
Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. While there is lots of good, even great music out there, not much of it even begins to touch Neko’s passion.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    In this trans-American setting, Case emerges as a roots powerhouse. [13 Sep 2002, p.156]
  3. Her albums have matured exponentially with every release, and with Blacklisted, an album that will get your blood pumping and give you goosebumps at the same time, Neko Case emerges as a true original.
  4. Neko Case has crafted an album whose quiet drift only adds to its power; it's hard to say if hanging out with Nick Cave on tour had much of an influence on her, but this disc sounds a bit like Case's version of The Boatman's Call, a personal exploration of the heart and soul that proves sad and beautiful can often walk hand in hand.
  5. Blacklisted is soaked to the bone in rueful wit, luxurious miserablism, and morbid cold sweat—c&w virtues too often reduced to self-pity by lesser latter-day sweethearts of the rodeo.
  6. Blacklisted rings with lost voices and strange journeys, and does a better job of balancing hope, innocence, and darkness than just about anything I’ve heard in a while.
  7. A rare record from an extraordinary artist, and one of the year's best.
  8. Uncut
    A candidate for country album of the year. [Nov 2002, p.130]
  9. If you take your pleasure from the sheer palpability of the music -- the way it walks icy fingers up and down your spine, and paints pictures in the air, so real you could step into them -- Blacklisted will enjoy a long, happy stay in your CD player.
  10. Blacklisted proves that Case's musicianship has evolved alongside her songwriting skills.
  11. The songs are spectral, yearning, and a bit opaque, the kind of music appropriate for a bar in which everyone has had a few and feels no better for it.
  12. Mojo
    She's one of a handful of people who could sing the telephone directory. [Dec 2002, p.115]
  13. Spin
    She treats Americana like a wellspring of weirdness, not a retro refuge. [Sep 2002, p.134]
  14. Blacklisted's accompaniment is roundly excellent and evocative, but Case's voice is what really sells the record.
  15. Blacklisted is certainly a high-water mark for Case; a statement, if you will.
  16. While much of "Blacklisted" is hyper-stylized, suited for playing against the backdrop of psychedelic sunsets that only exist in novels and movies, the album's heart remains Case's voice, as real and strong as they come.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 29
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 29
  3. Negative: 3 out of 29
  1. Kellan
    Feb 15, 2007
    Neko Case is out of control. This is the third album I've bought, and I just keep getting drawn further and further in by that voice and Neko Case is out of control. This is the third album I've bought, and I just keep getting drawn further and further in by that voice and those creepy, creepy lyrics. I think I'm working backwards chronologically, which is fine by me, as long as there's still more by her out there to get my hands on. Full Review »
  2. What
    Nov 2, 2005
    Neko Case possesses the best voice in music today. So powerful and emotional, yet she can be restrained and wistful and still move me. I get Neko Case possesses the best voice in music today. So powerful and emotional, yet she can be restrained and wistful and still move me. I get chills down my spine everytime I hear her boom "deep red bells" from the song of the same name, and tears in my eyes during the soft ballad "I Wish I Was the Moon." I'm not normally a country fan, but this is what real country should sound like. Not Shania Twain, Garth Brooks, or Big & Rich (puke), but Johnny Cash. Loretta Lynn. Patsy Cline. Old school. If you're looking for what Nashville craps out onto the airwaves nowadays, you won't find it here. Just a helluva singer singing her heart out. Full Review »
  3. KateB
    Oct 7, 2003
    I'm With Jenz F - screw Pam W, I have fallen in love with Neko Case. At first I only liked track 11 on Blacklisted, but now I love the I'm With Jenz F - screw Pam W, I have fallen in love with Neko Case. At first I only liked track 11 on Blacklisted, but now I love the whole album. It goes down as one of my all time favorite albums. #5, #1 and #11 are classics. Full Review »