• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: Apr 7, 2017
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Universal acclaim- based on 251 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 21 out of 251
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  1. Apr 8, 2017
    "Arca" finally revealed all Alejandro's greatness and inner beauty. Thanks Björk for inspiring him to add vocals to album and, of course, Jesse Kanda for his visual work on album.
  2. Apr 7, 2017
    this album is so good!! finally has some of lyrics, which make the songs have more sense.

    Surpassing himself like always.

    Fugaces and Desafio are amazing
  3. May 2, 2017
    My first full length record from renowned experimental consummate Arca. I have heard snippets and songs of his years ago so with this being his latest full release, it only felt right to take the risk and just grab this project from him. I am glad as hell I did. The only reason anyone would say his music doesn’t make sense, is because they don’t possess the brain capability to understandMy first full length record from renowned experimental consummate Arca. I have heard snippets and songs of his years ago so with this being his latest full release, it only felt right to take the risk and just grab this project from him. I am glad as hell I did. The only reason anyone would say his music doesn’t make sense, is because they don’t possess the brain capability to understand it. Simple as that – and that is okay. There are so many layers, textures and tones to be unravelled from every single track; such a feat is testament to Arca and his skills at his disposal. His particular emphasis on vocals on this project employ a myriad of more advanced and captivating ground for him to work with. He sounds so broken, so haunting and when you engineer that with the sheer complexity of his galvanising instrumentals, it is an absolute sonically enlightening experience. Such heavy distortion, such a quirky selection of chord progressions, such interesting off-kilter rhythms of almost every sound. The album is a pure tapestry. For any newcomers, I can almost guarantee their minds will be blown away like nothing they have experienced before. For fans of Arca, this album most likely delves into familiar ground, but his vocals add a new dimension to his already staggeringly creative palette. It epitomises the entire concept behind pushing musical boundaries.

    I would have scored this album a 9, but I feel as though the last few tracks fail to achieve the same impact as the others. Namely the last two in Miel and Child. They just don't contribute to the rest of the record for me with anything as significant as the rest - I would enjoy the album that extra little more if those two tracks were knocked off. They dilute its overall quality. The Spanish vocals also limit the resonance on a minute level as I can’t understand it on a lyrical basis, but that is of course my fault. Taking everything into consideration, for me this record reaps magnificent highs with only a few minor problems.
  4. Apr 16, 2017
    ''Arca'' is one of these albums that you can't say you don't like it. It ''covers'' every listeners ear. He combines experimental music with such a moody - acoustic sounds. If you are not familiar with this kind of music I'm sure you will try to get into this. The composition is amazing, reminds me his work with Bjork on Vulnicura. Lovely instruments, strong and awesome work. Respect.
  5. Jun 5, 2017
    It required some extended listens, but I've finally learned to understand what makes this albums so beautiful. The way Arca's singing contrasts with the industrial and electronic sounds his album produces makes this a surprisingly enjoyable listen... and after a while, a pretty peaceful one too. Although I'm not a fan of much modern electronic music, Arca is by far, one of the bestIt required some extended listens, but I've finally learned to understand what makes this albums so beautiful. The way Arca's singing contrasts with the industrial and electronic sounds his album produces makes this a surprisingly enjoyable listen... and after a while, a pretty peaceful one too. Although I'm not a fan of much modern electronic music, Arca is by far, one of the best electronic musicians of his generation.

    Also, the lyrics are worth translating too.
  6. Apr 13, 2017
    This will probably be one of the truest and most sentimental albums you'll hear this year 2017. Mystery, chaos, love, betrayal are some of the sentiments addressed in one of the greatest works ever produced by the Arca. His music transcends, allowing the listener to travel in the troubled world of Alejandro Ghersi. There are 13 songs well done with great caution, bringing a musicalThis will probably be one of the truest and most sentimental albums you'll hear this year 2017. Mystery, chaos, love, betrayal are some of the sentiments addressed in one of the greatest works ever produced by the Arca. His music transcends, allowing the listener to travel in the troubled world of Alejandro Ghersi. There are 13 songs well done with great caution, bringing a musical minimalism. And as always, Arca comes out in front and shows a masterpiece. Expand
  7. Apr 8, 2017
    Incredibly touching productions and a very human touch contribute to make Arca his creator's greatest production yet. To hear his sing his life and love is truly magnificent.
  8. Apr 8, 2017
    This album is the perfect mesh between 'Xen' and' Mutant'. The industrial thrusts are still there and so are the classical music twists, but with the added lyrical element, there seems to be something profoundly grounding and self aware that his first two albums didn't quite capture. This feels personal, wounded and broken while also evoking a new sense of freedom.
  9. Apr 9, 2017
    A lullaby for cynics. A true masterpiece. Arca improved a lot his skills in this one, a precious and pure voice with amazing rhythms. Lyrics that tear your heart apart to put the pieces together and ready for the following song. An album made by the gods themselves with the exquisite voice of an angel.
  10. May 9, 2017
    The album begin slow and sad with the track: Anoche and loses all environment in the next track: Castration that gives a fell of complete agony; The album continues to alternate like that offering new experiences to who hear it, every track has a feeling behind, the well timed tunes and Arca voice turns it into a delightful experience.

