
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. 80
    On Autodrama the Kaplans stick with one sound. But it’s a confident one, strutting RnB that oozes beach house cool.
  2. Jun 24, 2016
    The way the Kaplans juxtapose '80s fantasy and 2010s reality gives Autodrama's deceptively breezy music a depth and purpose that separates them from the rest of the atmospheric pack, and makes their return all the more welcome.
  3. 80
    Produced by the band, with help from Pink and former member of Test Icicles Sam Mehran, its follow-up is cleaner and more conventional. But there’s a tease of their old sound before the murk lifts completely.
  4. Jun 24, 2016
    Their take on their influences may seem straight-forward, but Autodrama exudes confidence and the kind of allure that Headbangers lacked, making this an enjoyable and rewarding experience to immerse yourself in.
  5. Jun 24, 2016
    While the now-self-assumed production remains complex and meticulously nuanced, it also doesn’t help that the melodies just don’t stick to the ears as much. Autodrama is by no means a failure, and warm, lush tones still captivate in parts; given Puro Instinct’s proven talents, hopefully those aren’t just the embers of a flash in the pan.
  6. Jul 1, 2016
    At the very least, “End of an Era” is a disturbance to Autodrama’s surface-level shimmer and proof of Puro Instinct making an effort to provide depth.
  7. Jun 30, 2016
    Autodrama feels just several adjustments away from fullness.
  8. Jun 27, 2016
    If the songwriting isn’t always the match of the sheen, the best moments here--Panarchy, What You See, Autodrama--are dangerously seductive.
  9. Jun 30, 2016
    The elementary laments on "Peccavi" conjure a shrug at best. Lines like "Skeptics, eat shit" won't help either (see "End of an Era"). The early Madonna mood of "Tell Me" is the album's finest instrumental moment, but even this feels borrowed.

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