• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Nov 20, 2020
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  1. Jun 11, 2023
    This album is perfect! The songs are so beautiful! It's my favorite album of all time now
  2. May 7, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Exelente album de principio a fin, son muy buenos y artistas que nunca desepcionan con cada album Expand
  3. Sep 2, 2021
    It is album about living in the world of pandemic. This album is amazing... In few years we can go back to this album and remember how we felt during the pandemic.
  4. Apr 17, 2023
    Everything about this album is perfect. When it came out I had COVID, so it was really comforting
  5. Apr 17, 2023
    A must listen album Fell in love with BTS after hearing this masterpiece.This album really gave me strength during covid it's a classic album the best of its kind Love it so much
  6. Apr 16, 2023
    Este álbum te cambia la manera de ver un efímero sentimiento para convertirlo en arte.
  7. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best álbum ever. The track Outro: tear makes me cry.
    It's just a masterpice. ALL the song are amazing! The world need more of this.
  8. Jan 20, 2023
    This album was so needed during the pandemic. It gave us comfort and reflexs really well how we felt during the worst moments we had with covid. Speciall mention to "Blue and Grey" and " Disease", Diasease is in my opinion one of the best BTS songs.
  9. Dec 5, 2022
    This album is so important to BTS. Being able to write during lockdown and feeling uncertain of what was next really got to the members.
  10. Nov 6, 2022
    Un álbum muy reflexivo y letras muy amigables y empáticas con el usuario, dando un mensaje de consuelo por todo lo vivido en estos años de pandemia, además de que todos los miembros del grupo surcoreano trabajaron en este proyecto tanto en la composición y producción, ritmos frescos y sencillos pero que logran llevarte a distintos sentimientos, sin dejar de recalcar que todos los track delUn álbum muy reflexivo y letras muy amigables y empáticas con el usuario, dando un mensaje de consuelo por todo lo vivido en estos años de pandemia, además de que todos los miembros del grupo surcoreano trabajaron en este proyecto tanto en la composición y producción, ritmos frescos y sencillos pero que logran llevarte a distintos sentimientos, sin dejar de recalcar que todos los track del álbum lograron ingresar al Billboard Hot 100. Expand
  11. Oct 24, 2022
    this "album" is just a joke. 28 minutes of pain. Dynamite has to be one of the worst songs ever, its just so annoying and i cant believe that people would actually listen to this.
  12. Oct 22, 2022
    one of their best album, the lead single life goes on is great however I found it a little bit boring
  13. Sep 25, 2022
    BE is my comfort zone! Fly to my room, Telepathy, Life goes on, Blue and Grey ,Stay, Dis-ease, Dynamite! This is just too good and so warm!
  14. Sep 19, 2022
    the album sounds great. There aren't any tracks that stand out however all of the songs are above average. It's no skip album for me
  15. Sep 18, 2022
    Excelente albumde nuevo, muy adecuado a la epoca en la que vivimos. Me encanto como siempre
  16. Sep 18, 2022
    Pretty boring album if you ask me, i’ve seen their ost music and this doesn’t compare to the level of artistry they’ve had in the past, it sounds like they just put a bunch of scraped songs in to one album and called it a day.
  17. Sep 18, 2022
    This is not really that amazing. I liked their older stuff better.

  18. Aug 29, 2022
    Is a really bad album, is the same from the first song at the last song, and they no are bad artists just is the same
  19. Aug 24, 2022
    I decided to listen to this album after seeing it highly reviewed. While the song I had heard back in 2020, Dynamite, is a catchy and a hit for me, the rest of the album falls flat - fillers that don't leave me feeling as optimistic as when I started listening.
  20. Aug 23, 2022
    pues traen buena vibe pero a mi me sigue sonando todo igual, creo que debe de ser el idioma y que debo de aprender coreano para entenderlo, porque me siguen dejando igual
  21. Aug 23, 2022
    Uma das melhores obras deles, sempre conseguem se superar e é incrível ver a evolução desde o primeiro álbum até agora com BE
  22. Aug 23, 2022
    Even if its a short release, 6 new songs, 1 skit and our already kown Dynamite, BE is great. My faves are Blue & Gray and Dis-ease. Congrats to the boys for this work!
  23. Aug 23, 2022
    estos quien se creen que son ni que fueran españoles para venir a querer conquistar america, fueral a los intrusos no queremos colonizadores
  24. Aug 23, 2022
    BTS are the only artists who have all the human emotions on an album. Emphasis for Life Goes On, which if it could be described would be like a strange but painful sensation in the chest for wanting the unknown as if it were somehow familiar to your soul. It is as if on hearing, the stranger seemed familiar to you and you can only wish to have him back, something you have never had before.
  25. Aug 23, 2022
    Arte de combinar los sonidos en una secuencia temporal atendiendo a las leyes de la armonía, la melodía y el ritmo, o de producirlos con instrumentos musicales.
  26. Aug 23, 2022
    Best album of all time. It doesn't get better than this. Lana the GOAT. SHE DA BEST
  27. Aug 23, 2022
    it was trash. no artistry, no good music, very forgettable, nothing unique.
  28. Aug 21, 2022
    They cant be serious…this is probably one of the worst albums i’ve ever listened to. The album is just embarrassing.
  29. Aug 20, 2022
    This album was decent, I’ll give it a 7 out of 10. DL deserves more than what she gets.
  30. Aug 20, 2022
    There is no "telling" in their songs. It's like they write songs just for hits.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2021
    BE is the album in which BTS's sound crosses over to cement the type of legacy they're building – one that started in youth and is very proudly Korean, but that makes sense for any age or place.
  2. Dec 5, 2020
    Frustration and grief animate these songs, but it’s their simplicity and specificity that make them compelling.
  3. Nov 30, 2020
    Deciding to reflect on states of mind some of us could resonate to – especially this year – BE serves as a chronicle of what 2020 has been during lockdown: a year of uncertainty, anxiety, depression and frustration. But it also delivers hope for the future.