
Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. May 22, 2020
    A genuine treat, probably the best thing he has made since his debut.
  2. May 22, 2020
    As wide-ranging as Banana Skin Shoes is, it never feels like Gough is dabbling. The album's sounds are as carefully considered as the motifs of tears, apples and snowy spring days that recur in its lyrics, and the flourishes of brass that pop up throughout feel like triumphant fanfares.
  3. Mojo
    May 21, 2020
    The everything-but-the-kitchen-sink sonics are matched by an unrelenting emotional honesty. [Jul 2020, p.85]
  4. Q Magazine
    May 21, 2020
    Mature, classy and a hard-earnedtriumph. [Jul 2020, p.105]
  5. May 21, 2020
    There's as much personal hardship here as there is outgoing celebration, so it winds up an all-inclusive showpiece for what makes Badly Drawn Boy so good.
  6. Uncut
    May 22, 2020
    His workmanship persists. Forever on the skids, but still upright. [Jul 2020, p.27]
  7. May 21, 2020
    Banana Skin Shoes is classic Badly Drawn Boy: Eclectic songs held together by heartfelt lyrics and rich instrumentation. The only thing that's changed is Gough has proved he can dance.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. May 29, 2020
    Solid summer album from BDB that puts him in touch with the spirit of earlier work. The album has rich textures and colors that sound great inSolid summer album from BDB that puts him in touch with the spirit of earlier work. The album has rich textures and colors that sound great in headphones. It has much more in common with About a Boy than Bewilderbeast, but it also calls to mind Born in the UK (better record than some might remember), especially on wistful songs like "I Just Wanna Wish You Happiness." The self-help lyrics can cause the occasional cringe, but the overall effect is charming. A welcome return. Full Review »
  2. Aug 25, 2020
    I'm a long time fan of Badly Drawn Boy. I was in my late teens when his debut came out and I followed the first 5 or 6 years of his careerI'm a long time fan of Badly Drawn Boy. I was in my late teens when his debut came out and I followed the first 5 or 6 years of his career closely. At this point, while I still enjoyed his early albums, he sort of fell off my radar in terms of new releases and it was only about 3 years ago that I sought out his other later records after seeing him live in my hometown. While not quite rivaling the peak of his powers, there were a few gems to be found. I was up to date when this latest record, "Banana Skin Shoes" was released. On the first couple of listens it didn't standout but after a dozen or more listens I have really gotten into it. This record is not Damon Gough's best work, that still remains his mercurial debut, closely followed by the "About A Boy" soundtrack. "Banana Skin Shoes" is on a par and perhaps slightly better than 2002's "Have You Fed The Fish?". This is 50 minutes of considered pop music with its roots in folk. While there are fewer absolute standout tracks than before and a bit of covering well thread ground, this record sees Gough dusting down off his songwriting book, sharpening his pencil and penning 14 tracks for his best collection in 18 years. Full Review »
  3. Jun 1, 2020
    BDBs recent releases seem to have been lacking a bit of raw energy, this album is a return to form if you can get past the excessivelyBDBs recent releases seem to have been lacking a bit of raw energy, this album is a return to form if you can get past the excessively sentimental songs. He has always been a top songwriter and there's a lot to appreciate here but the production doesn't do some of the songs justice, too many synths and too much reverb Full Review »