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Generally favorable reviews- based on 2154 Ratings

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  1. Apr 26, 2016
    De Hitmaker a uma artista conceitual, talvez por querer mudar rápido demais essa imagem, "Anti" pecou por querer apresentar esses dois aspectos. Em um grito desesperado em querer ser conceitual, Rihanna não alcançou o que queria, com letras vazias e projetadas para o rádio, ela falhou em querer ser "artística demais". Entretanto não devemos menosprezar esse trabalho, pela vontade deDe Hitmaker a uma artista conceitual, talvez por querer mudar rápido demais essa imagem, "Anti" pecou por querer apresentar esses dois aspectos. Em um grito desesperado em querer ser conceitual, Rihanna não alcançou o que queria, com letras vazias e projetadas para o rádio, ela falhou em querer ser "artística demais". Entretanto não devemos menosprezar esse trabalho, pela vontade de mudança, Rihanna conseguiu provar que não se acomoda na sua zona de conforto. Expand
  2. Apr 26, 2016
    This is a amazing album, Rihanna really killed it on this one and is something really different from her and it's a good different. Rihanna should make a album like this again because it's one of the best albums of 2016
  3. Apr 26, 2016
    Sucks I rate 2/10
    All she talks about how she wants to have sex, and grinds and do dirty things! We want old Riri back!
    And it's explicit as well.. the only good track on this one was 'Desperado'.
  4. Apr 26, 2016
    Ela sempre trás algo diferente e isso me deixa impressionado e surpreso, cada música é um tiro. Não tenho nada mais a declarar sobre essa perfeição, apenas sentir.
  5. Apr 26, 2016
    This is the best album of 2016 at the moment, Rihanna definitely went a different route with this album and it worked so well. She is normally not known for an album like this so it comes as a surprise to everyone. Amazing album, great lyrics, great vocals, great tour and amazing artist!
  6. Apr 26, 2016
    3 words about this album : MORE THAN PERFECT
    (it's worth 11/10, best album released this year so far.) Rihanna shows with ANTi that she is a complete artist, a real one, with a voice, YES she can sing, versatile as always. Rihanna, now as an icone, doesn't have to make commercial songs anymore to prove she's in the game. She always took risks and that's why we all love her and this
    3 words about this album : MORE THAN PERFECT
    (it's worth 11/10, best album released this year so far.) Rihanna shows with ANTi that she is a complete artist, a real one, with a voice, YES she can sing, versatile as always. Rihanna, now as an icone, doesn't have to make commercial songs anymore to prove she's in the game. She always took risks and that's why we all love her and this MASTERPIECE album cause she keep surprising us by renewing herself. THUMBS UP Rihanna!!!!
  7. Apr 26, 2016
    The biggest flaw with Anti, is that it is dishonest. Rihanna attempts to position herself as an artist that is truly trying to make a complete "body of work". Instead, it comes off as if she started to put together a puzzle but stopped halfway through to do something else. The album lacks cohesiveness, and relies mostly on "Work" (which is ironically the least artistically adventurous) toThe biggest flaw with Anti, is that it is dishonest. Rihanna attempts to position herself as an artist that is truly trying to make a complete "body of work". Instead, it comes off as if she started to put together a puzzle but stopped halfway through to do something else. The album lacks cohesiveness, and relies mostly on "Work" (which is ironically the least artistically adventurous) to carry it. The album sloppily puts together its tracks without a true end goal. Rihanna wants to be seen as deep, but then doesn't make the effort to.

