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Generally favorable reviews- based on 2154 Ratings

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  1. Jan 28, 2016
    Esse sem duvida alguma é o melhor album da Rihanna desde o LOUD, os vocais estão bons e esta bem produzido. Porém você não sente a essência da Rihanna nesse album, parece que ela pegou um monte de musica aleatória só pra dizer "eu não sou farofeira". O ponto alto do album é Consideration, Kiss It Better e Love On The Braim, que tem uma notória inspiração em "Superpower" da Beyoncé. NoEsse sem duvida alguma é o melhor album da Rihanna desde o LOUD, os vocais estão bons e esta bem produzido. Porém você não sente a essência da Rihanna nesse album, parece que ela pegou um monte de musica aleatória só pra dizer "eu não sou farofeira". O ponto alto do album é Consideration, Kiss It Better e Love On The Braim, que tem uma notória inspiração em "Superpower" da Beyoncé. No geral é um bom album. Expand
  2. Jun 2, 2016
    I respect this album because it truly defies what Rihanna has produced in the past (albums with each song formulated into a commercial, radio-ready hit). It is a move in the right direction for Rihanna. One thing that does take away from the album is that she does not participate in the writing. Some artists can get away with this, but somehow it just feels insincere coming from Rihanna.
  3. Jan 28, 2016
    Enquanto ela mostra um crescimento artístico, por outro lado o álbum parece o tanto quanto imaturo liricamente, como em Work e Sex with Me. Mas em compensação tem outras que soam como um grito de protesto como Consideration e a irreverente James Joint. Acho que é um bom álbum, apesar de realmente não ateder o que se chama de arte para os abastados da industria e da critica. Mas ainda assimEnquanto ela mostra um crescimento artístico, por outro lado o álbum parece o tanto quanto imaturo liricamente, como em Work e Sex with Me. Mas em compensação tem outras que soam como um grito de protesto como Consideration e a irreverente James Joint. Acho que é um bom álbum, apesar de realmente não ateder o que se chama de arte para os abastados da industria e da critica. Mas ainda assim merece reconhecimento. Expand
  4. Jan 28, 2016
    One of the most inconsistent pop albums ever made. I reckon how Rihanna tried to sound mature, experimentalist, bound-breaking however it all just fell flat. The songs don't progress. The track-by-track listening experience feels painfully horrible. It sounds like a ton of demos by different artists put together and sold as an album. Despite all of this criticism, let's assume this albumOne of the most inconsistent pop albums ever made. I reckon how Rihanna tried to sound mature, experimentalist, bound-breaking however it all just fell flat. The songs don't progress. The track-by-track listening experience feels painfully horrible. It sounds like a ton of demos by different artists put together and sold as an album. Despite all of this criticism, let's assume this album as a step forward to Rihanna and that she can grow a lot more from this point. Expand
  5. Jan 29, 2016
    Escuche ANTi sin ninguna expectativa y tiene muy buen potencial, canciones como "Love in the Brain", "Higher", "Close To You", incluso "Needed Me" son oro puro; pero siento que el resto del álbum pudo ser mejor... En conclusión me gusto, pero no es algo iconico.
  6. Apr 29, 2016
    Trois ans d'attente, un an de teasing pour... ça?
    Rihanna pose sa voix sur les titres de son album sans réelle implication. Plusieurs titres sont plats à l’instar du lead Work, qui est bien décevant et ne représente pas du tout le contenu de l'album. Cependant, soulignons que les progrès réalisés par Rihanna pour proposer des albums de qualité (depuis Unapologetic) se poursuivent avec cet
    Trois ans d'attente, un an de teasing pour... ça?
    Rihanna pose sa voix sur les titres de son album sans réelle implication. Plusieurs titres sont plats à l’instar du lead Work, qui est bien décevant et ne représente pas du tout le contenu de l'album. Cependant, soulignons que les progrès réalisés par Rihanna pour proposer des albums de qualité (depuis Unapologetic) se poursuivent avec cet album. Même si l'on ne comprend pas l'intérêt des titres bonus de la version deluxe qui sont catastrophiques,on peut tout de même remarquer que la seconde moitié de l'album est excellente (de Same Ol' Mistakes à Close To You).
  7. Jul 2, 2016
    Well done Rihanna you mange to release once again a great album . This album is so good and very different. the production to the vocals are all amazing and very well written songs. The collaborations are amazing as well. Well done queen RiRi.
    My score:
    1. Consideration ft SZA 8/10 2. James Joint 8/10 3. Kiss it better 9/10 4. Work ft Drake 8/10 5. Desperado 7/10 6. Woo 6/10 7.
    Well done Rihanna you mange to release once again a great album . This album is so good and very different. the production to the vocals are all amazing and very well written songs. The collaborations are amazing as well. Well done queen RiRi.
    My score:
    1. Consideration ft SZA 8/10
    2. James Joint 8/10
    3. Kiss it better 9/10
    4. Work ft Drake 8/10
    5. Desperado 7/10
    6. Woo 6/10
    7. Needed me 9/10
    8. Yeah, I said it 8/10
    9. Same Ol' mistakes 7/10
    10. Never ending 8/10
    11. Love on the brain 8/10
    12. Higher 7/10
    13. Close to you 8/10
    overall: 77.7
  8. Jun 23, 2016
    In my personal opinion this album would've been better if some of the songs were deleted and replaced with FourFiveSeconds, American Oxygen and **** Better Have My Money. Anyway is not a bad album, but its definitely not her best.
  9. Aug 26, 2016
    Disliking the whole album at the beginning, I think, there are some real gems in the end. "Higher", "Love on the Brain" and "Kiss it better" are timeless songs for me. "Consideration" and "Desperado" may be personal favourites just for now, still i cannot stop listening to them.
  10. Oct 16, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Rihanna's most interesting body of work to date that shows her setting new highs for herself. A complicated listen that may not sit well with more pop oriented listeners on a first listen, but after giving it another chance, we learn more about Rihanna than we have from her other albums. The vocal power on Anti is enough to rival the likes of her previous albums that saw her exert her voice to its very limits (Rated R and certain highlights on Unapologetic ring to mind). If you were expecting a pop effort from the Rihanna that released repetitive pop albums every year since Loud all the way up to Unapologetic, skip Anti.

