
Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Sep 29, 2016
    It's nice to hear De La Soul stretching themselves creatively, and even the less successful detours are interesting additions to an already eclectic catalogue.
  2. Sep 13, 2016
    It’s a good comeback for De La Soul, and there’s plenty to really enjoy here, but there are too many occasions where tracks loiter for too long, not outstaying their welcome as such, just not doing a great deal with it.
  3. Sep 1, 2016
    There are enough highlights to make And the Anonymous Nobody worth revisiting, but as a whole, the album is just barely above average. A valiant effort, De La Soul, but no dice on this one.
  4. Aug 30, 2016
    As it is, it's a bit of a confused mess that needs some serious editing.
  5. Aug 29, 2016
    Too many songs meander past the five-minute mark, loitering without intent.
  6. Aug 26, 2016
    It’s only in the moments with somebody else in the driving seat that The Anonymous Nobody shines.
  7. Aug 25, 2016
    Snoopies, featuring David Byrne at peak David Byrne, have excellent elements wasted, by being crudely cut-and-shut together. But the way Pos and Dave rap, letting rhymes spill over bar intervals and beyond, is the biggest pleasure, and the straightforward hip-hop tracks such as Pain and Property of are perhaps the best.
  8. Aug 12, 2016
    There is perhaps a great album here. But amid this 17-track sprawl, it’s hard to find.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 35
  2. Negative: 2 out of 35
  1. Aug 26, 2016
    Good art is engaging and pulls you. You cant turn have to look, or listen. Great art is engaging and makes you think. ExeceptionalGood art is engaging and pulls you. You cant turn have to look, or listen. Great art is engaging and makes you think. Execeptional art engages and challenges your thoughts and previous understandings. 3 Feet High...was exceptional in that sense because it challenged established rap paradigms in its time period. The Anonymous Nobody does the same thing. It is challenging and is shifting established ideas. It wont necessarily bump in the jeeps but it will rock everywhere else. Get your mind right and sharpen your ears. Dig through the catalogues of every featured artist on this album and discover their gems. Consider the artistic skill it took to bring all of these different elements together to form this work. Don't settle for good, strive for great. Trugoy said it best on the outro that is the intro track, Exodus- "Hoping that what we create inspires you to selfishly challenge and contribute." Engaging, entertaining, thought provoking, and challenging. Thank you De La for sharing this work. And for those who don't get never will. This wasn't made for you. There are IQ requirements to really understand the brillance that is Anonymous. Full Review »
  2. Aug 26, 2016
    De La Soul have perhaps lost some of their steam so to speak for this LP (their eighth), coming so long after their last. Still, it has enoughDe La Soul have perhaps lost some of their steam so to speak for this LP (their eighth), coming so long after their last. Still, it has enough good stuff in the bank to make it worthwhile. Full Review »
  3. Aug 31, 2016
    It took me 2 listens to really appreciate the album as a whole. At first it felt underwhelming because the music overpowers the lyrics if youIt took me 2 listens to really appreciate the album as a whole. At first it felt underwhelming because the music overpowers the lyrics if you will. But that actually is what grew on me, the album has a unit has a very smooth sound. So if you're looking for the "boombap" this may not be for you. But its been in constant rotation for me since it came out. Full Review »