    Highlights: Castration, Fugaces, Desafio, Reverie,
    The album begin slow and sad with the track: Anoche and loses all environment in the next track: Castration that gives a fell of complete agony; The album continues to alternate like that offering new experiences to who hear it, every track has a feeling behind, the well timed tunes and Arca voice turns it into a delightful experience.

    Highlights: Castration, Fugaces, Desafio, Reverie, Saunter.

    My Score: 10/10. A complete masterpiece.
  11. Apr 17, 2017
    it's good I cannot say it's not good. it's good but it's not like genius, its good, it's worth your time. give it a shot, and some little time. it's good for pink floyd, radiohead lovers.
  12. Jun 10, 2017
    Actually, I didn't even like his music until I've heard fist singles of this album. The way they're made is obviously impeccable. What I really like about that album is the voice. I'm so proud that bjork suggested him to sing and thar's so damn perfect I cant stop listening. But I'm bit scared of his appearance. I like when the men dress like that but Arca did it very mysterious andActually, I didn't even like his music until I've heard fist singles of this album. The way they're made is obviously impeccable. What I really like about that album is the voice. I'm so proud that bjork suggested him to sing and thar's so damn perfect I cant stop listening. But I'm bit scared of his appearance. I like when the men dress like that but Arca did it very mysterious and impressive. Just like that album. Expand
  13. Feb 25, 2018
    I loved this albums. Even though I'm not so sure which album is better this or "Mutant". i loved every second of this album and I was happy to finally hear his voice on some of the songs. This is truly the music of my life. It is strange, unique, emotional as I'm.
  14. Dec 5, 2018
    Without doubt, Arca presents from its debut, works without failures. Their third album is proof of that.
  15. Oct 2, 2017
    fuerte, poderosa, genial, me encanta esta variazion de instrumentos que a mis amigos les suena como bulla o como un desastre musical pero luego simplemente todo encaja, se necesita un par de escuchadas del disco para luego agarrarle el gusto, bueno, eso me sucedio a mi. bravo venezolano
  16. May 16, 2017
    Where experimentation is not only welcomed but also required, Arca delivers above and beyond, and although there was some lack of coherence within the denser passages, unique melodies rose from the depths to always provide engagement and charisma. My Score: 134/180 (Solid) = 7.4/10
  17. Aug 14, 2017
    I am really sastified with this album, the vocals of Arca make this album more listenable in many ways. Glad he made songs including his voice, Desafio is one of my many favorites. Very perfect and way better than his previous albums. Iconic
  18. Aug 25, 2020
    Un emotivo ejercicio que fusiona la música más experimental con los susurros de dolor, gozo y ansias de libertad de la magnífica Arca en un universo único, plagado de sollozos electrónicos y emociones a flor de piel.
  19. Apr 29, 2017
    I'm obsessed with music that emits creativity and emotion. This is the definition of Arca. Every song on here feels confused and layered just like the lyrics (that i had to translate and read to understand what was going on). Alejandro Ghersi is so good at creating life with his electronic music instead of repetitive loops that make me feel like "I should be on drugs to enjoy this". ThisI'm obsessed with music that emits creativity and emotion. This is the definition of Arca. Every song on here feels confused and layered just like the lyrics (that i had to translate and read to understand what was going on). Alejandro Ghersi is so good at creating life with his electronic music instead of repetitive loops that make me feel like "I should be on drugs to enjoy this". This is a personal album for Arca and one that should be experienced.
    Best Songs: "Anoche", "Reverie", "Whip", and "Fugaces"
  20. Aug 17, 2017
    Arca is more accessible than ever (within the parameters of anarchy and freak) and still bringing to us that sound treatment we have come to both love and loathe. He is a pioneer and a tremendous potential, perhaps ahead of his time. Alienation never felt this good.