    Consideration - A fantastic way to open the album. Rihanna's vocal grit combined with SZA's soothing interludes set the scene for Anti. [9/10]

    James' Joint - Essentially a soothing 2 minute interlude, giving an impression that Anti is sort of a stoner album, targeted towards those who are meant to sit back and relax. Look at it any other way than that and you wont find anything special. [5/10]

    Kiss It Better - This song had the Navy in arms when snippets were released, and the full song does not disappoint. [9/10]

    Work - We've all heard it, we all like it. Rihanna delivers, yet Drake appears more annoying this year in his painfully droll Views era than ever before. [6/10]

    Desperado - This song, along with Consideration and Kiss It Better prove to set a new standard for a Rihanna album. An interestingly unique song that sees Rihanna as some western vigilante on the run. [7/10]

    Woo - This is a song that would serve excellently as a mainstream single; it suits the listening standards of today's radio audience, you can dance to it, sing along to it, and relate to it if you're that type of Rihanna fan. [8/10]

    Needed Me - Spotify USA's highest streamed song by a female artist and who can blame the US? It's catchy, strong, and along with 'Woo', it depicts Rihanna as a strong figure who doesn't need a man. [7/10]

    Yeah, I Said It - The album's strongest R&B soothing sensation. We hear backing vocals from Rihanna that can send chills down your spine, why it wasn't on the setlist for her tour, we'll never know. [9/10]

    Same Ol' Mistakes - A Tame Impala cover that has its own Rihanna flavour incorporated. [7/10]

    Never Ending - A song I struggle with. Does it bore me, or does it evoke a more indie vibe on Rihanna's behalf? [5/10]

    Love On The Brain - If 'Never Ending' bored you to sleep, Rihanna's extraordinary vocal prowess on track 11 will have DRAGGED you out of that sleep. By far the strongest song on the album. [10/10]

    Higher - Along with Love on the Brain, another emotional song that sees Rihanna hit new highs that most pop girls struggle to meet. [9/10]

    Close To You - By the time we reach this song, we reach a conclusion; Rihanna is sad. She may appear to be a booming presence on the dance floor when songs like 'Work', 'Woo', and 'Needed Me' make themselves apparent, but like she said on Unapologetic's strongest point 'Mother Mary', she swears she wants to change, and here is where the change shows. [8/10]


    Goodnight Gotham - Like James Joint, it does nothing very spectacular. If anything it serves as an opener to the album's biggest club bangers. [5/10]

    Pose - The 'Pour It Up' of the Anti era. The Rihanna we all know and love stomps triumphantly onto the dance floor after wiping her tears away in the bathroom thanks to the last three tracks of the standard edition. The song serves no lyrical brilliance, but as a guilty pleasure, it's highly favorable. [7/10]

    Sex With Me - This finishing track has a love/hate relationship with the Billboard 100. It appears for a while, disappears, and reappears again, despite not being a single. It is everything that 'Needed Me' strives to be, and that is a good, well rounded Rihanna club song. [9/10]


