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Generally favorable reviews- based on 75 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 75
  2. Negative: 21 out of 75
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  1. Aug 23, 2014
    50 Cent has finally addressed a topic in which his fans and people around him will unfortunately not understand. I like this album. 50 shows perspective from different views. On Hold On and Chase the Paper, he speaks on people he knows that are blinded by money and feel entitled to not be affected by the consequences of having a lot of it. On Pilot, he flaunts his confidence because in our50 Cent has finally addressed a topic in which his fans and people around him will unfortunately not understand. I like this album. 50 shows perspective from different views. On Hold On and Chase the Paper, he speaks on people he knows that are blinded by money and feel entitled to not be affected by the consequences of having a lot of it. On Pilot, he flaunts his confidence because in our society being cocky is frown upon. He acknowledges where he comes from on Twisted, and makes a big effort to tell young ones from there that they have small chances, but he can be their hope. On Winner's Circle, he gives a simple tutorial on how if you want to win, you need to be prepared for others to not want you. The weakest record on here is the title track and even that record speaks to the idea behind the project. He basically gives the audience a recap of what he has done and how anyone's doubts won't get in the way. Expand
  2. Apr 22, 2015
    It is great to have 50 back after all these years, he is still keeping up with his signature street sound, but he doesn't seem to have any direction on the album, he often looks a little bit lost. The few bizarre and off songs are saved by some awesome and 2000's 50 flow songs like Hold on who makes us see 50 can still retrieve his raw style we all came to love.
  3. Jun 27, 2015
    50 shows so much growth on this album with songs with twisted and winners circle. but the main thing with this album is there is no filler. each song from start to finish is classic 50. with today's music all sounding the same and with so many artist living lies and trying to be something they are not, its refreshing to here authentic music!
  4. Jun 8, 2014
    Animal Ambition is a dope album! It starts with the cold and hard-hitting Hold On, and follows with the catchy club banger Don't Worry Bout It (ft. Yo Gotti). Pilot features an uptempo beat and 50 spitting a catchy hook which turns out great. Smoke (ft. Trey Songz) sounds like a hit and makes you wanna party each time you hear it. This album is well balanced and entertaining. Club HitsAnimal Ambition is a dope album! It starts with the cold and hard-hitting Hold On, and follows with the catchy club banger Don't Worry Bout It (ft. Yo Gotti). Pilot features an uptempo beat and 50 spitting a catchy hook which turns out great. Smoke (ft. Trey Songz) sounds like a hit and makes you wanna party each time you hear it. This album is well balanced and entertaining. Club Hits like: Don't Worry Bout It, Pilot, Smoke. And Street Hard Hitters Like: Hold On, Everytime I Come Around, Irregular Heartbeat, Chase The Paper, Funeral, and Flip ON You. Amazing album and its just a PREVIEW to his big album STREET KING IMMORTAL Expand
  5. Jun 3, 2014
    I totally agree with All Music Guide - " Consider it the album before the album, and it plays out as interesting and often awesome, but put this next to his major works and it seems a bit off and quirky. "

    It's different from what 50 have done earlier, but the album also got those songs with the little more 'gangsta' vibe to it like "Hold On" and "Irregular Heartbeat" alongside with
    I totally agree with All Music Guide - " Consider it the album before the album, and it plays out as interesting and often awesome, but put this next to his major works and it seems a bit off and quirky. "

    It's different from what 50 have done earlier, but the album also got those songs with the little more 'gangsta' vibe to it like "Hold On" and "Irregular Heartbeat" alongside with "Chase the Paper".
    "Animal Ambition" got that GATman and Robbin" feel to it, and it should've featured Em!
  6. Jun 3, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Fist of all you CANNOT judge an album based on it's lyrical content ONLY and then give it a score just because you didn't like the subjects and stuff that were spoken. Secondly, Human beings have different taste in everything. So just because some music critic did not like this that does NOT mean it's there can NEVER be FACTS. only opinions from different people who have difference musical preferences, Which one cares about really. Expand
  7. Jun 3, 2014
    It's different from what 50 have done earlier, but the album also got those songs with the little more 'gangsta' vibe to it like "Hold On" and "Irregular Heartbeat" alongside with "Chase the Paper".
    I personally loved this album,this is just a build up to Street King Immortal.
  8. May 3, 2021
    A bit better than average overall. Few good tracks but mostly mediocre could’ve gone harder
  9. Nov 16, 2022
    Not his best of course, but i still really like this one. Very catchy and entertaining

Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Jul 28, 2014
    These few highlights could make the 39-minute listen justifiable, but you wouldn’t be missing much by skipping Animal Ambition completely. Although fun, none of these songs are up with the best of 50’s career.
  2. Jun 17, 2014
    Despite being billed as his fifth album, it's nowhere near the level of his strong, yet largely overrated debut "Get Rich or Die Tryin'".
  3. Jun 13, 2014
    While simple pleasures are about all Animal Ambition can offer, it at least presents them with listenable panache.