• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Mar 10, 2009
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 156 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 41 out of 156

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  1. danielb.
    Mar 10, 2009
    Kelly delivers a solid effort on this album. She is back to her full force and she will no doubt be one of the biggest performers of 2009 with this delightful album.
  2. JandraS
    Mar 20, 2009
    This album is Kelly Clarkson's perfect comeback after the slightly disappointing album, My December. Each song brings you back wanting more. The first single, My Life Would Suck Without You, proves to be a smash hit - perfect for singing in the car. I Do Not Hook Up, co-written by Katy Perry, is a wonderful addition to the album and an anthem for all girls. Finally, Clarkson displays This album is Kelly Clarkson's perfect comeback after the slightly disappointing album, My December. Each song brings you back wanting more. The first single, My Life Would Suck Without You, proves to be a smash hit - perfect for singing in the car. I Do Not Hook Up, co-written by Katy Perry, is a wonderful addition to the album and an anthem for all girls. Finally, Clarkson displays vocal talent and ability unseen with many female artists of our time - ranging from slow love ballads, to a pumped up Pop-Punk song that reminds you of garage band days. All together it's a fantastic buy!!! Expand
  3. JF
    Mar 10, 2009
    Some great moments, but it's hard not to notice the fact that Kelly had considerably less creative control this time around (she only wrote 6 songs, as opposed to all 13 on My December), and I think that's a negative in terms of artistic integrity and respectability.
  4. RyanS
    Mar 20, 2009
    This is the best album of the year by miles. Every song is great. Its hard to pick a favorite song but Already Gone is perfect.
  5. VictorH
    Apr 18, 2009
    Kelly knows she can sing and please the radio simultaneously. Though it's an amazing album and with chances of hitting great achievements as her sophomore "Breakaway" did, "All I ever wanted" don't go as further as Breakaway tried to. The songs are excellent but are practically all in the same box. It's a pop album with good pop (some rock-oriented tunes) hits.
  6. Dec 21, 2012
    All I Ever Wanted is probably THE standout of Kelly Clarkson's carreer. With her stupendous and rustic voice alongside the awesome lyrics and amazing production, this albums has left its mark in the history of pop music. The songs describe heartache, love, breakups, but what really makes this album great are the songs My Life Would Suck Without You, If I Can't Have You, All I Ever WantedAll I Ever Wanted is probably THE standout of Kelly Clarkson's carreer. With her stupendous and rustic voice alongside the awesome lyrics and amazing production, this albums has left its mark in the history of pop music. The songs describe heartache, love, breakups, but what really makes this album great are the songs My Life Would Suck Without You, If I Can't Have You, All I Ever Wanted and Already Gone. these four songs are the main highlights of this album and if you are a true Kelly fan, you MUST buys this. Expand
  7. Aug 24, 2010
    A brilliant pop-rock album. Kelly is back again with "All I Ever Wanted." A brilliant vocal range, her lovely soprano voice, and some typically decent pop songs make this album, in my opinion, her best to date. Included are her original pop songs (such as "My Life Would Suck Without You", the U.K number 1) some easy listening ("I Want You", being a kind of 8-bit background music with someA brilliant pop-rock album. Kelly is back again with "All I Ever Wanted." A brilliant vocal range, her lovely soprano voice, and some typically decent pop songs make this album, in my opinion, her best to date. Included are her original pop songs (such as "My Life Would Suck Without You", the U.K number 1) some easy listening ("I Want You", being a kind of 8-bit background music with some lovely, calm-ish vocals to make up a nice pop track) some punk rock (appropriately titled "Whyyawannabringmedown. One of my favourites, as Kelly's voice clearly fits well with this genre. also, the song is just great) and some slower, more Kelly-style break up tracks like "All I Ever Wanted" and "Don't Let Me Stop You"). This album offers a wide range of pop and pop-rock to satisfy any mainstream rock lover. The idol singer still has her amazingly huge voice, and she is definitely the most talented woman in pop today. Katy Perry who?? Being a long time Kelly fan, I can honestly say it is hard to fault her latest works. 9/10. Expand
  8. Sep 22, 2010
    I really like this album!!!ongs like "My Life Would Suck WIthout YOu" and "I DO Not Hook Up" make the album a star!...Kelly's best album by far...THe pictures in the album are fun and splashy with color also which definitely helps the album
  9. MichaelNs
    Mar 10, 2009
    This is probably the best album of this decade. It has so much variety in just 12 songs. It has slow ballads, uptempo, dance songs, hard rock songs, soft pop songs, and every song is filled with great writing, and incredible singing. It will definitely do well in sales, and I'm glad to see how well it's doing in reviews.