    With that said, Higher and Close To You both highlight what the Rihanna of the future could be, if she ever wants to dive into a new era where she actually attempts to capitalize on her creativity. Anti is experiment, and it shows Rihanna trying something new. Even so, it also shows her not trying "enough". Rihanna deserves points for produced an unorganized yet solid album, even if it isn't necessarily genuine.
  8. Apr 26, 2016
    Rihanna really tried with this one. The vocals have improved but the music is seriously lacking something. The highlight of this album is Needed Me which is actually one of my favourite Rihanna songs now.
  9. Apr 25, 2016
    This is one of the most Masterprice of rihanna with Unapologetic and Rated R, definitively Rihanna makes one of the Best Albums of the decade.
    New and fresh, rihanna sounds could finally give us a great album from Rated R
    True renewal in genres, the perfect blend of R & B and urban sound of the streets of USA
  10. Apr 25, 2016
    Your vocals were lazy...You could be better if you work on your vocals but, your not.....I Know you can be...Just sad...You can better you had b/c 2 songs actually gave vocals and that's it...Why be lazy...
  11. Apr 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I'm not a Rihanna fan, but this album is so amazing it hurts, one of the best albums of the year so far, along with Sia's "This Is Acting". It's incredible. Expand
  12. Apr 25, 2016
    Stunning album. My jaw dropped the first time I finished listening. This is by far Rihana's best album and that is already telling much since she has an amazing discography.
    Same Ol Mistakes is a standout.
  13. Apr 25, 2016
    Again Rihanna tries to do something mature. However, she can't do something good. It's sad that she always has huge hits. Work is one of the most ridiculous song ever. Shame on her.
  14. Apr 25, 2016
    3 MONTHS! 3 months after release and the albums sound even better than when I first heard it, whether its a throaty ballad or grimy club song, ANTI delivers on all levels and genres with her best vocals yet and excellent production. An album worth buying.
  15. Apr 25, 2016
    In my opinion, ANTi by Rihanna is not a cohesive and meaningful album. With odd instrumentals, weak lyrics, skipful songs, Rihanna waited almost 3 years to give us a 'masterpiece' by half.
  16. Apr 15, 2016
    Favourite Rihanna album so far. She's definitely evolving her sound, going a bit darker, a bit more edgy. It's a refreshing twist on her usual style. Her voice sounds amazing throughout, love her technique.
  17. Apr 14, 2016
    very good album , risky for these times. excellent vocal and production quality. I wish I would nominate for Grammy's . Congratulations, excellent album
  18. Apr 1, 2016
    It exceeded my expectations, I really liked her "upgraded" sound. One of the best R&B albums of recent years, it's definitely worth listening and buying. As has already been said in most reviews, vocal production is at its best. We can see Rihanna winning at least one Grammy for this album next year.
  19. Mar 29, 2016
    Very Solid and different sound. I'm so over the tradition Pop sound, this is quite refreshing. This album is amazing, is different, that's for sure if you're expecting beachy pop/dance songs I'd say you should skip this album.
  20. Mar 28, 2016
    I actually really liked the flow of this album. It needed more old rihanna mixed with new rihanna. This album had massive potential, it just didn't live up to it.
  21. Mar 19, 2016
    "ANTI" com certeza é o melhor álbum de toda a carreira da Rihanna. Ela não teve medo em mostrar algo na qual realmente sabe fazer. Músicas com quase nada de teor comercial, porém a qualidade é ótima. Não é um álbum pop genérico, mas também não é o álbum lento estilo ganhador de vários GRAMMYs, é simplesmente diferente. Rihanna acertou em cheio no conceito do "ANTI" para mostrar a sua"ANTI" com certeza é o melhor álbum de toda a carreira da Rihanna. Ela não teve medo em mostrar algo na qual realmente sabe fazer. Músicas com quase nada de teor comercial, porém a qualidade é ótima. Não é um álbum pop genérico, mas também não é o álbum lento estilo ganhador de vários GRAMMYs, é simplesmente diferente. Rihanna acertou em cheio no conceito do "ANTI" para mostrar a sua música da melhor maneira possível. Entre todas as músicas merecem destaque "Kiss Ir Better", "Love On The Brain", "Desperado", "Higher" e "Yeah, I Said It." Expand
  22. Mar 14, 2016
    Here's the thing: Pop is Rihanna's stream. I seriously understand the fact that she wants to be taken more seriously as an artist and thinks that incongruently mixing genres ranging from club hip hop, trip hop and soul would give her that, but it flops. "Love on the Brain" is more of the direction she should have followed. When she described the album she used "soulful" to describe theHere's the thing: Pop is Rihanna's stream. I seriously understand the fact that she wants to be taken more seriously as an artist and thinks that incongruently mixing genres ranging from club hip hop, trip hop and soul would give her that, but it flops. "Love on the Brain" is more of the direction she should have followed. When she described the album she used "soulful" to describe the whole thing however this is the only song that subscribes to that ideal. "Work" I must admit did better commercially than I thought it would however we have lost that essence of Rihanna being a vocal artist! She screams and scratches all the time now which detracts from the dynamic it used to have and adds to this ever increases idea that she is losing her voice or worse yet lazy. I must appreciate the raw energy that she pours into her work very few artists (ahem Beyonce) still have that. I have always been a RIHANNA FAN and I am avidly waiting for something more from the next album. Expand
  23. Mar 9, 2016
    After multiple delays and almost four years since her last full length LP, does ANTI deliver?

