• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Nov 8, 2011

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
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  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 15, 2011
    When Green is good here, he is very good, and the mis-steps are minor niggles.[Dec. 2011 p. 132]
  2. Nov 16, 2011
    But make no mistake, it's an album that displays growth, maturity and improvement in almost every respect - he's certainly becoming a versatile and engaging artist.
  3. Mojo
    Jan 11, 2012
    Precision tooled to keep Green chart and arena-bound for the foreseeable.[Dec. 2011 pg. 94]
  4. Nov 16, 2011
    It's a heavy, ambivalent confessional, but Green's precocious personality and distinctive flow manage to keep it fired up.
  5. 50
    While it's sometimes hateful and sometimes hate-filled, "At Your Inconvenience" is rarely boring.
  6. Uncut
    Nov 23, 2011
    The result is rather tiring. [Dec 2011, p.95]
  7. Nov 16, 2011
    These dated trance beats and chunks of grime tinged R&B aren't going to earn him any new fans, so he's flipped the default switch; if in doubt, get a bit naughty.
  8. 40
    Green's delivery is too Estuary-Eminem, scattershot hip-hop asperity snarled out with a mockney menace that is too secondhand to be effective.
  9. Nov 16, 2011
    A depressingly compromised second LP from an artist yet to meet his early promise.
  10. Nov 16, 2011
    His second album is a regression. A year on, the gaudy guitar loops and sleek hip-hop beats sound mundane.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 4 out of 14
  1. Oct 3, 2014
    This album is amazing!!! Professor Green knew how to do Rap with comercial musics and, at the same time, be a big social critic and goodThis album is amazing!!! Professor Green knew how to do Rap with comercial musics and, at the same time, be a big social critic and good talker about his life.

    Tracks like "Read All About It", "How Many Moons", "Astronaut" and "At Your Inconvenience" sound so big and powerful with his verses... The production and lyrics, the way he did it. It's all incredible.

    I really love it. Amazing! ♥
    Full Review »
  2. May 2, 2012
    Professor Green can be compared to Eminem but that doesn't matter.
    At Your Inconvenience is one of the best albums i've heard in a while.
    Professor Green can be compared to Eminem but that doesn't matter.
    At Your Inconvenience is one of the best albums i've heard in a while.
    With good lyrics and good songs, Professor Green truly is a wordsmith
    Full Review »
  3. Jun 11, 2013
    This is why rappers have a bad name in music, because all thier songs are about and "hoes" and in Professor Greens case "CONSTABLES" as well.This is why rappers have a bad name in music, because all thier songs are about and "hoes" and in Professor Greens case "CONSTABLES" as well. Would be good if it wasn't so generic and chavy. Although I do admit he has the potential to be great, just needs to work on his lyrics A LOT and needs to stop looping his backbeats constantly. Full Review »