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Generally favorable reviews- based on 2154 Ratings

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  1. Feb 1, 2016
    To be honest, every song does not work at all. Many songs do not seem to be completed. Everyhing was done quickly, but not perfectly. Her voice reminds me only howling (nothing more, sorry) in on this new album. I'm so disappointed.
  2. Feb 1, 2016
    Rihanna is an artist, not a pop star, on ANTI. Now we know what she meant by saying she didn't want to perform some old songs because they didn't feel like her. ANTI IS RIHANNA!
  3. Feb 1, 2016
    I LOVE ANTI ! SO PERFECT ! Umm! that were bought by Samsung and given away for free. I was given that album for free and I didn't even have to click and agree that I wanted it. . LOL! I wouldn't be so proud about that if I was Rihanna.
  4. Feb 1, 2016
    Anti is a great album, perfect, wonderful and all the best. It deserves recognition in the world, besides having plenty of originality and quality, it is an album to indulge and listen anytime.
  5. Feb 1, 2016
    O Disco é uma mistura de ritmos que de alguma forma não soa bem,mesmo tendo canções de produção relevante como Kiss it better e Consideration,ainda sim percebo a falta de conteúdo lirico que preencha melhor o álbum!. O álbum mais parece um "This is acting" de músicas da mesma descartadas do Unapologetic,porém ele o cativa por soar um tanto quanto envolvente e surpreendente ao mostrarO Disco é uma mistura de ritmos que de alguma forma não soa bem,mesmo tendo canções de produção relevante como Kiss it better e Consideration,ainda sim percebo a falta de conteúdo lirico que preencha melhor o álbum!. O álbum mais parece um "This is acting" de músicas da mesma descartadas do Unapologetic,porém ele o cativa por soar um tanto quanto envolvente e surpreendente ao mostrar vocais da caribenha ainda mais seguros! Expand
  6. Feb 1, 2016
    De longe seu pior álbum, forçando um conceitualismo falso que ela nunca teve, obviamente procurando por atenção. Uma vergonha perto do seu melhor álbum Rated R.
  7. Feb 1, 2016
    Rihanna fez aquele auê todo por causa desse album, e deixou todos ansiosos e com grandes expectativas, infelizmente nenhuma dessas espectativas foi saciada com esse álbum!
  8. Feb 1, 2016
    Anti, for me, was an amazing experience. I was waiting for this album for a long time and had no idea how it would be. I was afraid to not like it, because my expectations were too high. But all the waiting was rewarded and Rihanna gave us a true masterpiece. I love every song on this album, her vocals are killing me. Best album so far.
  9. Feb 1, 2016
    Ha sido, es, y será uno de los mejores álbumes de Rihanna que podremos recordar. Desde Rated R no nos había llegado una pieza tan pura y tan personal de ella, alejada completamente de ese estilo 'radiofriendly' que todos esperaban. Es una pena que BBHMM y AO no aparezcan en el disco, pero también es un acto a elogiar ya que todas las pistas que nos ha presentado han sido exclusivamenteHa sido, es, y será uno de los mejores álbumes de Rihanna que podremos recordar. Desde Rated R no nos había llegado una pieza tan pura y tan personal de ella, alejada completamente de ese estilo 'radiofriendly' que todos esperaban. Es una pena que BBHMM y AO no aparezcan en el disco, pero también es un acto a elogiar ya que todas las pistas que nos ha presentado han sido exclusivamente nuevas.

