• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Nov 14, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Billboard
    It doesn't all hit home, but at its best ("Heaven/ Where True Love Goes," "In the End," "Green Fields, Golden Sands"), this record is uplifting enough to satisfy even a 30-year thirst. [18 Nov 2006]
  2. The Cat is back, albeit more of a moonshadow of his former self and lacking some purr and bite.
  3. A minor but pleasantly unexpected surprise.
  4. Q Magazine
    A remarkable balancing act. [Jan 2007, p.150]
  5. Skipping over a few songs, such as "When Butterflies Leave" and "Whispers From A Spiritual Garden" — because who wants to hear spiritual babbling when Islam can sing so diatonically correct — the album flourishes into a masterpiece of sincerity to its core.
  6. Sufferable for sure, but hard to recommend.
  7. The New York Times
    The old Cat Stevens, who pondered earthly loves and sorrows and spiritual yearning, has been replaced by a songwriter who finds all his answers in faith. [13 Nov 2006]
  8. Though the songs are all praises to the Creator (or His prophet), there is little sense of joy.
  9. Full of spirituality and hope, these new songs lack a thrust.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 49 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 49
  2. Negative: 7 out of 49
  1. Apr 20, 2011
    The melodies are basically agreeable and the voice is recognizably Cat Stevens but overall, there is a dull, lifeless - or perhaps tentativeThe melodies are basically agreeable and the voice is recognizably Cat Stevens but overall, there is a dull, lifeless - or perhaps tentative and uncommitted - feeling to the album. It could probably have benefited from better production. Full Review »
  2. swatijr
    Jul 9, 2007
    it's been too long. i appreciate this man as a being and being full of talent that needs to be expressed and heard. his message it's been too long. i appreciate this man as a being and being full of talent that needs to be expressed and heard. his message expresses what many felt before and still feel. it is a timely return and "come back." his spirituality and positivity, yet deep introspection is apparent. it's the cat we've always loved. and still do. i look forward to seeing what comes next. let's hope it's not another 28 yrs! Full Review »
  3. catsfan
    Jul 5, 2007
    I am too youbg to be a cat steven fan. but after listening to the album few times and making sense of it. i will say that the mass media I am too youbg to be a cat steven fan. but after listening to the album few times and making sense of it. i will say that the mass media didnt give cats his due. this album is terrific. the message in it is amazing. its very simple and universal. the man is muslim so its natural for him to refer to his faith. i recommend this album for all Full Review »