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Generally favorable reviews- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 34
  2. Negative: 0 out of 34
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  1. Nov 2, 2010
    Love this band, but for some reason this album got a single listen, after which NOTHING caught my ear, my imagination, or my interest. How did this happen? I'm not saying it's a bad album, only that it has only generated a very long indifference I don't think I feel bad about. 5 is for the benefit of the doubt.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Dec 21, 2010
    On Write About Love, he's in a more traditionally romantic mode, but nonetheless maintains his keen eye for the minutiae of relationships, while never denying the complexity of the attendant emotions.
  2. 70
    Their eighth studio album is somewhere between an extension of their previous indie gems and another baby step towards radio-friendliness.
  3. Oct 21, 2010
    Frontman Stuart Murdoch entreats over a soul groove on B&S' eighth disc, which loads up on Sixties-pop goodies without diluting the group's willowy kink.