenhornes album, but wholly original and fresh in its own right. "Together" is the tender loving care track, meaningful and poetic, while "Level" pounds its way in afterwards with a brash "ode to the girls" rock funk. There's something for everyone in this album. One of the low points on the album comes on with "Call it a day", which runs verse after verse with no chorus, or well, the chorus happens to be intermittent guitar licks which hit on some of Benson's vocals. Its a bit of a downer considering the entire album flows so flawlessly. Its a real shame that NME decided to give the job of reviewing this record to a man who obviously had it out for this project from the very start. The fact that he spends so much time ranting about what he feels are White's missteps (which are all very debatable) over the past couple years is clear proof that his review is biased and unworthy of being given serious consideration by any fan of music contemplating giving this amazing record a go. Mr. Fitzpatrick, try using the given space for writing a REVIEW, and not saving your critical breakdown of the music for the second last paragraph in a half-hearted attempt to give a fair and impartial review. I challenge you to respond to these words and tell me straight up that you honestly gave this album a fair review. Expand
  45. MattD.
    May 16, 2006
    The Raconteurs didn't take themselves too seriously, but didn't treat this as an afterthought - it's good ol' rock music. Not better than the White Stripes, but more fun.
  46. juliushemisphere
    May 16, 2006
    jack white jumps the shark. 'tis bland and uneventful. doesn't come close to anything the WS have done.
  47. Darrell
    May 16, 2006
    Unbelievably awesome and crazy!!!!
  48. Mack
    May 16, 2006
    A very solid album. I must admit as a fan of both Brendan Benson and the White Stripes my expectations were fairly high, and the results don't disappoint. Benson and White don't necessarily seem like a proper fit, but it seems as if they play out each others' alter ego - White brings some furious guitar work to Brendan's more pop leanings, and Brendan brings a more A very solid album. I must admit as a fan of both Brendan Benson and the White Stripes my expectations were fairly high, and the results don't disappoint. Benson and White don't necessarily seem like a proper fit, but it seems as if they play out each others' alter ego - White brings some furious guitar work to Brendan's more pop leanings, and Brendan brings a more power-pop oriented feel to White's rougher edges. It's not perfect - primarily it seems a little short at 10 songs - but it is a fine soundtrack for summer. Although this seems like little more than a little indulgent fun, I hope the two find the time to pair up again, as the results should always be interesting and highly listenable. Expand
  49. JoeM
    May 16, 2006
    Incredible album. Creative songwriting combined with some outstanding harmonies between Brended Benso nand Jack White. Almost like they took the mellow side of Jack Whites songwriting and mixed in some Beach Boys quality harmonies.
  50. KidB
    May 16, 2006
    I thought the Arctic Monkeys album was going to near impossible to beat this year, but this has just surpassed it sheer class! Its good old fashioned songwriting but with a White edge to it! very retro but we aren't exactly moving forward till the next Radiohead or M.I.A album so this is needed at this point.
  51. steveb
    May 16, 2006
    jack white is one of the best out there right now. benson will make it too, one of these days. this album is nice surprise and it will be on my playlist for long time. i just love it.
  52. PeteG
    May 16, 2006
    Love it - best thing ive heard all year, jack white is a legend! how the artic monkeys rated higher is rediculous!
  53. EJLEDJ
    May 15, 2006
    Pure Genius. Unquestionablly one of the greatest albums of all time!!!!! Listen now for tommorrow they take over the world. Kick Out The Jams!!!!
  54. bobd
    May 15, 2006
    Great album.
  55. BlackJack
    May 15, 2006
    Nice single. Thank you itunes for making it the download of the week.
  56. andyR
    May 15, 2006
    A great album, this year is definitely the year of side projects: Eagles of death metal, angels and airwaves and now the raconteurs. Better than Get behind me Satan.
  57. AlanS
    May 15, 2006
    Excellent. Shades of Led Zeppelin and Love in the mix. Well worth the investment.
  58. calvinhobbes
    May 15, 2006
    Nothing is new here, but all songs work perfectly. Maybe you can feel statisfied with this album. Maybe.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 35
  2. Negative: 1 out of 35
  1. It's brief and even a little slight, but it's almost as much fun to listen to as it must have been to make.
  2. Like so many all-star bands before them, The Raconteurs could be one and done. But don't place the blame on this fertile and genuine debut.
  3. Nothing is really very exciting here, or very interesting.