• Record Label: FAMM
  • Release Date: May 14, 2021

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. May 14, 2021
    As Smith says, “Be Right Back” is a stopgap — but if “Addicted” and “Weekend” are any indication of what’s coming next, we’ll be here waiting.
  2. May 14, 2021
    She’s opening out her sound, and finessing her approach. The results are immaculate – and she’s only just getting started.
  3. May 14, 2021
    As the poetic nature of her lyricism evolves, it makes future albums and EPs even more promising. Hopefully, the singer will experiment even further with more rich and upbeat tunes that will heighten the dynamism of her already-indelible voice.
  4. May 19, 2021
    Be Right Back’s most appealing quality remains Smith’s voice, which stretches at will as she taps into various emotional states.
  5. Rolling Stone
    Jun 2, 2021
    Deals with similar themes [as her debut], yet with even more depth and confidence. [Jun 2021, p.77]
  6. May 24, 2021
    These songs stand on their own and bode well for the second album.
  7. May 14, 2021
    It’s a record of two halves; the former a collection of evocative vignettes, the latter a vehicle for her impressive vocal. And while the latter does have its moments - closer ‘Weekend’ is the kind of sprawling epic that brings to mind earlier Jessie Ware - it’s in the first half, shorn of any jazzy accompaniment, that ‘Be Right Back’ is truly interesting.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. Nov 22, 2021
    Jorja Smith proved once again that she is a great singer and songwriter, the music she gave us on this EP is beautiful and shows that she isJorja Smith proved once again that she is a great singer and songwriter, the music she gave us on this EP is beautiful and shows that she is growing as an artist, and she is only 24 years old. Happy to say she is on the right track. Full Review »
  2. Jul 4, 2021
    heartwarming and very enjoyable, this is a very good jorja project, though not perfect
  3. May 24, 2021
    what gets for me here is the evolution for every song. this ep has no skips, you can listen to it on a regular basis and have a really nicewhat gets for me here is the evolution for every song. this ep has no skips, you can listen to it on a regular basis and have a really nice time. jorja is one of the strongest rnb names in the presence. you should really give this girl a try Full Review »