• Record Label: V2 / XL
  • Release Date: May 16, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 35
  2. Negative: 1 out of 35
  1. Los Angeles Times
    The songs zing with the excitement of two music nerds caught up in a game of "Top This!" [16 May 2006]
  2. Alternative Press
    The real pleasure here is hearing what Jack White can do when he's away from the confines of the White Stripes. [Jul 2006, p.202]
  3. Mojo
    An album that sounds effortless, but at times almost dissyingly diverse--imagine The White Album, but made by happy people. [May 2006, p.96]
  4. Paste Magazine
    An efficient 33 minutes, Broken Boy Soldiers supplies the summer's most gas-conscious road tunes. [Jun/Jul 2006, p.128]
  5. Filter
    Just like with White Stripes albums, the music rattles your brain like no other and gets better with age. [#20, p.97]
  6. Sounds like they had as much fun making it as you're going to have listening to it.
  7. This is all Broken Boy Soldiers was ever meant to be: an off-the-cuff collaboration between two friends and one which, despite its imperfections, is an effort worthy of applause.
  8. Key to the success of 'Broken Boy Soldiers' is the relatively restrained musicianship.
  9. Rolling Stone
    If you have a favorite Foghat album or can name a single member of Deep Purple, you will love Broken Boy Soldiers; fortunately, it doesn't end there. [18 May 2006, p.226]
  10. What the Raconteurs offer is the middle-ground between White's muscular, distorted blues and Benson's Who-goes-bubblegum approach. The end result seems unlikely to change the face of music as we know it, but it's often breathtakingly executed.
  11. Under The Radar
    Much of the Benson/White songwriting ethic seems cut from classic rock radio, finding the meeting point between Cheap Trick and Led Zeppelin and ending up with a timeless album in the process. [#13, p.88]
  12. It's a hugely enjoyable record, with songs on it as good as anything the individuals involved have produced elsewhere. It's simply that high standards achieved elsewhere aren't consistently obtained throughout.
  13. An impressively rounded, engagingly inventive record that ranges across British blues / R&B, Mod pop, psychedelia and American country rock.
  14. Uncut
    Much of Broken Boy Soldiers is fired by the same liberated, intuitive spirit that drives the Stripes. [Jun 2006, p.86]
  15. Spin
    The cool sound of hot days, fragrant smoke, and FM radio at ear-splitting volume. [Jun 2006, p.77]
  16. Q Magazine
    It's neither deep nor meaningful, but Broken Boy Soldiers succeeds in sounding like four guys having fun making music; albeit music that's as elegant as it is raucous. [Jun 2006, p.108]
  17. Within its own little garage, the album succeeds completely, but in the big picture, Broken Boy Soldiers never feels especially important.
  18. It’s better this way, all apologies to Meg White.
  19. Tie on the celebrity blindfold, and Broken Boy Soldiers no longer seems like that much of an achievement-- just another case of men recreating their favorite vinyl deep cuts, if a bit more skillfully than most FM scrapbookers.
  20. It's brief and even a little slight, but it's almost as much fun to listen to as it must have been to make.
  21. Like so many all-star bands before them, The Raconteurs could be one and done. But don't place the blame on this fertile and genuine debut.
  22. Broken Boy Soldiers won't reverse global warming, but it certainly tops Get Behind Me Satan for rockin' entertainment.
  23. Mr. White shares the songwriting, and the spotlight, in the Raconteurs, but it sounds as if he's still the wild-card inspiration, the one who puts the structural quirks and guitar fireworks into the songs.
  24. The moody “Together” reveal[s] what’s possible when White and Benson join forces. If only collaborations in this vein had been given greater consideration, the Raconteurs might have had something truly revelatory beyond a whimsical side project.
  25. I was really hoping that some critical insight the bigger publications had missed would shine through here, and on this front I am let down, albeit pleasantly: all this record strives to be is a power-pop record, of second-string Lennon/McCartney-crossed-with-Americana type that proliferated in the ‘70s and has carried on, doggedly, through the decades.
  26. Combine the dull wordplay with the uneven tone and Soldiers feels indulgent quickly -- and that's saying something for an album that's just 33 minutes.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 96 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 81 out of 96
  2. Negative: 4 out of 96
  1. Nov 30, 2017
    Jack White and Brendan Benson' supergroup first record was dubbed as Detroits answer to Nevermind (granted this was by White himself). It'sJack White and Brendan Benson' supergroup first record was dubbed as Detroits answer to Nevermind (granted this was by White himself). It's never the 10 out of 10 classic that Nevermind is but it is a strong record none the less. It's full of classic rock hooks that you'll end up thinking - "Where have I heard that before?", and the thing is you probably have heard most of these riffs somewhere else before. It's like the band got together, looked through there record collection, decided to pick their favourite rock anthems out and then proceeded to rearrange and reinterpret them. For the most part it works very well - the musicianmanship on here is raw but brilliant for the rock that is being delivered. The majority of the time the songs are very strong. "Steady As She Goes", "Hands" and "Intimate Secretary" all need to be played with the volume turned to 11 :-) Full Review »
  2. Dec 3, 2015
    It's a top-heavy album. It starts very strong, the first three tracks being some real A+ four-piece old-school rock music, but the album sitsIt's a top-heavy album. It starts very strong, the first three tracks being some real A+ four-piece old-school rock music, but the album sits on a bit of a downhill incline and gets less interesting as it goes. on. Still worth a listen through though! Full Review »
  3. Dec 12, 2010
    Broken Boy Soldiers has so little to offer here. some songs seem kinda bland, but other ones seem really good. This album was like a mix forBroken Boy Soldiers has so little to offer here. some songs seem kinda bland, but other ones seem really good. This album was like a mix for me. The First track "Steady As She Goes" is a great song. Good way to start off the album. "Hands" and Store Bought Bones are also really good. BUt aside from a couple more, the rest of the album feels kike its missing something. There second album is much better. C+ Full Review »