• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Feb 20, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Atlantis is a shining example of pop music in the 21st century should be.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    An exhilarating listen... and perfect for Gnarls Barkley fans in search of a new genre-mashing fix. [23 Feb 2007, p.98]
  3. Under The Radar
    An inspired, genre-breaking album from beginning to end. [#16, p.92]
  4. Urb
    Atlantis will rock your body--if you open your mind. [Jan 2007, p.79]
  5. While Atlantis doesn't exactly "rip apart" the "stereotypical art" that is mainstream hip-hop, as the rapper-singer claims on the track "Equalizer," it's a pretty good start.
  6. The music on this album glows and shines, and while it certainly isn’t consumed by grime and dirt, it has a degree of edge to it.
  7. Billboard
    He stuffs "Atlantis" to the core with ambition, wicked grooves and more hooks than you might expect. [24 Feb 2007]
  8. This ambitious use of resources and influences could very easily end up creating an album that sounded severely disjointed, even incoherent, but k-os is able to make something that, despite the diversity between tracks, works very much as a whole.
  9. Alternative Press
    K-os occasionally veers into icky soft-pop territory on Atlantis, but give him props for mostly imagining where hip-hop might go in the future rather than recycling its past. [Mar 2007, p.144]
  10. Spin
    While Atlantis sacrifices some of Rebellion's gospel spirit, its collaborations push boundaries with eclectic nerve. [Feb 2007, p.84]
  11. What's experimental for K-Os is not necessarily new. That caveat aside, his willingness to add a few new tunes to his hymnal make this album, in many respects, the "Joyful Rebellion" he boasted about before.
  12. Atlantis strives for a patchwork cohesiveness, with equal parts neo-soul, reggae, rap, and rock, bound by a vaguely spiritual message and partially elaborated water-related extended metaphor.
  13. It’s still too lightweight to win any hip-hop race, but at least you’ll want to add K-OS’s name to your mental checklist as you peruse those small-rock-club listings.
  14. Rolling Stone
    Only a few cuts really stick. [22 Feb 2007, p.80]
  15. Uncut
    If he sometimes misfires... K-OS at least has inventiveness in his sights. [May 2007, p.96]
  16. The thirst for change is thrilling but the results spotty.
  17. Vibe
    While his lyricism is as sharp and searching as ever, inventive musical moments are scarce. [Feb 2007, p.125]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. JackJ
    Apr 15, 2007
    Really good stuff. I noticed a few reviews complaining about his message and some supposed contradictions or something: honestly, who cares Really good stuff. I noticed a few reviews complaining about his message and some supposed contradictions or something: honestly, who cares if his music isn't exactly what he says it is? Just listen to it, it's quite good. Full Review »
  2. PeterH
    Mar 20, 2007
    great album! picked it up on the weekend and i don't usually like rap or this sort of music, but when it comes to k-os; it's real great album! picked it up on the weekend and i don't usually like rap or this sort of music, but when it comes to k-os; it's real and original and well worth the time to listen to Full Review »
  3. JoeT
    Mar 6, 2007
    great, new, original hip hop. Yes thats not an oxymoron, k-os really is a fresh change from all the bling/gangsta rap. Although maybe a lttle great, new, original hip hop. Yes thats not an oxymoron, k-os really is a fresh change from all the bling/gangsta rap. Although maybe a lttle more pop sounding than his other records, the more rock influence in this album just shows hes evolving. Full Review »