    SUMMARY - Rihanna is back, and with music like this, she better not leave again.
  11. Nov 21, 2016
    easily the best rihanna has given us yet. there was some really dark and heavy production on this LP that was matched very well with rihanna's voice. some songs were really well done, went hard and are well rounded.
  12. Nov 25, 2016
    This is the best Rihanna album in terms of concept and fillers... but that's not saying much if you really compare talent with pairs like Alicia Keys, Beyonce or even Gaga herself, nonetheless it is a 7/10 effort worth listening and working to it but that's about it.
  13. Apr 5, 2017
    I like it but I think this is not the best Rihanna could do.

    vocals: 6.5/10 (she should study the technique a little bit more)
    lyrics: 6/10 (nothing special)
    singles: 8/10 (loved Love on the brain)
  14. Jun 6, 2017
    So after 3 years and 2 months, do I really feel this album was worth waiting that long? Unfortunately not. Unapologetic still holds reign over best Rihanna album, and this falls closely to the bottom, if not, THE bottom. It’s hard to tell if Rihanna had something else up her sleeve when releasing the previous three singles, but listening to those made me sure that ANTi was going to be anSo after 3 years and 2 months, do I really feel this album was worth waiting that long? Unfortunately not. Unapologetic still holds reign over best Rihanna album, and this falls closely to the bottom, if not, THE bottom. It’s hard to tell if Rihanna had something else up her sleeve when releasing the previous three singles, but listening to those made me sure that ANTi was going to be an album that wasn’t going to be forgotten in the world of Rihanna. Well, it won’t, but not for the right reasons. Rihanna has either taken a completely different new move in her career, or she’s having one of those crisis albums where it’s just not as good as the rest, which is ok, every artist has one of those, so I guess Rihanna having her first one can be forgiven right? I mean Madonna had that with a few albums, American Lifebeing her main example, or Britney Jean for Miss Spears, or even ARTPOP for Gaga. So for Rihanna to be having one of these situations 8 albums in, I guess that can be forgotten over time, but right now, it’s a problem, especially when you’ve had to wait 3.2 years.

    A few songs are great, a few ‘meh’, and the odd couple that really just lacked in everything we had been waiting for. FourFiveSeconds, **** Better Have My Money and American Oxygen still should have made the final cut in my eyes, but hey, what can you do? It’s Rihanna we’re talking about here.
  15. Jun 10, 2017
    Eu adoro as músicas da Rihanna desse álbum, ela tem um estilo maravilhoso.
    É como se tudo que ela fizesse, cantasse, usasse virasse ouro. Ela é maravilhosa. Porém certas faixas não viraram ouro, a Riri canta com muito sofrimento e isso acaba ficando chato. Mas no geral é um álbum maravilhoso.
  16. Nov 29, 2017
    This is not the Rihanna we used to know, and that's a good thing. I am not happy with the fact, that she is giving us another floppy lyrics (Work) like she used to do with the previous albums. And even with two or three songs which are shorter than 3 minutes, I think its her one of the best albums.
  17. Dec 1, 2020
    Не лучший, однако очень достойный альбом, но стоит ли он четырех лет ожидаий?
  18. Jan 22, 2020
    Rihanna’s most intriguing project yet, even if there’s no clear smash amongst its 13 tracks. In many ways it’s her most deliberately uncommercial album yet, but don’t let the low-key THC vibes fool you: every harmony, drum beat, and transition on «ANTI» is painstakingly finessed. This, for better or worse, is clearly the music Rihanna likes: leftfield, stoned and strange. It is RihannaRihanna’s most intriguing project yet, even if there’s no clear smash amongst its 13 tracks. In many ways it’s her most deliberately uncommercial album yet, but don’t let the low-key THC vibes fool you: every harmony, drum beat, and transition on «ANTI» is painstakingly finessed. This, for better or worse, is clearly the music Rihanna likes: leftfield, stoned and strange. It is Rihanna without hits. This strange album, released without warning over the internet for free, may well be a reflection of the fact that not even her own backers really expects this to be a commercial blockbuster. It is more an exercise in rebranding, transforming the hit girl into a serious artist. Expand
  19. Sep 2, 2020
    Obrigado SZA por TUDO que você fez!!!

