• Record Label: Anti
  • Release Date: May 20, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Arm's Way is the sound of a band forgetting what made them fun and highly listenable and instead grasping for a grand statement that is far beyond their reach.
  2. On?Arm's Way, gifted singer-songwriter Nick Thorburn broadens the band's quirk-pop into wonderfully shambolic arena rock--for an arena of 5,000 people.
  3. Arm’s Way may be technically impressive but ultimately a bit of a boring downer.
  4. 50
    Thorburn’s second record writing songs with the group Islands shows admirable ambition and eclectic musicianship. What hinders this release, however, is a matter of composition.
  5. Nine of Arm's Way's twelve songs start with legs, but ultimately suffer from an inability to respect their limits.
  6. Q Magazine
    Everything here is overdone, whether it's Nick Thorburn's thatrical vocals, the myriad pointless time changes or J'aime Vous Von Quitter's horrid La Bamba-style outero. [June 2008, p.142]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. Aug 17, 2014
    I listen to a lot of music, and this has got to be the most underrated album of the last decade. Where the critics said overstuffed, bloated,I listen to a lot of music, and this has got to be the most underrated album of the last decade. Where the critics said overstuffed, bloated, and overwrought, I say pick one song, any song, and it'll be stuffed with more ambition, skill, and smarts (and stunningly gorgeous lilting melodies that make you wish your heart could just break right there) than anything else I've heard....period. I'm resorting to hyperbole simply because there's no other way to describe this album that so many seem to have missed. It's an artistic triumph that doesn't stop giving. It's an artist working at the absolute peak of his formidable powers, going places I fear he'll never go again. His output since this album has been puzzling at best, and I can't help but think he took the critical response to Arm's Way to heart in a way that's stifled his artistic intuition. It's been six years since its release, and this album could not feel more essential to me. Full Review »
  2. May 17, 2020
    This album has some of my favorite songs on it, and is very underrated.
    The same thing happened when Weezer made a darker 2nd album, there
    This album has some of my favorite songs on it, and is very underrated.
    The same thing happened when Weezer made a darker 2nd album, there was a horrible response, despite it being an incredible album.
    I think this album slightly suffers because the weakest tracks are all clumpled together early on, at #2-5.
    If they had put those shorter songs onto an EP, and kept the long tracks as the LP, it would be an easy 10/10.
    Full Review »