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Barragán Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

  • Summary: The ninth full-length release for the New York alternative rock trio was produced by Drew Brown.
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Top Track

You were right, girl You were art, you're dripping For a girl you're superb You're so thin In your eyes and in your mind I see change, it's a... See the rest of the song lyrics
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Sep 4, 2014
    Just as poetic, mysterious, and bewitching as Blonde Redhead's more baroque albums, Barragán is a quietly audacious set of songs that ranks among the band's finest music.
  2. 80
    Barragán‘s casual atmosphere sees Blonde Redhead at their most laid back.
  3. Q Magazine
    Aug 29, 2014
    It can meander--Mind To Be Had never quite knows what to do with its initially exciting Neu! vibrations, Defeatist Anthem doesn't shift beyond pretty--but they texture Barragan with a delicacy and precision that makes you want to keep picking away at these songs. [Oct 2014, p.114]
  4. Aug 29, 2014
    It has some great moments but is probably one to listen to when you want to drift off into a peaceful slumber.
  5. Sep 3, 2014
    As a record, Barragan concludes as a frustrating summation of Blonde Redhead’s overwhelming promise and a glaring reminder of the band’s flaws.
  6. Sep 2, 2014
    For all its low points, Barragán still floats on the strength of Makino’s alluring voice and the band’s deft ear for lovely atmospherics.
  7. Sep 2, 2014
    Barragán is not overtly accessible--it does take a few listens to warm up to it--but it’s so all over the map and light that it just feels like a palate cleansing exercise.

See all 18 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 1 out of 4
  1. Oct 28, 2016
    I put this album on last night while hanging out with a few friends in the evening. This album has catchy tracks and very chill beats. TheI put this album on last night while hanging out with a few friends in the evening. This album has catchy tracks and very chill beats. The touch of strangeness with the mechanical beats and whimsical voices makes for an entertaining album. Expand
  2. Jan 28, 2015
    I really love this album. Kazu's voice is really sweet and moving. The band does really interesting, experimental songs. My favourite are CatI really love this album. Kazu's voice is really sweet and moving. The band does really interesting, experimental songs. My favourite are Cat on Tin Roof, No More Honey & Penultimo. I also like the lyrics a lot. I really recommend it. Expand
  3. Sep 27, 2014
    This album is an enthralling listen. "The One I Love" is a mysterious but joyful chamber pop tune. The instrumentation is unorthodox but veryThis album is an enthralling listen. "The One I Love" is a mysterious but joyful chamber pop tune. The instrumentation is unorthodox but very listenable. Beck seems to come to mind when trying to trace parallels or influences. Repetitive at times, but a repetition of a good idea. Expand
  4. Dec 11, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A very psychotic sound! I would not recommend this albun to anyone. People could pop pills with it, commit suicide or join troops of psyco-designers or "so called" artish people to end the planet in bad taste with a depressive mood of self compassion and pity for the crazy, those are also very trippy songs. I think there are better arrays of music in other groups and simply more original with real quality of creativity soothing for mind and soul, that doesn't hurt one's ears. Expand