    La evolución vocal de Rihanna en ANTi es palpable y lo podemos comprobar en temas como "Consideration", "Higher" o "Love On The Brain" entre otros. Needed Me es quizás ese sencillo que todos esperaban junto a Kiss It Better, dos temas que hacen aún más grande a este esperadísimo trabajo. James Joint es ese interludio que da vida a la versión estándar y que nadie entiende el motivo de colocarlo en la posición dos del disco. "Nada es lo que parece" - ya lo decía Rihanna en su ANTIdiaRy. Work es un intento minimalista de atrapar a las masas repitiendo el fenómeno "Hotline Bling" y espero que sean audaces. Hotline Bling no triunfó por el tema en sí, sino por un inesperado videoclip que "hizo gracia". Sin duda, lo que no dejó indiferente a nadie fue el hecho de incluir una cover exacta de Tame Impala en el disco. Es un hecho muy arriesgado, pero a la vez es mágico. Ha conseguido ser fiel a la original, y a su vez llevarla a su terreno. Impresionante. De la versión Deluxe, se ha visto que temas como "Sex With Me" han cautivado a muchas personas y ha logrado llegar al top 50 de iTunes en algunos países sin ser promocionada ni single principal. También se incluye en esta versión la aclamada "Goodnight Gotham" que va a ser muy probablemente la intro de su gira mundial. Casi que afirmo esto porque ya fue usada en su concierto de Rock in Rio y funcionó bastante bien.

    ANTI es el título del disco y también es la era más #ANTI que también recuerdo. Sin incluir las tres canciones que fue lanzando el año pasado. Un productor que iba despreocupándose hasta que Rihanna tuvo que ponerse al mando para sacar adelante el disco. Una promoción que avanzaba al principio con regularidad y después de forma muy caótica, y es que #ANTIdiaRy ha sido a veces más un sufrimiento que una ayuda para hacer más amena la espera del disco. Una filtración en la que se rumorea de todo, que si ha sido una estrategia de marketing, que si ha eso el mayor error de TIDAL, y un largo etcétera que no merece la pena nombrar. Lo que sí fue estratégico y a la vez tremendamente #ANTI es el hecho de que Samsung regalase 1 millón de copias a todo aquel que quisiera descargarlo. Por mucha crítica que reciba Rihanna con este platino, solo puedo decir: GRACIAS. Ojalá muchas popstars regalasen al menos uno de sus singles a sus fans, y no un disco entero.

    En definitiva, puede que yo haya disfrutado de este trabajo más que otros, pero sin duda, os animo a escucharlo. Hay piezas realmente memorables y sin duda, podemos apreciar una evolución vocal y personal en este trabajo. Gracias Rihanna.
  10. Feb 1, 2016
  11. Feb 1, 2016
    .at first when i heard this album i didn't like it but after i listen to it carefully i found it amazing. my favorite: Love On The Brain,Desperado,Needed Me,Woo
  12. Jan 31, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Rihanna mostra novamente que não está disposta a se render ao convencional e nos presenteia com um álbum delicioso e super consistente. Incrível como ela só se supera a cada era. Parabéns! Expand
  13. Jan 31, 2016
    This is the first album from Rihanna that I've loved front to back. A lot of good songs here. I skip maybe one of them. My favorite songs : Kiss it Better, Needed me, Never Ending, Love on the Brain... Again most of them are very good. Pick up this album.
  14. Jan 31, 2016
    Album grandioso e maravilhoso, vocais melhora nesse novo trabalho,com musicas classicas e urbanas, como exemplo as musicas como, KISS IT BETTER, HIGHER e LOVE ON THE BRAIN são maravilhosas.
  15. Jan 31, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse é o melhor album da rihanna, eu nunca pensei que um dia ela conseguiria superar o Rated R, mas ela nos surpreendeu mais uma vez com sua incrível técnica vocal, e talento. Ela abandonou a farofa, e arrasou mesmo assim. Temos que nos curvar a rainha negra. Expand
  16. Jan 31, 2016
    É tão bom ver um artista que você ama se reinventando e amadurecendo.
    Eu era muito novo e não pude acompanhar o Rated R. Pensei que não iria acompanhar um álbum tão expressivo vindo dela, já que seus trabalhos foram ficando farofentos ( e mesmo assim eu amo). Mas aí ela veio e me supreendeu; estou tendo o privilégio de acompanhar esse álbum que mal nasceu e já é
    É tão bom ver um artista que você ama se reinventando e amadurecendo.
    Eu era muito novo e não pude acompanhar o Rated R. Pensei que não iria acompanhar um álbum tão expressivo vindo dela, já que seus trabalhos foram ficando farofentos ( e mesmo assim eu amo).
    Mas aí ela veio e me supreendeu; estou tendo o privilégio de acompanhar esse álbum que mal nasceu e já é uma lenda AntiTemporal!
  17. Jan 31, 2016
    this is the album of the new millennium!!!!
    Rihanna is suck an incredible artist, I'm so proud of her.
    All tracks of anti are so strong and meaningful!!
  18. Jan 31, 2016
    i'm absolutely floored by this album.

