
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. The selection here is at once so obvious and so inappropriate it feels redemptive.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Cash has once again seen that white light--yet resisted its allure--and written an apocalyptic title track and put his stamp on an eclectic batch of material. [8 Nov 2002, p.106]
  3. He's at the height of his powers here, as vital and relevant as ever.
  4. Mojo
    If this is to be Cash's last album, then what a magnificent way he has chosen to say goodbye. [Album of the Month, Dec 2002, p.100]
  5. Often thrilling, sometimes just interesting.
  6. Uncut
    May be the most consistent of the four albums to date. [Jan 2003, p.122]
  7. Regardless of whether Cash completes another album, this chapter of the American Recordings can fill the role of masterful final episode or precursor to the stunning conclusion.
  8. The inferior quality of the covers belies the excellence of American IV’s originals.
  9. Ultimately, Cash is the type of musician that you'd like to hear take a shot at each of your favorite songs. So it's hard to fault him for the covers on this album that don't quite work.
  10. Cash might surprise with his choice of covers, but in nearly all of his selections, he locates some personal meaning, or introduces new emotional elements.
  11. Cash's renditions are often breathtaking in their simplicity, but rarely do they justify their presence among a dozen other similarly afflicted songs.
  12. Blender
    His blunt, hauntingly direct performances open up new perspectives on a song. [#11, p.133]
  13. Cover versions that once seemed inspired now feel somewhat obligatory.
  14. It is a relief to hear that although Cash's voice is clearly older and not the booming powerhouse it was in the earlier Sun and Columbia days, he's still got some punch left in him.
  15. Cash's voice has always had its limitations, and on "Danny Boy" and the Beatles' "In My Life," they're all too apparent.
  16. His song selection has rarely made less sense.
  17. Q Magazine
    The only top notch effort is the title track--Cash's first composition for years and among the best he's ever written. [Jan 2003, p.114]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 45
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 45
  3. Negative: 3 out of 45
  1. Sep 6, 2022
    Every song hits the mark, it feels like Cash is singing some songs he's been singing his whole life, some songs he's singing for the firstEvery song hits the mark, it feels like Cash is singing some songs he's been singing his whole life, some songs he's singing for the first time, and some songs he hasn't sung in over 40 years. Full Review »
  2. Aug 16, 2021
    In this last "in his lifetime" album, Johnny Cash delivers one of his best performances. The old, rusty voice is a gift that keeps on givingIn this last "in his lifetime" album, Johnny Cash delivers one of his best performances. The old, rusty voice is a gift that keeps on giving throughout this experience of an album.
    A legacy that's worth its name.
    Full Review »
  3. Feb 3, 2020
    Very traditional Cash with a collection of cover that highlights his storytelling ability and displays his versatility in adapting other's work.