• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Jul 31, 2015

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. 83
    Most of the album mines a similar sonic terrain, but La Havas excels when she takes bigger risks.
  2. Jul 31, 2015
    Blood, is a statement of purpose and self-discovery.
  3. Jul 31, 2015
    This work leaves the debut, impressive as it was, in the dust.
  4. Jul 31, 2015
    There’s two sides to Blood, that much is certain, and it’s the juxtaposition of these cradling tracks with the gut punchers that really leaves you breathless for more.
  5. Jul 30, 2015
    Although Blood only features ten predominantly short songs, the myriad flashes of brilliance render the album’s brevity irrelevant.
  6. Jul 29, 2015
    At ten tracks, Blood is a more focused and refined effort than 2012's Mercury Prize-nominated Is Your Love Big Enough?, building on what we've come to expect from Lianne La Havas and surprising us with new directions.
  7. Jul 27, 2015
    This time around, that artist has taken charge, immersing herself in soul music while staying true to her folk roots. It’s the best kind of rhythm and blues: no reservations, no fear, no bounds, no parameters.
  8. Jul 28, 2015
    She is deft and adaptive, at once inspiring dancing and melancholy reflection: La Havas is always in motion.
  9. Jul 28, 2015
    Blood’s most engaging moments come when La Havas pierces through the layer of polish that’s coated her work to date.
  10. Aug 3, 2015
    On Blood she largely succeeds in harnessing her instrument to reveal the thoughts within. Big isn’t always better, but it tends towards triumph here.
  11. Jul 31, 2015
    When it comes together--as on the bumping ode to Jamaica "Green & Gold," and the spare "Wonderful"--this album demands, and rewards, all the attention you can give it.
  12. 70
    All the component parts seem present, but they don’t quite add up to a greater whole.
  13. Uncut
    Jul 28, 2015
    [A] LP of sophisticated soul songs built around her exquisite vocals. [Sep 2015, p.76]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 53 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 53
  2. Negative: 1 out of 53
  1. Aug 1, 2015
    Close to be a perfect album, "Blood" comes like a big job from Lianne La Havas.

    Maybe it can't be so good like "Is Your Love A Big
    Close to be a perfect album, "Blood" comes like a big job from Lianne La Havas.

    Maybe it can't be so good like "Is Your Love A Big Enough?", but it brings a Lianne mature and very stronger, a new and grew woman. The album is so professional and a little bit homogenic, but still amazing.

    Tracks like "Unstoppable", "Tokyo", "Midnight" and "Grow" make the album go high and hit an amazing power and glory. But... It keeps a little boring in some tracks like "Wonderful" and "Never Get Enough".

    At last, finally Lianne came back to us. She deserve more success.
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 31, 2015
    Lianne La Havas is a breath of fresh air. Her music joyful, poised, and classy, and her strong songwriting -- filled with clever metaphors andLianne La Havas is a breath of fresh air. Her music joyful, poised, and classy, and her strong songwriting -- filled with clever metaphors and allegories -- is anchored by her feathery voice. The whole album floats along effortlessly. Even the bossa nova freakout, "Never Get Enough," is daring without being showy. Blood is a throwback album and a reminder of the simple pleasures in life. Full Review »
  3. Aug 1, 2015
    Amazing vocals and lyrics!! This album is really a great evolution from Lianne La Havas. By so far, this is the best of her... Cause wonderfulAmazing vocals and lyrics!! This album is really a great evolution from Lianne La Havas. By so far, this is the best of her... Cause wonderful song is on this.

    Favorite tracks: "Green & Gold", "Grow" & "Unstoppable". ♥
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