    After listening to this album from to start to finish it becomes quite clear that this is Rihanna's most mature, most sophisticated work to date. Gone are the high octane, dance-influenced beats and replaced with a more soulful production - a very welcome change. From a production point of
    After multiple delays and almost four years since her last full length LP, does ANTI deliver?

    After listening to this album from to start to finish it becomes quite clear that this is Rihanna's most mature, most sophisticated work to date. Gone are the high octane, dance-influenced beats and replaced with a more soulful production - a very welcome change.

    From a production point of view the drum programming is top notch and the minimal production on this LP as a whole really provides a lot of breathing room for Rihanna's vocals to truly shine. The vocals are the star of the show here and that's where this album really hits the nail on the head.

    Tracks on the album follow a very similar style and rhythm, forming a very cohesive body of work, but even then the LP manages to offer enough variation to keep things interesting. For example a track like 'Kiss It Better' is the closest one would get to one of Rihanna's older pop efforts, while 'Never Ending' is a beautiful acoustic ballad - really showcasing her phenomenal vocal work.

    But just like most albums this one falls a bit flat at times. The lead single, 'Work' (a collaboration with Drake) is arguably one of the worst tracks on here purely because of it's chorus (if there even is one) lacking any real lyrical content or substance. The track "Woo" (composed alongside record producer, Travis Scott) includes a very repetitive guitar line and poorly composed beat which doesn't compliment Rihanna's vocals at all.

    Overall, this is one of her best efforts yet. This is the first time I could genuinely appreciate Rihanna as an album artist and not just as an artist built off of hit singles. Definitely a step in the right direction in terms of songwriting.

    Hands down her best vocal work to date and a very solid, well-produced album.

    Personal favourites from the LP: 'Kiss It Better', 'Desperado' and 'Same Ol' Mistakes'

    - Alex Heyns. Cape Town, South Africa.
  24. Mar 8, 2016
    I'm not a Rihanna fan (not in the least!) but this album in freaking incredible. Amazing production, her voice is incredible and the songs go all over the place. The critics really missed the point and the genius behind this album - and I don't use that word lightly. Pretty incredible stuff, from a huge music fan's perspective.
  25. Mar 6, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love it ! I love Rihanna's new album , it's interesting and amazing!. I feel closer to her and i feel as if i knew her better, "Work" it's sticky. I LOVE IT! Expand
  26. Mar 2, 2016
    Rihanna se superou,ela está de parabéns,o álbum é simplesmente incrível e diferente. Um dos melhores do ano e é o meu favorito,todas as canções são maravilhosas. A voz dela está perfeita em todas as faixas,inclusive as outras no deluxe,são tão verdadeiras e pessoais, como a RiRi evoluiu bastante,quer dizer evoluiu para melhor e estou orgulhosa dela!
  27. Mar 1, 2016
    Anti is Rihanna's best album. It's so perfect. We wait it for 3 years and worth it. This album is so amazing. Rihanna is the best. And Anti is perfect.
  28. Mar 1, 2016
    ANTI is definitely a stand out in Rihanna's discography. Unlike her last albums, this is a whole body of work. Every song flows so well with each other. There is no single filler here. The album also could be seen as her most personal work yet, even exceeding Rated R. She contributed to every song which is a testament to her artistry. She also showcases vocals we've never witnessed before.ANTI is definitely a stand out in Rihanna's discography. Unlike her last albums, this is a whole body of work. Every song flows so well with each other. There is no single filler here. The album also could be seen as her most personal work yet, even exceeding Rated R. She contributed to every song which is a testament to her artistry. She also showcases vocals we've never witnessed before. She never sounded as good as on Love On The Brain. It also reminds of a more jazzy route which continues with Higher. A breathtaking emotional song. It shows her vulnerability and personality.

