• Record Label: Hyperdub
  • Release Date: Jan 6, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
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  1. Jan 15, 2022
    Burial’s more experimental stuff in the last few years has gone under the radar. AllMusic didn’t even review Subtemple/Beachfires, his first EP of “no beats” tunes. I was worried that the lack of enthusiasm towards that project has pushed Burial back to his interest in Rave. It was encouraging when he front loaded his compilation “Tunes 2011-2019” with his three most recent ambient tracks,Burial’s more experimental stuff in the last few years has gone under the radar. AllMusic didn’t even review Subtemple/Beachfires, his first EP of “no beats” tunes. I was worried that the lack of enthusiasm towards that project has pushed Burial back to his interest in Rave. It was encouraging when he front loaded his compilation “Tunes 2011-2019” with his three most recent ambient tracks, as if to ask his mostly beat-loving fan base to reconsider them. Even better, Antidawn is the most re-listenable thing that Burial has done since Rival Dealer, and his most ambitious artistic statement since Untrue. As with all of Burial’s projects, it’s best not to over-analyse. Just put on a good set of headphones, close your eyes, and enter his universe with trust and courage. Five stars. Expand
  2. Mar 14, 2022
    Ambient, dark, atmospheric - so intricately put together, the drawn-out murk punctuated by short moments of just the most ethereal melody. Not one for the impatient, or for those wanting beats - for me this is an absolutely first class from Burial and rewards many repeat listens.

Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Uncut
    Feb 23, 2022
    It's often mournful in tone, dwelling on loss and abandonment. But Bevan infuses his music with a glowing warmth, these tunes framed like prayers for happier times ahead. [Apr 2022, p.25]
  2. Feb 8, 2022
    What elevates Antidawn to a work of genius is not just this dexterous use of materials, the intricate detail, the disciplined avoidance of obviousness. To me, this feels like an entirely new genre of field recording. Here, Bevan hasn’t merely documented uncanny fragments of nature or some grand scene; he’s come close to painting a sonic portrait of domestic life.
  3. Jan 13, 2022
    Moments of unfulfilled anticipation and endless, directionless drifting might make Antidawn seem difficult compared to other Burial releases, but there's something quietly powerful in the way he's able to express the sensation of being inexplicably lost.