• Record Label: Virgin
  • Release Date: Jun 27, 2000

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 2 out of 20
  1. The problem is that Alone never peaks -- it's without a memorable riff or melody or chorus standing out from the mellow flow.
  2. Select
    In all seriousness, it's often closer to Elton John than The Verve.
  3. There's almost no drama to be found on Alone With Everybody... [t]he songs don't turn corners, and they fail to elicit any real emotional response.
  4. Music that is designed to smother, to sedate, to lull the listener into a soporific state of boredom.
  5. Now more than ever Richard Ashcroft is comfortable with music that strays alarmingly close to the Middle Of The Road.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 2 out of 22
  1. Oct 28, 2012
    Like The Verve's "Urban hymns", "Alone With Everybody" took a giant step away from Ashcroft's former style of phsycadelic rock, and brought usLike The Verve's "Urban hymns", "Alone With Everybody" took a giant step away from Ashcroft's former style of phsycadelic rock, and brought us something completely new. However unlike 'Urban hymns", this album's success was by no means carried by a couple of hit singles. I'd say that there are at least a solid five tracks which massively contributed to the album's success. These tracks being "A song for the lovers", "On a beach", "Come on people", "Brave new world", and "I get my beat". One thing I personally love about this album is that Ashcroft seemed to explore all area's of his musical talent. For example, song's like "A song for the lovers" seemed more focused on orchestration while other songs such as "On a beach" seemed more focused on showing off ashcroft's vocal talent. Overall, this is a great album. It does have its flaws, but they're very hard to find. I give it an 8 out of 10 Full Review »
  2. PhilA
    Jan 9, 2006
    Richard Ashcroft has made a brilliant debut solo album here. While this in no way can be compared to the Verve and what they did, it's Richard Ashcroft has made a brilliant debut solo album here. While this in no way can be compared to the Verve and what they did, it's still incredible and fascinating album. Anyone who says this is Middle of the Road is really not listening, because Ashcroft is easily being innovative on this record the same way the Verve were. Check out the incredibly 'out there' New York, with heavy hitting riffs and interesting back drop noises. I Get My Beat is also sounding nothing like what I've ever heard on the radio. Meanwhile, Ashcroft throws in some deliciously infectious pop tunes via "C'mon People We're Making It Now" which sound only like Ashcroft and nothing else in this solar system. Match the catchy songs with their confidence and absolute power to affect, like A Song For The Lovers, which shows with great power how Ashcroft is still capable of wowing us. ?Great album, people who say otherwise need their heads examined. Full Review »
  3. Aug 31, 2019
    So glad that he keeps composing great songs alone. Song for the lovers is a classic!