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Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

  • Summary: The fourth full-length, for the Ohio metalcore band led by Caleb Shomo, who also produced the album.
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  • Record Label: Red Bull Records
  • Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Post-Hardcore, Heavy Metal, Metalcore
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jul 16, 2021
    Longtime fans need not fear that Shomo has gone too mainstream, as evidenced by ragers like "Dominate," "Phantom Pain," and "Hell of It," which pack enough of a punch to keep the mosh pits bruised and bloody. Combining those catchy flourishes with the band's trademark heaviness creates a great balance, and Below winds up being one of Beartooth's most enjoyable and immediate releases to date.
  2. Jul 16, 2021
    It’s a record influenced by Sabbath and Sleep, Power Trip and Pantera – and it shows through proudly.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 16, 2021
    A fearsome riffstorm of therapeutic venting. [Summer 2021, p.87]
  4. Jul 16, 2021
    It doesn’t disappoint. Unapologetically heavy, with some spell-binding riffs and addictive hooks, ‘Below’ takes us across twelve gritty tunes all reflective of the turbulence of fourteen months spent in isolation.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 1 out of 2
  1. Sep 21, 2021
    I love this album. From the opening guitar feedback of the anthemic title track all the way down to the final notes of the instrumentalI love this album. From the opening guitar feedback of the anthemic title track all the way down to the final notes of the instrumental skull-crusher that is “The Last Riff,” you’re in for a hurricane of kick-ass riffs, catchy choruses, and heavy as all hell breakdowns. I will admit, the lyrics can be a bit direct with subjects such as depression, anxiety, and anger, which to some may rub off as a bit cliche or tacky, and I have to agree at times, but overall that just makes it all the more of an emotional powerhouse of a record, in my opinion. Mix-wise, this album is a thing of beauty. Crushing guitar riffs fit in perfectly with the metal AF drums and bass, and somehow the vocals fit perfectly in the middle of all the instrumental madness. Good job boys, insane record! Expand
  2. Jul 19, 2021
    This is possibly one of the whiniest metal albums I've ever heard. Whenever I hear the singer melodically whine his way through a song, it'sThis is possibly one of the whiniest metal albums I've ever heard. Whenever I hear the singer melodically whine his way through a song, it's almost like my brain cells are evacuating to the safest place in my cranium so they can avoid imminent mass extinction. The lyrics are dull, clichéd, and overwhelmingly repetitive throughout the album, and the melody is tiring and painfully boring as well! I guess the production and mixing are fine, but Jesus Christ, the performances are unbearable. The only songs I thought were decent were the opening track and the closing track, nothing else. The rest is just an exhaustingly detailed look into someone's sensitive, emotional bubble and how said person tries to be both the couch, the therapist, and the patient all at once. Bloated, weak, and offensive to the ears.

    Overall score: 2.1/10