
Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 28
  2. Negative: 3 out of 28
  1. Uncut
    It initially seems as if the moments of inspiration between self-indulgences are becoming scarcer. A bracing middle section resuces Amputechture. [Sep 2006, p.89]
  2. Spin
    As over the top as all this can be, Amputechture has little of the thrash influence that's made modern prog so deadening, and the impenetrable lyrics... are easily overlooked. [Sep 2006, p.104]
  3. This record isn't for casual listening, so those checking out the Mars Volta for the first time should take it slow to prevent a sonic hangover.
  4. Under The Radar
    With each album, the band seems to grab for so much, reaching further and further into the musical abyss, and still and managinge to craft songs that boggle the mind and dazzle the ears. The only question is whether all this is just too academic. [#15]
  5. Alternative Press
    All Amputechture does is test patience. [Oct 2006, p.200]
  6. It's solid, but as with Radiohead's Kid A follow-up Amnesiac, it highlights its predecessor's brilliance rather than asserting its own.
  7. New Musical Express (NME)
    There are bits of 'Amputechture' that sail perilously away from good honest prog into the realms of free jazz. [9 Sep 2006, p.37]
  8. Amputechture, though not near as spam-handed as Frances, is a bumpy ride, registering somewhere between the latter and debut full-length De-Loused in the Comatorium.
  9. It seems to prove a cardinal rule about art and ambition; if you paint in too many colors, you end up with mud brown. The Mars Volta could fill up whole galleries with canvases this color, and with Amputechture, have constructed another monochromatic monument to wild, uninhibited excess.
  10. After an album's worth of tiring, spastic jazzy post-punk that smacks of musical masturbation, chances are you'll really miss At the Drive-In.
  11. It's sad to see a band that touts itself as experimental sounding like a watered-down, unfocused version of its younger self.
  12. Amputechture is more a series of events than a complete experience. It's as though the Mars Volta is simply seeing what they can get away with.
  13. Q Magazine
    With nary a tune in earshot, it sounds like an explosion in a guitar shop. [Oct 2006, p.124]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 130 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 130
  1. Einar1J.
    Apr 10, 2008
    Truly beautiful. Amputechture is TMV's most mature work, often flying between rock, jazz and soul. Don't get me wrong, this album Truly beautiful. Amputechture is TMV's most mature work, often flying between rock, jazz and soul. Don't get me wrong, this album sounded awful at first, taking perhaps 15 proper listens to realize its immense beauty. From start to finish I feel the amazing composition and praise cedric's vocals. Of course, this album is far from De-Loused on terms of accessibility, but it shines through in the end. 'Vicarious Atonement' is jaw-dropping perfection, with 'Tetragrammaton' bringing the listener to rollercoasters of sound and distortion. 'Vermicide' is one of those oddly placed accessible songs in an album of distortion, fulfilling its place with simplicity. Next, 'Meccamputechture' sounds great then lags, but mainly due to its immense length. However, you fall in love with any flaws. 'Asilos Magdalena' is a stunning near-acoustic spanish ballad, totally crushing any typical mind-set. 'Viscera Eyes' is jazzed-up for action, crushing the listener with sound. 'Day of the Baphomets' is mind blowing and jammin' fun. The finale, 'El Ciervo Vulnerado' leaves you feeling like you just listened to a materpiece, without knowing what on earth, besides amputation, cedric has been taking about. Takes multiple listens, please take your time with this record, and don't rate a record you've never listened to. Full Review »
  2. j30
    Dec 1, 2011
    This roller coaster ride of a third disc disc, from the Mars Volta, is hard to look away from, but nearly crumbles under it's own ambitions.
  3. Jul 15, 2022
    While this is my favorite TMV album for sentimental reasons, I don't think that it's as objectively good as Deloused or Frances, it is stillWhile this is my favorite TMV album for sentimental reasons, I don't think that it's as objectively good as Deloused or Frances, it is still however undeniably an amazing album and Day of the Baphomets is one of the best songs they've ever made, along with the likes of Inertiatic Esp and L'via L'viaquez. (It also suffers from what I call "Amnisiac sydrome", where it is a phenomenal album but in direct comparison to their previous album (Kid A for Amnisiac and Frances for Amputecture), can feel disappointing) Full Review »