• Record Label: ATO
  • Release Date: Sep 9, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Uncut
    Sep 2, 2016
    It may be OR's best album yet. [Oct 2016, p.36]
  2. Sep 15, 2016
    Will Sheff creates albums as statements, and Away ultimately rings with a wonder in letting go.
  3. Sep 7, 2016
    Nothing feels forced here. It's just a tidal wave of grief and the wide-eyed wonderment of being alive, as poignant as anything Nick Drake ever penned, rife with resigned dignity. Dreams never do die, which is an overriding motif Sheff conveys with abject sorrow and grace throughout the astounding Away.
  4. 85
    It may take some time for casual fans to fully embrace the record’s shifting sound, but anybody who has ever dealt with loss can get something out of Away.
  5. Sep 6, 2016
    The album is a tremendous achievement that captures sentiments of loss, isolation, and searching for a belonging in a way that only a writer with a keen eye and empathetic nature as Sheff’s could fully articulate.
  6. 80
    After bandmates quit and more heavy blows rained down, he retreated to a cabin, where these wonderful songs poured out. “Frontman In Heaven” is one of several which both mourn and resurrect the idiocies and potent faith of the rock’n’roll age.
  7. Sep 13, 2016
    The result is an album that feels a long way from the ragged, Replacements-meets-Arcade-Fire alt.rock of The Stage Names or the sleep-deprived folk of Black Sheep Boy. The majority of Away sees Sheff’s winning wordplay married to a skewed take on classic country-rock.
  8. Sep 12, 2016
    It feels like a Sheff solo album in all but name, yet the change in approach has breathed new life into his work and helped him deliver an album that is both impressively bold in scope and magically intimate.
  9. Sep 8, 2016
    Okkervil River is now firmly understood as what it always was: a collective of talented musicians sharing, for however long or briefly, in the vision of Will Sheff.
  10. 80
    An immediate comparison that comes to mind is Van Morrison’s Astral Weeks, though by no means as expressive or adventurous. Away is, however, one of Okkervil River’s prettiest records to date.
  11. Sep 2, 2016
    This is a dazzlingly euphoric and utterly stubborn album.
  12. Oct 17, 2016
    Away may only appeal to those who are truly committed to Shelf’s unyieldingly wry judgment, but the score that accompanies it is beautifully intoxicating.
  13. Sep 12, 2016
    The paucity of any full-on rockers may drive some listeners back to the group's more propulsive, earlier works, but the sullen, sweet, and soulful Away rewards a patient ear.
  14. Sep 12, 2016
    Away’s scope may be personal, but its takeaways are universal. It’s a touching album about moving on, about the satisfaction of leaving the past behind before it leaves you.
  15. Sep 27, 2016
    Away has some fine moments, but is an LP completists will get the most mileage out of, perhaps as that curio figure in an artist’s evolution to somewhere else.
  16. Sep 9, 2016
    Despite some conceptual shakiness and a few instances of turgid sentimentality, Sheff is doing fine on his own, continuing to detail unsteady emotional ground with a characteristic mixture of self-assurance and existential dread.
  17. Sep 8, 2016
    A fragmented, frustrated mindset has contributed to a sprawling, inconsistent album with brief flourishes of verdant beauty.
  18. Sep 7, 2016
    Sheff's lyrics, while typically verbose but economic, are more rambling here, but it's refreshing to hearing him cut loose.
  19. Mojo
    Sep 2, 2016
    Away is a looser and more poignant than the band's previous releases ever hinted. [Oct 2016, p.95]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Sep 13, 2016
    Take the yearning nostalgia of The Silver Gymnasium and listen to Will Sheff return to the early simplicity and tenderness of Down the RiverTake the yearning nostalgia of The Silver Gymnasium and listen to Will Sheff return to the early simplicity and tenderness of Down the River of Golden Dreams. What is surprising is the amazing depth of the writing, which unfolds in a melancholy meandering way that's easy to get lost in, positively stuffed with imagery. I'll be listening to this one for a long time. Full Review »
  2. May 30, 2017
    Away is a beautifully soulful album with a sophisticated orchestral instrumentation that pleasantly compliments the passionately emotionalAway is a beautifully soulful album with a sophisticated orchestral instrumentation that pleasantly compliments the passionately emotional lyrics. Though the album has this lovely symphonic sound and melody, after a while it becomes a bit one-note, blurring the songs together. It's a very emotional record, that's unfortunately at times slightly bland, but still very graceful and tender, a truly bittersweet and pleasant listen. Favourite songs: Okkervil River R.I.P.; Days Spent Floating (in the Halfbetween) Full Review »
  3. Sep 21, 2016
    This album is a real masterpiece. The first few times I listened, I thought the second half was a bit unfocused, but it just kept growing onThis album is a real masterpiece. The first few times I listened, I thought the second half was a bit unfocused, but it just kept growing on me, and now the 'aimlessness' seems to me to be more a liberation from traditional verse-chorus song structure, supporting the title/concept of "Away", and making the album a perfect soundtrack for a long walk (or drive). "Mary on a Wave" is my personal favorite here, but they're all great. Varied sounds, lots of textures and symbolism and enough humor to keep the whole thing afloat. And if you like it, buy it! Based on interviews and some of the lyrics, ("The cheaper that the music starts to get, it's like they're trying to make us cheap along with it.") it sounds like they could use the support. Full Review »