    Yet she still showcases her roots with Work featuring Drake. She doesn't neglet her past music and still does different music compared to the stale R&B/Hip Hop music the charts represent. Needed Me might not be the biggest change in her music, but it's such a good and catchy song. It also represents the theme of the album very well. Different sides of love in her personal live. Never Ending also represents that. A good ballad that talks about a new found love and the confusing feelings it comes with it.

    Rihanna doesn't fail to experiment either.
    Consideration showcases a new side to her craft. A production which is a standout on this album. SZA compliments the song very well too. Same Ol' Mistake took me by a huge surprise. Her covering a Tame Impala song might sound like rubbish, but she actually found herself in the song and for me she does the song justice. Worth the 6 minutes of listening sessions every time.

    This time the album isn't a singles collection. It it a definite body of music and Rihanna suceeded to create an album worthy to be called her best yet.
  29. Feb 29, 2016
    O segundo melhor dela na minha opinião. Coeso, despretensioso e original. Não é fácil de digerir, assim como o Rated R... Mas com o passar do tempo vai ficando cada vez mais claro que esses são as obras-primas da carreira.
  30. Feb 28, 2016
    To put it out there first, this was my first Rihanna album I've listened to. Before this, I had heard pretty much all of her radio songs and was familiar with the kind of songs she wrote and recognized her as one of the best vocalists out right now. So there weren't really any expectations coming in.
    The album starts strong with Consideration, with guest vocals from SZA of TDE who manages
    To put it out there first, this was my first Rihanna album I've listened to. Before this, I had heard pretty much all of her radio songs and was familiar with the kind of songs she wrote and recognized her as one of the best vocalists out right now. So there weren't really any expectations coming in.
    The album starts strong with Consideration, with guest vocals from SZA of TDE who manages to vibe well with Rihanna. Production is minimalist and showcases two great singers.
    From there it kind of falls off and loses focus. The songs are diverse but horribly incoherent after her single Work featuring Drake, arguably one of the weaker songs on this album. Woo is hard to listen to with the screeching guitar looping over and over without any variation. Though I do applaud Desperado with its very smart production and I genuinely enjoyed its aesthetic.
    However, it is the last four tracks that redeem this album. Starting with the acoustic ballad Never Ending, I almost had to check if this was really a Rihanna song because she sounded so incredibly vulnerable, which was a good thing. It's so simple, but so effective in showcasing Rihanna's gentler side.
    Love on the Brain feels like a very familiar song, but its familiarity is what instantly drew me to it as she belted out on yet again another vulnerable song.
    Higher is the best track on this album; channeling her inner drunk caller, she desperately pleads for her lover to come, promising a change within herself. As a metaphor, it can be taken that music is her lover, making promises to be more creative or wanting it to go back to the old way. It's almost tragic how short it is.
    Overall good album with some replay value. I tend to skip the songs in the middle but a solid job by Rihanna.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. Uncut
    Feb 29, 2016
    One of the most coherent and surprising big-ticket pop albums in years. [Apr 2016, p.79]
  2. Feb 23, 2016
    In many ways, ANTI is a step in the right direction for Rihanna, creatively.
  3. Mojo
    Feb 22, 2016
    It's confusing, with flaky endings and mood swings, and an utterly compelling mix of not caring at all and desperately caring. [Apr 2016, p.87]