• Record Label: Big Hit
  • Release Date: Nov 20, 2020
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  1. Nov 20, 2020
    This album is PERFECT! The combination of rhythms with lyrics, the diversity of songs of different styles !!! BTS never let me down
  2. Nov 20, 2020
    Inspiring and comforting lyrics. A relaxing and welcoming experience, with beautiful voices, composition and arrangements. I strongly recommend these songs because, above all, they deal with moment we live (pandemic), you can feel better :)
  3. Nov 20, 2020
    BE desperta sentimentos diversos a cada música, é uma montanha-russa de emoções. Incrível como você se relaciona intimamente com cada uma, com amor, carinho e, principalmente, com a dedicação do início ao fim do BTS.
  4. Nov 20, 2020
    perfect as always! they are giving us more and more incredible songs and work!
  5. Nov 20, 2020
    It's an emotional comfort and a warm hug in this difficult time. Good Job Boys
  6. Nov 20, 2020
    O album é simplismente incrivel, as letras trazem uma sensação de reconforto e eu acho que eles conseguiram passar a mensagem que queriam!
  7. Nov 20, 2020
    An amazing album, that embrances and comforts you. A work done with much love, dedication and full of the feelings of the members. Listen with no prejudice, with all your heart.
  8. Nov 20, 2020
    this album is so good, all the genres and message mixed with truth words and that everyone should listen.
  9. Nov 20, 2020
    Melhor álbum! Perfeito, aclamado, salvou a indústria musical Kim Namjoon
    Kim Seokjin
    Min yoongi Jung Hoseok
    Park Jimin
    Kim Taehyung
    Jeon Jungkook
  10. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. esse álbum é pura aclamação e coesão, maior que carreiras, bts entregou tudo e eu não tenho nem o que reclamar fi eles são perfeitos e fazem músicas perfeitas Expand
  11. Nov 20, 2020
    The best album of the year!! I love it, the songs are the most amazing songs I’ve ever played in my life!
  12. Nov 20, 2020
    O ÁLBUM é excelente. Todas as músicas incorporam suas vidas diárias. Amei
  13. Nov 20, 2020
    It is an album that, with simplicity, leaves listeners speechless, only with feelings. Full of intensity and intimacy, it is a great choice for an afternoon of sunset. BTS are incredible artists, who have once again innovated in relation to music.
  14. Nov 20, 2020
    Álbum impecável. Incrível a capacidade que eles tem de sempre entregar algo diferente e com qualidade.
  15. Nov 20, 2020
    they are the biggest in the world, they propose to deliver the best within a variety of genres and they do it like no one, seriously amazing! bts thanks for saving the industry
  16. Nov 20, 2020
    this album gave me hope, I felt very happy and touched listening to the songs
  17. Nov 20, 2020
    Álbum incrível !!! Foi um álbum reconfortante e me faz querer chorar de uma forma boa BTS nunca decepciona
  18. Nov 20, 2020
    Um álbum de cura, veio no momento certo. A sonoridade é tranquila, mesmo para as músicas mais agitadas.
  19. Nov 20, 2020
    An album of light and cozy songs loaded with good feelings amid so much bad. I was positively surprised by the simplicity and harmony without leaving aside all the talent that BTS shows us. This album is like a warm hug in the middle of a devastating rain, I will listen forever.
  20. Nov 20, 2020
    espero que vocês continuem se reinventando e entregando trabalhos maravilhosos como esse para nós. borahae
  21. Nov 20, 2020
    As always, they gave us nothing less nothing more than an unexpected perfection.
  22. Nov 20, 2020
    Perfect! This album is so good I cried. 10/10, BTS deserves all the best. Life goes on is so good, but my favorite has to be Dis-ease.
  23. Nov 20, 2020
    Listening to this album was one of the best experiences I've ever had.
    A true masterpiece.
  24. Nov 20, 2020
    O álbum tá perfeito!! Eles souberam transmitir cada sentimento de uma forma tão linda e única. Eu realmente me senti abraçada.
  25. Nov 20, 2020
    i loved the album “BE” all the songs are amazing (and also de skit).
    i really liked that we had both calm songs, and also upbeat songs. please give a lot of love to “BE” and all the 7 members of BTS!!!
  26. Nov 20, 2020
    Eu nunca me senti tão feliz,tão orgulhosa com o trabalho dos nossos meninos... Eles são muito talentosos,carinhosos e esforçados,merecem o mundo todinho. As músicas desse álbum parece um abraço,sabe? Ele te deixa triste,depois te reconforta,te deixa alegre e depois você quer da uma de doida e sair por cantando e dançando. Esse álbum tem história,uma história por trás de tudo o que a genteEu nunca me senti tão feliz,tão orgulhosa com o trabalho dos nossos meninos... Eles são muito talentosos,carinhosos e esforçados,merecem o mundo todinho. As músicas desse álbum parece um abraço,sabe? Ele te deixa triste,depois te reconforta,te deixa alegre e depois você quer da uma de doida e sair por cantando e dançando. Esse álbum tem história,uma história por trás de tudo o que a gente y lZzandk Expand
  27. Nov 20, 2020
    Be is a masterpiece! The lyrics are amazing and the production is really good.
  28. Nov 20, 2020
    The way this album can BE described as COMFORT, all the feelings i had while listen to this album, such an amazing and incredible experience
  29. Nov 20, 2020
    Perfect, so great vibe, fantastic, legends. Dis-ease has a brazilian vibe and it surprised me
  30. Nov 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An amazing album about the struggles we faced this year, and how it is important to remember that life still goes on despite everything. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 15, 2021
    BE is the album in which BTS's sound crosses over to cement the type of legacy they're building – one that started in youth and is very proudly Korean, but that makes sense for any age or place.
  2. Dec 5, 2020
    Frustration and grief animate these songs, but it’s their simplicity and specificity that make them compelling.
  3. Nov 30, 2020
    Deciding to reflect on states of mind some of us could resonate to – especially this year – BE serves as a chronicle of what 2020 has been during lockdown: a year of uncertainty, anxiety, depression and frustration. But it also delivers hope for the future.