    i've always been a fan of rihanna, but more in the sense that i really enjoyed every one of her singles. i never really was the one to fully listen to her albums and when i did them i found some tracks to be fillers, but this album intrigued me. maybe it was the long wait for the album to come out, the missed deadlines, the changes in producers.
    i'm absolutely floored by this album.

    i've always been a fan of rihanna, but more in the sense that i really enjoyed every one of her singles. i never really was the one to fully listen to her albums and when i did them i found some tracks to be fillers, but this album intrigued me. maybe it was the long wait for the album to come out, the missed deadlines, the changes in producers.

    Work was released a few days ago and i wasn't very impressed. then the bomb dropped. i downloaded the album (courtesy of rihanna herself dropping the album for free) and as soon as consequence started i was hooked. first of all no "pop hits" or "bangers" and i was glad. it's not that i don't like songs like rude boy or pour it up but i wanted something new from rihanna. i wanted something new and adventurous. holy **** did she bring it. its experimental in sound, jumping from one genre to the next and it works. nothing is fast paced and loud. its an album that you play and just chill in your room and absorb the sounds.

    the 3/4's of the album are definitely stronger than the last 1/4 but that doesn't take away from the last 1/4, they are good in their own way. rihanna definitely tried to "sing" more on this and for the most part she does a great job, with the exception of higher as it sounds like she is straining to get the notes out. i looked to my sister as we were listening to it and said "she's gonna have a hard time singing this live".

    all in all a fantastic album and by far rihanna's best effort. i would love for her to continue on this path (although thats probably not likely).