  10. AnsonC
    Mar 20, 2009
    Definitely a good album but let's face it, it's so not the best Kelly can do.
  11. GeoS
    Mar 12, 2009
    The only Idol alum aside from Jennifer Hudson with superstar chops as well as the X-factor to show that even without the Idol machine as a launching pad they still would have become huge stars.
  12. BrandonS
    Mar 10, 2009
    I just like that Blender calls this her "third album." By my count, this would be her fourth.
  13. JohnC
    Mar 13, 2009
    Every album of Kelly Clarkson is special and this one stands out because she came back to her best style which is pop rock! I love I do not hook up and already gone.
  14. RobD
    Mar 15, 2009
    Not as good as My December, but the most infectious pop CD i've ever listened to. At 121 listense ranked on my iTunes, its safe to say I'm addicted.
  15. JeffM
    Mar 10, 2009
    Fantastic. Just as good as Breakaway if not better. Top Tracks are All I Ever Wanted, I Don't Hook Up, Cry, Save You and Impossible. Her voice is better than ever and there at least 6/7 Smash Singles.
  16. ZachP
    Mar 19, 2009
    Even better than Breakaway, this is the best record Clarkson will ever put out. Nuff said.
  17. DimitiriP
    Mar 10, 2009
    Kelly takes risks, and they pay off. She sounds great on so many different types of sounds. A definite crowd pleasure.
  18. HaleyS
    Mar 14, 2009
    I'm loving every song on the cd. What a wonderful voice. She's a pleasure to listen to and I would recommend this cd to all Pop music lovers.
  19. DanielR
    Mar 18, 2009
    There are four songs on here i absolutely love and maybe two or three i could care a little bit less for. Overall that leaves me loving 4/14, disliking 3/14, and therefore being warm to the rest (as in i won't change the song when it comes up). Let me tell you now: "Don't Let Me Stop You" and "Already Gone" are going to be hits. "Long Shot" is one of those songs you don't There are four songs on here i absolutely love and maybe two or three i could care a little bit less for. Overall that leaves me loving 4/14, disliking 3/14, and therefore being warm to the rest (as in i won't change the song when it comes up). Let me tell you now: "Don't Let Me Stop You" and "Already Gone" are going to be hits. "Long Shot" is one of those songs you don't pay much attention too until it's on the radio, then you know all the lyrics. These are the best songs on the album primarily "Already Gone." I'm very satisfied with my purchase and w00t for you KC! Expand
  20. JeroenV.
    Mar 19, 2009
    Kelly Clarkson is giving it her all on her album All I Ever Wanted. She doubles the catchyness with songs like My Life and I Do Not Hook Up. Seems to be her best album yet, or at least the catchiest.
  21. EvO
    Mar 12, 2009
    This is Kelly's best album yet! There is more of a catchy edge to it than we would normally expect from Kelly, but all the songs are well-written and produced, and it is a great comeback from My December. I love this album!
  22. MatthewT
    Mar 12, 2009
    Perfect mix between artistry and commercialism.
  23. ChristopherP
    Mar 16, 2009
    "All I Ever Wanted" is a return to form for Kelly Clarkson. It's a fun, catchy, and energetic record. This is the album she should have recorded after "Breakaway", instead of the mediocre "My December". But all is forgiven, and Kelly sounds terrific. There is a lot of potential hits on here.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. She just tries it all, co-writing six of All I Ever Wanted's 14 tracks-- and stumbles only rarely
  2. All I Ever Wanted is a masterful rapprochement with the mainstream, full of cheerfully ear-snagging tunes, inventive production, exhilarating vocals and enough inherent Kelly-ness to put aside fears that her label bosses implanted blond electrodes in her brain to make her behave.
  3. As a product that needs to sell it fits the bill perfectly - there are at least five potential top ten singles here--but as an album, the whole thing feels precision tooled, vacuum-packed and strangely lifeless.