    E foi aqui que a ex-cantora se despediu de sua carreira! Pelo menos foi com qualidade...
  20. Feb 2, 2021
    All the time we´ve waited for a new Rihanna´s could be more worth it. Nevertheless, the vocals in this album are remarkable.
    Top Track: Love On The Brain
    Worst Track: James Joint
  21. Nov 15, 2021
    Rihanna’s most intriguing project yet, even if there’s no clear smash amongst its 13 tracks. In many ways it’s her most deliberately uncommercial album yet, but don’t let the low-key THC vibes fool you: every harmony, drum beat, and transition on «ANTI» is painstakingly finessed. This, for better or worse, is clearly the music Rihanna likes: leftfield, stoned and strange. It is RihannaRihanna’s most intriguing project yet, even if there’s no clear smash amongst its 13 tracks. In many ways it’s her most deliberately uncommercial album yet, but don’t let the low-key THC vibes fool you: every harmony, drum beat, and transition on «ANTI» is painstakingly finessed. This, for better or worse, is clearly the music Rihanna likes: leftfield, stoned and strange. It is Rihanna without hits. This strange album, released without warning over the internet for free, may well be a reflection of the fact that not even her own backers really expects this to be a commercial blockbuster. It is more an exercise in rebranding, transforming the hit girl into a serious artist. Expand
  22. Feb 25, 2022
    One of the most mature and completed albums bi Rihanna. It showcases her involvement in the lyrics, and the production is a great turn away from the pop dance production she did in her last albums. I did fell like this album had some highlights and low points, and some of the lyrics still felt generic to me. But it's an improvement, and I'm curious about Rihanna next steps in music.
  23. Jan 25, 2019
    Its a poor album, saved by a few great songs. 'Love on the Brain' and 'Kiss it Better' are fantastic, but there's so many 'filler' tracks and one too many short interludes.
  24. Feb 12, 2016
    There are two standout tracks 'Kiss it Better' & 'Woo' - those are singles that would be popular. The rest of the album would consist of a few listens to digest what is going on here. Some filler.
  25. Jan 29, 2016
    I feel like she's only been spending some a few hours to make this album with a lot of long interludes. There are some good ones like Kiss It Better & Love on the Brain but nothing much. Always the same world as Unapologetic. Navy had to wait for something that she made not in a perfectly and good way. Sorry but not sorry for them
  26. Jan 30, 2016
    Restricted artistry, good songs & vibes, totally different from the past. It's not the Rihanna you expect, and I personally didn't wait for 3 years for this kind of album. Work is a mediocre lead single, but there are some bold statements such as Desperado and Consideration. The rest of the tracks do not offer anything exciting. The interlude was a bad idea for a 13-song album. 6 pointsRestricted artistry, good songs & vibes, totally different from the past. It's not the Rihanna you expect, and I personally didn't wait for 3 years for this kind of album. Work is a mediocre lead single, but there are some bold statements such as Desperado and Consideration. The rest of the tracks do not offer anything exciting. The interlude was a bad idea for a 13-song album. 6 points for cohesiveness. Expand
  27. Jan 29, 2016
    Re her past albums, I've frequently complained that much of her output sounded as if she was barely present save for phoning in the vocals. On first listen this sounds more interesting than previous albums, simply that it's less predictable; more Rihanna, less record co. committee. First album still has most appeal but artists with this much talent need to grow past just releasing catchy singles.
  28. Feb 1, 2016
    Could be better, but anyways. What else could we do? A disappointment. Could be better, but anyways. What else could we do? A disappointment. Could be better, but anyways. What else could we do? A disappointment. Could be better, but anyways. What else could we do? A disappointment. Could be better, but anyways. What else could we do? A disappointment.
  29. Jan 28, 2016
    I would give this album a mixed review. The record as a whole, is disappointing, especially since she decided not to put Only If For a Night, BBHMM, American Oxygen or FourFiveSeconds on ANTI. But songs such as Kiss It Better, Same Ol' Mistakes and Needed Me gives me a better look on the album. I really like the fact that she decided to go in a softer direction with her music. The JamesI would give this album a mixed review. The record as a whole, is disappointing, especially since she decided not to put Only If For a Night, BBHMM, American Oxygen or FourFiveSeconds on ANTI. But songs such as Kiss It Better, Same Ol' Mistakes and Needed Me gives me a better look on the album. I really like the fact that she decided to go in a softer direction with her music. The James Joint Interlude is incredible and I only wish it was longer. I also think her vocals are incredible on ANTI and the production is great. What puts me off is the song Work (Featuring Drake). The song is nothing new and the songwriting for the chorus is annoying. I would definitely recommend the album, because despite some songs being unoriginal, most are worth a listen. Expand
  30. Jan 28, 2016
    ANTI é um álbum bom para fins sexuais, eu mesmo já transei com o meu namorado ouvindo Work, imitando que ele era o Drake e eu a Rihanna... Mas o gostinho do álbum para por aí.
    O álbum não tem uma pegada da Rihanna. Ela tentou ser conceitual, mas não atingiu o seu limite artístico. Apesar de que o álbum é melhor que seu antecessor Unapologetic (aliás... o que não é?)

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Uncut
    Feb 29, 2016
    One of the most coherent and surprising big-ticket pop albums in years. [Apr 2016, p.79]
  2. Feb 23, 2016
    In many ways, ANTI is a step in the right direction for Rihanna, creatively.
  3. Mojo
    Feb 22, 2016
    It's confusing, with flaky endings and mood swings, and an utterly compelling mix of not caring at all and desperately caring. [Apr 2016, p.87]