  19. Jan 31, 2016
    This her best album. You cannot not stop listening. Most people who are used to the old Rihanna even critics are probably not going like at first listen because they want the hits but i assure a year two from now people will appreciate it and think it was her best album actually one of the best albums out there. Work which was released as a single is probably the weakest song on theThis her best album. You cannot not stop listening. Most people who are used to the old Rihanna even critics are probably not going like at first listen because they want the hits but i assure a year two from now people will appreciate it and think it was her best album actually one of the best albums out there. Work which was released as a single is probably the weakest song on the album. Out of 16 songs i liked 13 songs didn't care much for WOO , Gotham and Sex with me. i loved everything else. Expand
  20. IGa
    Jan 31, 2016
    It may even seem innovative and conceptual, but we must take into account that many pop artists are coming out of your comfort zone to invest in something more "conceptual" the artistic point of view. If we take this into account, "ANTi" (like the most Rihanna's albums) is just another product launched to strengthen fads. This album sounds more like a derivation of "BEYONCE". "ANTi" wouldIt may even seem innovative and conceptual, but we must take into account that many pop artists are coming out of your comfort zone to invest in something more "conceptual" the artistic point of view. If we take this into account, "ANTi" (like the most Rihanna's albums) is just another product launched to strengthen fads. This album sounds more like a derivation of "BEYONCE". "ANTi" would be more original if not for conceptual rise of Beyoncé, Miley, Selena and Lorde. Expand
  21. Jan 31, 2016
    I used to love everything she made but this album is a big mess. In my opinion, its best song is Love On The Brain and it sounds exactly like BEYONCÉ's "worst" song: Superpower.
  22. Jan 31, 2016
    This is hands down Rihannas best album, with rated r coming in second. It's a cohesive body of work. As to it vocally, lyrically and production wise IT'S A MASTERPIECE. It's exactly what she said it would be, soulful & agreesive and I love it!!! GREAT JOB RIHANNA ANTI IS PERFECT!!!!!
  23. Jan 31, 2016
    Excellent Music
    Did an excellent job on this album is inspiring and the music blends are excellent
    Anti I feel that it has been one of their best work
    There are several songs that are very good
  24. Jan 31, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Muito bom, Kiss It Better gostosa de ouvir, as guitarras ficaram maravilhosas, o cover de Same Ol’ Mistakes muito bom, o disco é coeso, traz facetas de uma Rihanna em que não estamos acostumados. Expand
  25. Jan 31, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me surpreendi, não sou fã dela, mas conseguiu me ganhar mostrou que vai além de um pop bicth, ela tem uma voz exótica e sedutora, o melhor dela sem dúvidas Expand
  26. Jan 31, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Provou ser A MELHOR da atualidade, fez um disco coeso, pouco comercial, mas com enredo maravilhoso, parabéns Riri, fez um excelente trabalho. work, work, work Expand
  27. Jan 30, 2016
    Aman Tanrım! Rihanna'nın çıkardığı hiç şüphesiz üzerinde en çok çalışılmış en kaliteli albümü.Albümdeki tarz değişikliği beni derinden etkiledi.Bu, gerçekten cesaret ister. Love On The Brain, Consideration, Desperado, Kiss İt Better, Work... Hepsi birer şaheser ve hit olabilecek kapasitede...
    Albüm beklentimi cidden karşıladı. Part2 ve Platinium versiyonunun gelmesini umuyorum. Umarım
    Aman Tanrım! Rihanna'nın çıkardığı hiç şüphesiz üzerinde en çok çalışılmış en kaliteli albümü.Albümdeki tarz değişikliği beni derinden etkiledi.Bu, gerçekten cesaret ister. Love On The Brain, Consideration, Desperado, Kiss İt Better, Work... Hepsi birer şaheser ve hit olabilecek kapasitede...
    Albüm beklentimi cidden karşıladı. Part2 ve Platinium versiyonunun gelmesini umuyorum. Umarım daha da yüksek puanlar alır. Albüm çıktıktan sonra Rihanna'nın gerçek ''Navy''si kimmiş görmüş olduk.
    Hey Rİri! Gerçekten İyi Bir İş Çıkardın! Bu Harikaydı!!
  28. Jan 30, 2016
    Did definitely not wait for 4 years for an album like this. We deserved better and expected much more after her previous album and postponing her album alot. Single like Work??? It contains NOTHING musically or lyrically.
    We deserved much better! Disappointed by Rihanna. Dont know what that delay was for. The ONLY good song from this record was Kiss It Better. I would have said
    Did definitely not wait for 4 years for an album like this. We deserved better and expected much more after her previous album and postponing her album alot. Single like Work??? It contains NOTHING musically or lyrically.
    We deserved much better! Disappointed by Rihanna. Dont know what that delay was for. The ONLY good song from this record was Kiss It Better. I would have said fourfiveseconds and BBHMM but unfortunately they didnt even make it on the album
  29. Jan 30, 2016
    ANTI depois do Rated R é o Melhor, e a mais inovadora Era da Rihanna , esse álbum está maravilhoso sinceramente muita diversidade , uma Rihanna madura e muito evoluída absurdamente vocalmente e musicalmente falando , Estou Impressionado com esse maravilhoso novo álbum ANTI, Valeu Apena a espera !!!!! ♥
  30. Jan 30, 2016
    ANTI-album is Rihanna's most intimate and authentic work to date. The wait was absolutely worth. So many different genres in one album but making sense throughout the tracklist. Incredible. Divine. Love it. She's a true and complete artist.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Uncut
    Feb 29, 2016
    One of the most coherent and surprising big-ticket pop albums in years. [Apr 2016, p.79]
  2. Feb 23, 2016
    In many ways, ANTI is a step in the right direction for Rihanna, creatively.
  3. Mojo
    Feb 22, 2016
    It's confusing, with flaky endings and mood swings, and an utterly compelling mix of not caring at all and desperately caring. [Apr 2016, p.87]