• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Jun 9, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 113 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 113
  2. Negative: 12 out of 113
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  1. Jun 13, 2015
    Unlike their first album, which had a charming sort of unpolished, indie-folk feel, Beneath the Skin feels polished and focused, almost to it's detriment. The songs are catchy, and the sound of the album is uniquely OMAM. However there is little variation between the individual tracks giving the album a sort of homogeneous and formulaic feel. Very few tracks on the album stand out from theUnlike their first album, which had a charming sort of unpolished, indie-folk feel, Beneath the Skin feels polished and focused, almost to it's detriment. The songs are catchy, and the sound of the album is uniquely OMAM. However there is little variation between the individual tracks giving the album a sort of homogeneous and formulaic feel. Very few tracks on the album stand out from the pack as being uniquely different from the others in terms of rhythm and melody. That's not to say they all sound the same, each song brings it's own unique hook, however the overall feel of the album is a bit "samey."

    Overall it feels like OMAM has found their own unique folky sound. Hopefully their next album will bring about a bit more experimentation with melodies and rhythms to deliver something extraordinary.
  2. Aug 3, 2015
    If you are looking for a "My Head Is an Animal", you are in the wrong place. "Beneath the Skin" is totally different of the band's debut album. This album makes you sink on a ocean of feelings and thoughts with a slow rhythm and simple vocals, mainly because of some great songs that can make you listen to it all day. However, this album does not have power to catch new fans or people whoIf you are looking for a "My Head Is an Animal", you are in the wrong place. "Beneath the Skin" is totally different of the band's debut album. This album makes you sink on a ocean of feelings and thoughts with a slow rhythm and simple vocals, mainly because of some great songs that can make you listen to it all day. However, this album does not have power to catch new fans or people who will keep the band in their playlists. It is for people who really like Of Monsters and Men or this type of music; that's the negative point of the album. It would have been better if the band had put one or two strong songs that could catch the attention of the public, like Little Talks did, so the album would be perfect. Expand
  3. Jan 4, 2016
    By far one of my favorite albums by them. It starts off slow, but it really picks up momentum. I wouldn't say that they aren't trying new things because Muse did the same thing when they released "Madness" because he deviated from what his usual style was. I am very comfortable with where Of Monsters and Men is and how they chose to approach this album.
  4. Sep 5, 2019
    A much darker and soulful progression from their debut album, Beneath The Skin wraps you up in cold and haunting sounds while still delivering powerful tracks that will remain ringing in your head after your first listen.
  5. Jun 11, 2015
    Don't get it this score, seriously, this is a terrific álbum, beautiful voices, and amazing lyrics. They tell us a big story in every track, and the instrumentals are insanely good. This disc has ALL, they talk about a lot of things in a so different way, that hits everyone.
    Sounds epic.
  6. Jun 22, 2015
    This album is complete, they've come into maturity. The ratings given are too low for such a wonderful piece of art which is less abstract than before.
  7. Aug 15, 2015
    Simply magical. The entire album has a concept feel, as they all convey the same haunting, mellow sound they've been trying to create. The only problem I can pick with it is that it's missing the chirpy, upbeat, little-talks/ mountain sound-esque song that was in "My head is an animal". A slight lack of variation but all in all a great album.
  8. May 25, 2016
    A worthy successor to "my head is an animal", the good tracks are great and some of the best, however the bad ones are very repetitive and become pretty tiresome to listen. But ultimately the good out weights the bad, i can´t decide whether i prefer mi head is an animal over this, but it´s still pretty good.
  9. Mar 24, 2018
    I have listened to BTS around 5 times, I think, and I don't really love it. For the most part, the lyrics are really strong. The only song that has bad lyrics would be "Wolves", which is far less interesting or original lyrically than it's peers. I really don't care for it at all.

    Musically, BTS is not dynamite. The real focus of the album is clearly the really impressive, commanding
    I have listened to BTS around 5 times, I think, and I don't really love it. For the most part, the lyrics are really strong. The only song that has bad lyrics would be "Wolves", which is far less interesting or original lyrically than it's peers. I really don't care for it at all.

    Musically, BTS is not dynamite. The real focus of the album is clearly the really impressive, commanding vocals and dark lyrics, and the music is not as powerful as it could be. "Crystals" and OMAM's earlier work prove what they are really capable of at their best, and unfortunately, BTS falls short of that. Still, "Crystlas" and "Human" are impressive and pretty great musically. "Slow Life" and "organs" have commanding, strong, attention-grabbing lyrics. "Black Water" sounds especially good vocally, with pretty good lyrics and music. "I Of the Storm" has an interesting chorus, but the rest of the song falls a little flat.

    All in all, BTS could have been something amazing if it stuck more closely to the band's original music, and "Crystals" proves that. Despite the bad, BTS has original, captivating vocals and pretty good somber lyrics. Still, it struggles musically, especially when compared to OMAM's debut album.
  10. Jul 7, 2021
    Good melodia. The vocals are amazing, it deserves the score it has and maybe more.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Aug 13, 2015
    The follow-up to 2011's My Head is an Animal is just as polished, soothing, and captivating as its chart-topping predecessor.
  2. Uncut
    Aug 6, 2015
    Beneath The Skin is further proof that the Icelandic music movement is a near-unstoppable force. [Aug-Sep 2015, p.79]
  3. Jun 30, 2015
    Many of the songs are sturdy, constructed to support these grand ambitions, but these individual pieces are not as consequential as the big, big picture