  21. Sep 5, 2018
    The musical equivalent of being a horror film character right before getting brutally murdered. It's way better than the last sentence makes it seem.
  22. Oct 25, 2021
    This record is so beautiful and fragile. It demands to be consumed completely each listen. It's production feels like the breaking of glass and the twinkling of stars. I loved the cover art and the opener. The entire album feels like a dream which is ironic given it's potential name before self titled was reverie. Despite it's moments of greatness a monotony does offset the latter halfThis record is so beautiful and fragile. It demands to be consumed completely each listen. It's production feels like the breaking of glass and the twinkling of stars. I loved the cover art and the opener. The entire album feels like a dream which is ironic given it's potential name before self titled was reverie. Despite it's moments of greatness a monotony does offset the latter half making it a tiresome listen where songs blend into eachother. Still it improves with each listen and expresses itself through vocals and production with lyrics not being a necessary component although when analyzed are just as strong. Favorites:piel,reverie,anoche Expand
  23. Nov 8, 2019
    I cannot decribe how this album changes my life. Arca, FKA twigs and Bjork are the best artist for me.
  24. Nov 4, 2021
    Arca (Album) es sin duda una pieza de arte sólida, es esa reliquia que hace sagrado a un templo; hay una producción exquisita y una lírica astuta, es bueno ver aca samples de clásicos como "Caballo Viejo" ya sampleados por grandes artistas como el mismo Ray Conniff, eso nos hace confiar en Arca incluso en su primer Album con líricas.
  25. Apr 17, 2020
    Este álbum de arca lo es todo, su producción es una completa obra de arte, esperemos que su segundo álbum supere a esta obra de arte.
  26. Apr 8, 2022
    Arca likewise refuses to ossify into a legible and easily recognizable shape, defying our expectations of the artist’s output while remaining untethered even to a clearly delineated internal logic. All of this evasion paradoxically pays off, and the resulting album is both emotionally enrapturing and conceptually thrilling.
  27. Aug 23, 2022
    This is not just an album. It’s an experience. It transcends you in a dark dimension. The production and the raw vocals makes you feel in a horror movie while still depressing you. Fugaces and Desafio deserved to be analysed for how good and mysterious they feel.
  28. Nov 10, 2022
    a truly amazing trip through arca’s soul, who is singing in spanish as a way to portrait her true self, very deep and sad, 10/10 would cry again
  29. Nov 13, 2021
    There is none like Arca that is able to create something in between ancestral and contemporary.
    This one in particular it's an album imbued with pain, sorrow mixed with desire for freedom to be. I love it
  30. Jul 10, 2022
    Después del experimental Mutant, Arca nos da su album mas personal, por primera ves usando su voz, y por primera vez teniendio letras, aun teniendo presente la electrónica. El álbum esta grandiosamente estructurado, es hermoso, tragico, de principio a fin. Si lo vas a escuchar ten en cuenta que es su album menos experimental, se centra mas en la lirica
  31. Jul 3, 2022
    masterpiece masterpiece masterpiece masterpiece masterpiece masterpiece masterpiece
  32. Sep 1, 2023
    It's a great album but kinda overrated, I guess. It has wonderful songs like Desafio or Child, also it has poor songs like Coraje or Miel

    Overall: 7.6 / 10

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. The Wire
    Aug 8, 2017
    Arca’s operatic tone adds another layer to the expression of emotion and open sexuality in his work--“Piel” and “Coraje” being particularly striking. Ghersi’s voice emerges quietly, piercing through foreboding sonics with sombre gentleness. [May 2017, p.54]
  2. Jun 5, 2017
    Translating to ‘skin’ in English, its urgent, high-pitched signal follows the melancholy first-take of the artist’s vocal, who’s sung before but never with such vulnerability. It marks the start of a soaring new direction.
  3. May 26, 2017
    Even the wordless tracks on Arca are among the producer’s most powerful vignettes.